2015届高考英语二轮专题训练 书面表达21

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1、2015届高考英语二轮专题训练 书面表达21江苏省2014届高三高考模拟专家卷 英语(2) 【题文】人人都想成功,但生活中失败却不可避免。作为一名高中生,我们该如何看待失败?请结合以下提示用英语写一篇短文。失败的积极意义1. 有助于认识自身优缺点2. 促进自我提高3. 应对失败的措施1. 勇敢面对2. 分析原因3. 自我感受 注意:1. 对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2. 词数150左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。3. 作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 All of us experience failure and are afraid of it.

2、However, every coin has two sides. _【答案】All of us experience failure and are afraid of it. However, every coin has two sides. Failure also has its advantages. It provides us with an opportunity to see our strengths and weaknesses clearly, enabling us to find what is the most suitable for us. On the

3、other hand, failure can be a good teacher. It tells us where we need improvements, where we should invest more time and energy, and what strategy to take.Failure is something unavoidable. Properly handled, though, it can teach us a lot. Firstly, we should face it bravely instead of complaining about

4、 the unfairness of life. Secondly, we should analyze the reasons timely to avoid making similar mistakes. Last but not least, we are supposed to make appropriate changes and more efforts. Only in this way are we more likely to succeed.As for me, I have a positive attitude towards failure, because I

5、believe there is always some wisdom to be learned from failure. I will keep in mind that failure is the mother of success. (157words)江苏省盐城中学2015届高三上学期开学考试英语【题文】书面表达 (共20分)阅读下面的短文,按照要求写一篇英语短文。BEIJING, August 19Shanghai will launch a pilot textbook recycling scheme in secondary schools from this fall

6、semester to reduce textbook paper consumption, the Shanghai Education Commission revealed yesterday.The first batch of textbooks to be recycled or reused will be middle school music material. Books on other subjects such as art, physical education and even major subjects like Chinese, math and Engli

7、sh, will be included gradually.The schools taking part in the program will have to purchase new textbooks about every five years and distribute them for students use during class sessions. But the books will have to be collected and kept on campus after class, rather than allowing students to take t

8、hem back home, so that they could be passed on to the next batch of students.Possessing ones own brand-new textbooks has been a routine for local elementary school students for decades. The practice, however, leads to huge paper consumption, officials said.For instance, there are nearly 2 million el

9、ementary school students in the city, with an estimated 4,000 tons of paper needed each year. Had these books been reused for five years, more than 80,000 trees could have been saved.In western countries, such as Australia and America began this practice years ago, which set a good example to other

10、countries, esp. developing ones. (Edited from Shanghai Daily)【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词写出上文概要;2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1)支持或反对回收课本;(2)用23个理由或论据支撑你的观点。【写作要求】1. 清楚表达自己的观点,必须提供理由或论据;2. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;【评分标准】内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。Is recycling textbooks a good suggestion?_ _ 【答案】Possible ve

11、rsion:Shanghai has decided to recycle textbooks to reduce the abuse of paper, which leads to a heated discussion. Shanghai is not the first or the last city that wants to recycle textbooks in schools.Iquite agree to the suggestion that we should recycle these textbooks. For one thing, recycling text

12、books can save a lot of natural resources, which is beneficial to our environmental protection and sustainable development. For another, senior students may have made plenty of useful notes on the pages. They are of great help to those textbook users, who may benefit and improve a lot by consulting

13、the recycled textbooks. A lot of precious time and energy are saved. From my point of view, much emphasis should be laid on the environmental protection. Its essential we have the awareness of recycling textbooks in good condition instead of throwing them away. Saving resources and protecting what can be recycled and reused is the responsibility all of us should shoulder.湖南省益阳市箴言中学2015届高三上学期第二次模拟考试 英语【题文】Section C (25 points)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 据中国



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