广东省新兴县惠能中学2018届高中英语二轮复习 社会热点课件

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《广东省新兴县惠能中学2018届高中英语二轮复习 社会热点课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省新兴县惠能中学2018届高中英语二轮复习 社会热点课件(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、社 会 热 点,本话题范畴比较广,既有可能是国内的话题,也有可能是国外的话题;既有可能是某个国家或城市的某个重大事件,也有可能是某段时间社会上或学校内发生或流行的一个现象。,课标解读,针对本话题,高考命题人员可能会从以下角度来命题。 (1) 2011年8月份的第26届世界大学生运动会 (2)2010年红眼病的流行与预防; (3)春节恐归一族的问题; (4)酒后醉驾; (5)学校严格要求学生的仪容仪表对不对; (6)“中国首善”陈光标高调“裸捐”; (7)智利33名矿工被困2个多月全部获救; (8)关注留守儿童。,命题预测,(1) the 26th International Universit

2、ies Games(第26届世界大学生运动会); motto(格言、口号); mascot(吉祥物) (2) suffer from pink eyes(得了红眼病); eyedrops (眼药水); outbreak(爆发) (3) the festival reunion phobic(恐归族); Spring Festival travel peak(春运高峰); financial burden(经济压力); gift/lucky money(压岁钱,红包); family reunion dinner(年夜饭);,必备语汇,(4) drunk driving/driving whil

3、e intoxicated (醉酒驾车); alcohol content(酒精含量); ban driving after drinking(禁止酒后驾车); get drunk(喝醉了); blood test(验血); be fined(被罚款);the lack of safety awareness(缺乏安全意识);driving license(驾驶执照);run a risk/risk doing(冒险),(5) students appearance(学生的仪容仪表); have rigid/strict restrictions on(严格要求); personality d

4、evelopment (个性发展); creativity and originality(创造性和独特性); suicide (自杀); run away from home(离家出走),(6) donate his entire fortune to charity after his death/ all-out donation (裸捐); give the majority of their wealth (捐出大部分财产); leave their entire fortunes to their descendants (把财产留给后代); deep-rooted concept

5、(根深蒂固的观念),(7)be trapped underground(被困地下); Chilean miners (智利矿工); the rescue team(援救小组); drill a hole(钻一个孔); in good spirits(精神状态不错); in contact with(与保持联系),(8)children left behind by parents(留守儿童); rural areas(农村地区); poverty-hit districts(贫困区域); feel lonely(感觉空虚寂寞); have psychological problems(有心理问

6、题); offer more care and support to(多关注); have trouble/difficulty in doing sth(做某事有困难); take immediate measures/steps(马上采取措施),专题练析,基础写作: 据新闻报道,2010年2月开学的第一天,北京某中学50多名学生,因仪容仪表不符合学校规定而被阻止进校。2010年9月开学,山东某中学一个13岁女生因为头发不符合学校要求而三次被赶出校门,后在家中自杀。针对这些现象,假如你昨天就 “Whats your opinion on the restrictions on the stu

7、dents appearance?”在2600名同学中作了一个调查。以下是调查数据:,本题相关词汇和短语: 1.学生的仪容仪表_ 2.严格要求 _ 3.限制了学生的个性发展 _ 4.支持_,写作指导,in favor of,students appearance,have rigid/strict restrictions on,limit students personality development,5.反对 _ 6无所谓 _ 7.投入到学习中去_ 8.符合大多数人的审美标准 _ 9.自杀_ 10.离家出走_,run away from home,oppose (to),make no

8、difference,devote oneself to studies,satisfy common aesthetic standards,suicide/kill oneself,解答此题的关键是先根据试题要求提炼要点。第一个要点为调查的时间、问题以及调查对象;第二个要点为同学们赞成的理由及其比例;第三个要点为同学们反对的理由及其比例;第四个要点为同学们持无所谓的观点的理由和比例。第五个要点为个人观点。 整理好以后,接下来就要考虑如何表达:,解题思路,1.第一句为引入话题句,直接表达即可Yesterday l did a survey among 2600 students on “Wh

9、ats your opinion on the restrictions on the students appearance?”.;,2.可以把第二句中的 “赞成” 用定语从句来表示who are in favor of the restrictions,将后面的”投入到学习中”用devoteto来表达。 3.可以把第三句中的“反对” 用some hold a different idea,来表达;将所占比例用现在分词短语表达making up 43。,4.第四句中的表达难点是 “无所谓”,我们可以使用make no difference。 5.第五句的个人观点中一定要有原因陈述。,参考范文

10、 Yesterday I did a survey among 2600 students on “Whats your opinion on the restrictions on the students appearance?“. The survey shows that 47% of the students who are in favor of the restrictions believe that students developing healthy and civilized habits can help devote themselves to studies. H

11、owever, some hold a different idea that the restrictions will limit students personality development greatly, making up 43%.,In addition, 10% of the students still think that if the appearance looks beautiful and satisfies the common aesthetic standards, what styles make no difference. As for myself

12、, I strongly oppose to this kind of rigid regulation because it suppresses (抑制) the originality (创造性,独特性) of the students.,读写任务: The passage states many problems, such as climate change and species dying out,are caused by population growth. It is expected that half of the worlds population will lack

13、 water, which will lead to the destruction of our balanced ecosystems.,I think the reasons for population growth are as follows: Firstly, many families in poor areas give birth to many children in order that the children can help support the family in the future. Secondly, with the development of sc

14、ience, the death rate decreases and people live longer. Lastly, people in rich countries dont care how many children they have because they are able to support a large family.,However, many people are not aware that population growth can cause many problems, such as loss of rainforests and wildlife species and an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. Besides, it causes another big problempollution. From my point of view, people should be encouraged to have as few children as possible.,Thank you!,


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