高中英语 unit1reading课件 重大版必修4

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1、重庆大学版高一(4) Unit 1,Bamboo,Reading,郑板桥,Lead -in,Look at the following picture and name the parts with the help of the words given.,leaf,branch,stem,shoot,Brainstorming,Do you think bamboo is a kind of tree or grass? What can bamboo be used for? List at least four uses of it.,chopsticks (筷子),toothpick

2、(牙签),summer sleeping mat (凉席),bamboo chair,bamboo raft,house building,竹楼,artwork,笔筒,竹子钱币,instrument,竹笛,葫芦丝,Bamboo tools,Read each of the following sentences and tick the explanation which is closer in meaning to the coloured word.,1) I dont like her straight hair. A. not curving B. correct 2) Theres

3、 a bird nest in the branch of that tree. A. limb B. part,A,A,3) Everything looks good on her slim figure. A. thin, slender B. small 4) Its cooler in the shade. A. dark B. shadow 5) Some plants bloom only once in their lifetime. A. grow B. flower,B,B,A,6) The stem of my rose is broken. A. trunk B. br

4、anch 7) I like eating bamboo shoots. A. young stems B. roots 8) A banana is mainly pulp, except for its skin. A. soft inside part B. plum,B,A,A,Fast-reading,Reading through the passage Bamboo on page 2 and find out the answer to the following question.,What can bamboo be used according to the passag

5、e?,Bamboo can be,used,made into,to build houses and bridges.,to make chairs, tables, beds, flower, vases, drinking cups, birdcages, fence, etc.,as pipes to carry water.,as dishes.,paper.,good walking sticks and fishing poles.,Careful-reading,Read the passage carefully and decide whether the followin

6、g statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false one(s).,Although bamboo looks like a tree, it is a kind of grass. 2. All bamboos dont grow tall. 3. There are 500 different kinds of bamboo in all.,T,T,F,4. All bamboos will die soon after they bloom. 5. Bamboo is so strong that people often

7、use it as good material for making fine paper. 6. In warm places bamboo may grow thicker than a mans waist.,F,Some bloom only once, after living about 40 years, and then die.,building houses and bridges.,F,F,7. Bamboo can be found only in Chinese and Japanese dishes. 8. Bamboo is not only used for b

8、uilding.,T,F,Summary: Fill in blanks according to the passage.,WHAT: Bamboo is not _ but _. VARIETY: There are _ different kinds of bamboo. Bamboo grows best in _ and _ places. Some _, some _, some _, and some never _.,a tree,a kind of grass,over 500,warm,rainy,grow very fast,bloom and have seeds ev

9、ery year,bloom only once and then die,bloom at all,USES: Bamboo is used to build _, and it can be used as pipes to _. Bamboo is also made into _, _, and _. People even eat _.,houses and bridges,carry water,paper,good walking sticks,fishing poles,the tender young shoots of bamboo,Structure of the pas

10、sage,The passage can be divided into three parts. Have a discussion with your partner and mark out the three parts. Then write down the main idea of each part.,Part I (Para._ to Para. _): Part II (Para._ to Para._): Part III (Para._ to Para._):,1,2,Bamboo is a kind of grass instead of a tree.,Featur

11、es and varieties of bamboo,3,4,Uses of bamboo,5,11,Discussion,1. Read the article carefully and try to find all the adjectives used to describe bamboo.,2. Read the following poem and understand what aspect each line of the poem tries to describe about bamboo. 根为鞭兮枝为扫,叶为笠兮杆为宝: what bamboo is like (its root, branch, leaves and stem),报得三春无人晓,仅学有节都长高; most bamboo grows high 纵悟空心是个好,寺院内外难做到; bamboo is hollow 还说骨硬仍是草,谁怜花开身即槁! bamboo is actually a kind of grass and some blossom only once and then die,Imagine any other use(s) bamboo may have in the future.,Homework,Thank you!,


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