七年级英语下册 unit 2 protecting our environment现在进行时练习 牛津广州版

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1、Unit 2 Protecting our environment现在进行时态What are you studying? Im studying English.Are they eating lunch? No, theyre not eating lunch.No, they arent eating lunch.Is he playing table tennis? Yes, he is.Is it raining? No, its not. /No, it isnt.写出以下动词的现在分词(加ing):be liebecome livebegin sendcarry putargue

2、 raineat completeescape travelburn interview用现在进行时态补全以下句子,(括号里有?的写成问句)。1. the Grade Seven students (play) volleyball2. Richard and Ping Kang (fix?) the broken radio3. Ye Qing (shop)4. Mrs. Tang (phone) a friend5. Mr. Williams (pay) the shopkeeper6. the girls (swim)7. Joyce (sweep?) the floor8. Josep

3、h (move?) a cupboard9. the men (clean?) the windows10. my grandmother and her friends (drink) tea改错:1. What you are doing?2. watching television.3. Im listen to the radio.有些动词通常不用现在进行时态Simple present Present ContinuousI have a dictionary. Im having lunch.(= I own a dictionary. It belongs to me.) (=

4、I am eating lunch.)I think Ill fail the exam. I am thinking about you.(= I believe Ill fail the exam.) (= You are in my thoughts.)以下是用现在进行时态写的句子,将有错的句子改正为一般现在时态。1. Dinner is smelling delicious. What are you cooking?2. The phone is ringing. Please answer it.3. Be quiet! Im doing my homework.4. Im hav

5、ing some tennis balls. Are you wanting to borrow them?5. Im taking a present to my mother now.6. Im liking him very much. He is a nice person.7. Slow down! Youre driving too fast.8. Look! Hes playing the piano.9. Im thinking shell arrive soon.10. Please tell me your address. Im not knowing where you

6、 live.改错:1. The car is belonging to my uncle.2. I am wanting a cool drink.用括号中动词的适当形式填空。1.LUKE: What (1) _ you _ (do), Su Mei?SU MEI :I (2) _ (read) a storybook. I (3) _ (love) reading storybooks. I often (4) _ (borrow) some from the library. What about you?LUKE I: (5) _ (find) cartoon books more in

7、teresting. I (6) _ (read) one called The Monkey King right now. I often (7) _ (ask) my father to buy some cartoon books for me.2.SU MEI: Whats in that box? I (8)_ (not understand) French.LUKE: It (9)_(contain) tartes aux pommes. That (10)_(mean) apple pies. Try some!SU MEI: Mmm . it (11) _ (smell) good. But I (12)_(not think) Ill try it. I(13) _(lose) weight, so I (14)_(need) to go on a diet!


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