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1、河北省藁城市尚西中学2014-2015学年七年级英语下学期综合复习一单选( )1.There are many holidays in China. Which holiday is in May? A. National Day B. Spring Festival C. Labour Day D. Teachers Day( )2. _isitfrom yourhometoschool?Its five kilometers.A. Howlong B. Howfar C. Howmany D. How often( )3.He often goes to work _ subway. A.

2、 by B. onC. in D. at( )4.He is looking forward his uncle. A. visit B. to visiting C. to visit D. visited ( ) 5. The population of China is than America.A. biggerB. largerC. smallerD. small ( ) 6. Im hungry. I want _ to eat.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing ( ) 7.-Im going to Hawaii w

3、ith my aunt this month for my holiday. -_. A. Have a good time ! B. Best wishes to them .C. Thank you very much ! D. Its OK.( ) 8. Washington D.C. is the capital of America, _ it is smaller than New York. A. so B. but C. and D. or( ) 9. What part does a newspaper article usually have? A .HeadlineB.

4、BackgroundC. Latest news D. all the above( ) 10. There are seven _people in HongKong.A. million ofB. million C. millions of D. millions( ) 11. I dont think we can live _ plants! If the plants die, we will all die. A. with B. as C. without D. not have( ) 12. _ important news he brought us!A. What B.

5、What an C. How D. How an ( ) 13. - Mr. Green, your new house is nice! - _. A. Thats all right. B. Thank you. C. Dont say that. D. You are welcome. ( ) 14. It is morning in New York now. It is _ in London. A. morning B. middayC. evening D. midnight ( ) 15. You can find many _ stars in Hollywood.A. mo

6、vie B. basketball C. football D. table tennis二完形Peter was a good boy in the past. He studied hard at school. But 1 his parents divorced(离婚), many people thought he wasnt a good boy any more.Peter began to arrive 2 for school. His teacher told him to get to school on time, but he _3_did as the teache

7、r said. Sometimes when he got to school, the first 4 was over. In class, he didnt 5 the teacher; he slept. He didnt like talking to others any more. He often 6 with other boys after school. Once he had to be in hospital for a week, but he didnt stop. His 7 couldnt stand him. They told Peter he must

8、leave school if he broke(违反) the school 8 again.On weekends Peter stayed at home and 9 all day playing computer games. When he felt hungry, he only ate some snacks(零食). Nobody 10 for him. He lived with his father. But his father wasnt often at home.Who can help Peter?1 A. before B. after C. if D. wh

9、en2 A. late B. later C. early D. soon3 A. really B. often C. never D. always4 A. day B. class C. show D. time5 A. agree with B. wait for C look for D. listen to6 A. played B. talked C. fought D. ate7 A. teachers B. parents C. friends D. classmates8 A. exams B. rules C. life D. culture9 A. wanted B.

10、spent C. hoped D. worked10 A. reported B. cleaned C. washed D. cooked三阅读(A)You may feel interested in students in other countries.Do they have so much homework? What dothey do in their free time? People did a survey in China,Japan,South Korea(韩国)and the US last year.This is the result. Who studies t

11、he hardest? Chinese students spend the most time in studying.About half of Chinese students spend more thantwo hours on their homework every day. Who sleeps most often in class?Japanese students fail asleep(睡着)in class more often,About 45of them sometimes doze off in class.Its 32% in South Korea,21%

12、in the US and 5%in China. Who is the most distracted(分心的)? American students are the most active in class,but also the most distracted.64.2%of them chat withfriends in class. 46.9 of them eat something in class, and 38.9 of them send e-mails or read other booksin class. What do they do after school?

13、 In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends. Most Japanese students do exercise, .Most South Korean students watch TV. 1.About _of Chinese students spend more than 2 hours doing their homework every day.A. 50% B. 45% C. 64

14、.2% D. 38.9%2.According to the survey. _ students sleep in class most often.A. Chinese B. Japanese C. American D. South Korea3.The underlined phrase doze off mean _in Chinese.A. 听音乐 B. 玩游戏 C. 看小说 D. 打瞌睡4.46.9of American students_ in their free time.A. chat with friends B. play games C. eat something D. send e-mails5.Most American students, _in their f


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