2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 5period one warming up reading课时作业 新人教版必修3

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1、Period OneWarming Up & Reading.用适当的介、副词填空1How many students in your class got 80% or better _ this quiz?2Rather than take the aeroplane all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train _ west _ east across Canada.3On the way _ the station,he chatted _ their trip.4Some people have

2、 the idea that you can cross Canada _ less than five days,but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast.5Skiing in the Rocky Mountains and sailing in the harbour make Vancouver one of Canadas most popular cities to live _.6It is so wet there that the trees are _ tall,s

3、ome measuring over 90 metres.7After dinner,they were _ in an urban area,the busy port city of Thunder Bay _ the top of the Great Lakes.8That night as they slept,the train rushed _ the top of Lake Superior,_ the great forests and southward towards Toronto.佳句翻译与仿写1It is the second largest country in t

4、he world.翻译_仿写(1)海南是中国的第二大岛。_(2)你知道非洲第二长河是什么河吗?_2Going eastward,youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests,as well as wide rivers and large cities.翻译_仿写由于生病,他昨天没去上学。_3It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some measuring over 90 metres.翻译_仿写(1)冬天来了,天气越来越冷了。_(2)若给更多时间,我们会做得

5、更好。_4Their next stop was Calgary,which is famous for the Calgary Stampede.翻译_仿写(1)李明迟到了,这使张老师非常生气。_(2)足球是一项非常有趣的运动,全世界都踢足球。_.单项填空1Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip_Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast.Ain BtoCfor Dthrough2The thought that they could cross the

6、 whole continent was_.Aexciting BsadCunlucky Duseful3On the way to the station,he_about their trip.Aargued BpersuadedCchatted Dwhispered4Youre going to see some great_.Ascene BviewCsight Dscenery5Going_,youll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests,as well as wide rivers and large cities.A

7、eastward BeastCsouth Dwest6Its population_increasing rapidly.Aare BwereCis Dwas7It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,some_over 90 metres.Alooking BstandingCcontaining Dmeasuring8That afternoon_the train,the cousins settled down in their seats.Aabroad BaboardCbroad Dboard9Earlier that

8、 day,when they crossed the Rocky Mountains,they managed to_some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle.Aat the sight of Blose sight ofCcatch sight of Din sight10At school,they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border,and that Canadas populat

9、ion is only_over thirty million,but now they were amazed to see such an empty country.Aslightly BnarrowlyCgently Dlight.阅读理解Arts and culture is lived and breathed in every corner of Canada.Due to a racial and immigrant(移民) population,the variety and richness of art and sports is very obvious.Since t

10、he Second World War,Canada has produced an impressive amount of writing.From novels to poetry,the selection is wide.Native writers are also becoming better known across Canada in recent years.Musicians are reaching a higher level of recognition in the world music scene.Everything from Country to Pop,Classical to Heavy Rock can be found across Canada and across the globe performed by Canadian artists.Film crewThe National Film Board is the primary producer of movies in Canada.However,many Hollywood studios are turning to Canada as a source for locations and as an alternative to the more



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