2018届高考英语一轮复习 unit4 astronomy the science ofthe stars课件 新人教版必修3

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1、Unit 4 Astronomy : the science of the stars,必修 3,考点要求,.写出下列必考单词 1.大气层n. _ 2.乘,增加v. _ 3人造卫星n. _ 4.不同,不像prep. _ 5.气候n. _ 6.地心引力;重力n. _ 7.理论n. _ 8.碰撞,坠落v. _ 9.宇宙飞船n. _ 10.拉力,拖,牵引力n.v. _,atmosphere multiply satellite unlike climate gravity theory crash spaceship pull,11.基本的,基础的adj. _ 12.链子,锁链n. _ 13.天文学

2、n. _ 14.原子n. _,fundamental chain astronomy atom,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.系统(n.)_;系统的(adj.) _ 2.球体,地球(n.)_;全球性的(adj.) _ 3.猛烈的(adj.)_;暴力(n.) _;猛烈地(adv.)_ 4.生存(v.)_;生存(n.) _ 5.物理学家(n.)_;物理(n.) _;身体的(adj.)_,physical,system,systematic,globe,global,violent,violence,violently,exist,existence,physicist,physics,6.生物学(

3、n.)_;生物学家(n.) _ 7.宗教(n.)_;宗教的(adj.)_ 8.原子(n.)_;原子的(adj.)_,biology,biologist,religion,religious,atom,atomic,活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The treatment they gave him did him more_ than good,though the doctor insisted it was _. (harm) 2.Air _everywhere and its _ makes it possible for us to live on. (exist) 3.H

4、e is very _.For example,the lifting device he made is a _ of ropes and pulleys. (system) 4.A _tour means traveling all around the _ . (globe),5.The use of _against the attackers led to more _ clashes. (violently) 6.She was a _woman who wouldn,t hurt an ant. (gently),答案:1.harm; harmless 2.exists;exis

5、tence 3.systematic,system 4.global;globe 5.violence;violent 6.gentle,.翻译下列必背短语 1.及时,终于 _ 2.下蛋 _ 3.高兴,振奋 _ 4.产生,分娩 _ 5.轮到某人 _ 6.爆发 _ 7.阻止 _ 8.既然 _ 9.以为起点 _ 10.四面八方 _,in time lay eggs cheer up give birth to in one,s turn break out prevent.from now that begin with in all direction,11.冷却 _ 12.掌握的技巧/诀窍 _

6、 13.在表面 _ 14.密切注视,当心 _,cool down get the hang of on one,s/the surface watch out,活学活用 根据括号中的解释,用适当的短语完成句子。 1.We got to Washington _(sufficiently early so as not to be late) for the cherry blossoms. 2.He _(filled with gladness,hope) at the thought of seeing his girl friend again. 3.When you _ this new

7、 machine,it will help you a lot. (know the skill of) 4._!(be on one,s guard; keep looking out for possible trouble) There,s a car coming! 5.SARS _ in 2002 and quite a few people died of it. (happen suddenly),6.Marx,s ideas _(produce young) communism. 7.Your prompt action _(stop or hinder sb./sth.) a

8、 serious accident.,答案:1.in time2.cheered up3.get the hang of 4.Watch out5.broke out6.gave birth to7.prevente,multiply exist prevent puzzle block crash cheer float exhaust watch,.单元重点动词,活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1._very fast,rabbits soon became the largest family of all the animals in this woods. 2._ at the

9、 _ result,he stood there,not knowing what to do.,3.There is no need _ yourself clearing upwe,ll do it ourselves. 4.Does life _ on other planets? 5.Many roads _after today,s heavy snow,so you,d better not go out. 6.It was reported that a plane _ soon after it took off,causing 10 deaths.,答案:1.Multiply

10、ing 2.Puzzled;puzzling3.to exhaust 4.exist 5.are blocked 6.crashed,.重点句型 1.It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.(P26) 水会对于生命的发展起关键作用,这一点在当时并不明显。 It is/was obvious that.“很明显” 剖析:It is adj.that.在本句中,it 是形式主语,that引导的从句作真正的主语。it做形式主语时,后面的真正主语可以由不定式,动

11、名词或从句充当。如: It is easier to break down friendship than to build up friendship. 破坏友谊比建立友谊要容易。 It was amazing that the child could speak English so well. 那个孩子的英语说得如此好真是令人惊异。,活学活用 模仿造句。 (1)很明显,我们在这里是非常受欢迎的。 _ that we are very welcome here. (2)你现在不方便见我的经理。 _ (3)对着洒了的牛奶哭泣是没有用的。 _ ,答案:(1)It is obvious (2)It,s not convenient for you to see my manager now. (3)It,s no use crying over spilt milk.,2This made it possible for life to begin to develop.(P26) 这就使得生命开始进化成为可能。 it作形式宾语的句型是:主语动词it形容词/名词不定式/从句或动名词。 活学活用 模仿造句。 (1) 这使我难以控制自己。 This made _



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