2018高考英语 unit3精美课件 北师大版必修1

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1、Unit 3 Celebration,1occasion n. 场合occasional adj. 偶然的,偶尔的 occasionally adv. 偶然,偶尔 2traditional adj. 传统的tradition n. 传统,惯例 3include vt. 包括,包含included adj. 包含在内的 including prep.inclusion n.,4celebration n. 庆祝,庆典celebrate vt. 庆祝 5power n. 权力,影响力powerful adj. 强有力的,强大的 6darkness n. 黑暗,漆黑dark adj. 黑暗的 7de

2、stroy vt. 破坏,毁坏destruction n. 毁坏 8decorate vt. 装饰,布置decoration n. 装饰 9serve vt. 招待;侍侯;服务service n. 服务 10retire vi. 退休retirement n. 退休,11apply vt. 申请,应用application n. 申请(书) 12congratulation n. 祝贺congratulate vt. 祝贺 13entrance n. 入口exit n. 出口(反义词) 14attend vt. 出席,参加attendance n. 出席参加 15contribute vt.

3、损献,贡献contribution n. 贡献 16unfortunately adv. 不幸地fortunately adv. 幸运地 fortunate adj. 幸运的fortune n. 运气,重点短语 1burn down 烧毁 2take part in 参加,参与 3apply for 请求,申请 4depend on 根据,依据 5on time 准时 6even if/though 即使 7blow up 给吹气 8put up 举起,建造,9carry on 继续,坚持 10as well 也 11dress up 打扮 12stay awake 保持醒着 13in par

4、ticular 无其,特别 14a bit of 一点儿 15put out 扑灭 16as long as possible 尽可能长的,重点句型 1On this day, the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest. 据说月亮在这一天是最大最亮的。 2At the bottom of the bed was the stocking, now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets. 长袜在床底下,现在里面装满了各式各样的礼物和糖果。 3I put so much food in

5、my mouth sometimes that it was hard to smallow. 有时我把如此多的食物放入嘴中以至难以下咽。,4Then we had tea, with a huge Christmas cake covered with snowmen. 之后我们喝茶,吃庞大的圣诞雪糕,上面有雪人。 5It didnt seem possible,_but we carried on eating. 这看起来好像不可能,但是我们继续吃。 6Its usually the biggest family gathering for most families, so everyo

6、ne is supposed to go home to join the celebration. 对于大多数家庭来说,这通常是最大的家庭聚会,所以每个人都应该回家庆祝。,高考范文,假设你是华华,与英国网友汤姆约定用对方的母语通信,以提高各自的外语水平。最近你收到汤姆的电子邮件(附后),发现有一个成语使用不当。请根据下列要点,用英文回一封电子邮件。 要点:1. 不应使用“无所不为”,应使用“无所事事”; 2 说明这两个成语的用法; 3 给予鼓励。,注意:1.词数为100左右; 2.参考释义:无所不为do all kinds of bad things 无所事事have nothing to

7、do; 3除以上两个成语外,邮件中不得使用其他汉字或拼音; 4电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数),但不得抄入答题卡。 附(汤姆的邮件): 华华,你好! 近几天在忙什么事?有什么有意思的事吗?我们的学校放假了,所以这几天在家无所不为,饱食终日,只好上网发伊妹儿。没意思。我决定找份工作,做个自食其力的人。祝好! 汤姆,Hi! Tom, Nice to read your email today. I notice youve begun to use Chinese idioms and used most of them correctly. _ _ _ _ Hope youll

8、 find a job soon. Huahua,范文 Hi!_Tom, Nice_to_read_your_email_today._I_notice_youve_begun_to_use_Chinese_idioms_and_used_most_of_them_correctly. However, Im afraid there is one mistake Id like to point out. It is “无所不为”. This idiom means “do all kinds of bad things”. Are you doing all kinds of bad th

9、ings at home? I guess what you were really trying to say is that youve got nothing to do these days. In that case, you should use “无所事事”. We usually use “无所不为” to express the idea that people dare to do,anything bad, and “无所事事” to describe the situation in which people have got nothing meaningful to

10、 do. Have I made myself clear? Anyway, Im amazed at the progress youve made. Hope_youll_find_a_job_soon. Huahua,考 点 探 究,.词汇短语过关 1include vt. 包括;包含 including prep. 包括。后接名词或代词 included adj. 包括在内的。接在名词或代词后面 Your duties will include putting the children to bed. 哄小孩入睡也将是你工作的一部分。 I have to prepare food fo

11、r seven people including_me. 我必须准备包括我在内7个人的饭菜。 The price of the book is 15, postage_included. 这本书的价格是15英镑,邮资含在内。,辨析:include/contain/cover (1)include 意为“包含;连在内,计入,算入,包括”,侧重整体与部分,并常用于 including和 included短语中。 (2)contain 意为“含有,包含,容纳,里面装有”,侧重所含的量和成分,不用于进行时态。 (3)cover 意为“包含,包括;涉及,处理;足以支付,够付”。 This drink d

12、oesnt contain any alcohol. 这种饮料不含任何酒精。 The survey covers all aspects of the business. 调查包括这个企业的各个方面。 $ 100 should cover your expenses. 100美元该足够支付你的费用了。,即学即练 How come a simple meal like this costs so much? We have _ in your bill the cost of the cup you broke just now. Aadded Bincluded Ccontained Dcha

13、rged,解析:表示“把部分包括在整体内”用 include。,答案:B,2. celebration n庆祝,庆典 congratulation n祝贺,贺词 celebrate sth.庆祝,祝贺(宾语为物,如节日庆典、结婚 纪念、生日庆贺等) congratulate sb. on sth./doing sth. 就某事向某人祝贺 (宾语为人) in celebration of/for the celebration of 为了庆祝 We are going to celebrate his sixtieth birthday. 我们打算庆祝他60大寿。 I congratulate

14、you on your birthday. 我向你的生日表示祝贺。 Congratulations_on winning the prize! 祝贺你获奖!,即学即练 The couple_their wedding with a wedding breakfast and a party. Acelebrated Bcongratulated Cheld Dhosted,解析:celebrate their wedding with.“用来庆祝婚礼”。congratulate 宾语是人;hold与 host不与 with搭配。,答案:A,3power n. 权力;影响力;能力 powerfu

15、l adj. 强有力的 powerless adj. 无能力的 be in power 执政,掌权 come into powertake power 上台,执政 under ones own power 凭借自身的力量 have the power to do sth. 具有的能力 beyond/out of ones power 力所不能及的 Some animals have_the_power to see in the dark. 有些动物具有在黑暗中能看见东西的本领。,Practice has taught us that knowledge is power. 实践使我们认识到知识就是力量。 Officials ought to use their powers correct


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