七年级英语上册 unit4 课时练习1、2(reading) 牛津版

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1、7A Unit 4 Food课时练习1 (Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)一、翻译词组1吃一个汉堡_ 2一天许多次_3一些鸡肉_ 4一个健康的人_5走向_ 6肚子饿_7需要很多能量_ 8吃蔬菜_9讨厌吃鸡蛋_ 10一些胡萝卜_二、单词拼写1There are also two eggs on the tableDo you_(需要)more?2My sister is very fat (肥胖的)because she never_ (锻炼)3The young mother often tells her baby to eat more_ (蔬菜)4It

2、s good to drink milk every day because milk can give us a lot of_ (能量)5It is_ (午饭时间)Lets go to eat some noodles6My sister likes sport very much but I _ (恨)it7Amy doesnt have breakfast in the morningNow she feels very_ (饥饿的)8I_ (从不)go to that place because it is terrible(可怕的)三、根据要求句型转换1Its lunch time

3、(同义句)Its_ _ _Its _ _ _2I like fishHow about you?(同义句)I like fish_ _ you?3Hobo doesnt do any exercise(同义句)Hobo _ _4He needs a lot of energy(改否定句)He _ _ _energy5My favourite food is fish(对划线部分提问) _ _ _favourite food?6Millie dislikes cakes(对划线部分提问) _ _ Millie dislike?四、单项选择( )1She needs _more informati

4、on about the book Ato get Bget Cgetting Dgets( )2Lets _more after-school activities Ato do Bdo Cdoing Ddoes( )3. The little girl lives in a garden _Flower Garden Acall Bto call Ccalling Dcalled( )4What do you want to have for supper? A bottle of milk,_cake and _orange Aa,an Ban,a Ca,a Dan,an( )5I do

5、nt want to go to Johns birthday party_? but he is your good friend! AHow BWhere CWhen DWhy( )6The story happens _a cold morning Ain Bat Con Dof( )7There _a class meeting this afternoon Awill have Bwill be Cis Dhas( )8I have _red packets and there _money in them Amany, are many Bmuch,is many Cmuch,is

6、 much Dmany,is much五、完形填空 What do you know 1 the sea? Some people 2 it,but others dontThe sea 3 beautiful 4 a sunny day and it can be very rough 5 there is a strong windOf course,the sea is very large,in the world there is 6 sea than landIf you swim in the sea,you know that the water is salty7 carry

7、 salt 8 the land into the seaSome people of the sea have salt than 9 placesDo you know the Dead Sea? Each fish 10 live in it( )1Asomething Banything Cabout Din( )2Asees Bsee Cseeing Dsaw( )3A1ook B1ooks C1ooking Dlooked( )4Aon Bin Cfor Dto( )5Abefore Bafter Cwhen Dago( )6Amany Bmuch Cmore Dsome( )7A

8、Streets BRivers CLakes DThe Yellow River( )8Aon Bto Cin Dfrom( )9Aanother Bother Cothers Dall other( )10Acan Bcant Cdo Ddont六、阅读理解Its time to go home now.I am on a bus on a rainy day,and a woman with a dog gets on the bus. It is a big dog and its feet(脚) are not clean. I dont want the dog to sit nea

9、r me. But the woman says to the conductor(售货员).Oh,I pay for my dog, Can he sit here like other people?The conductor looks at the dog and says,Yes,madam,but he must not ut his feet on the chair.( )1.I am going home_now. A.by bike B.by bus C.by car D.by jeep( )2.What do I see? A.A bus B.A conductor C.

10、A dog D.A woman with a big dog( )3.I dont want the dog to sit near me,because_. A.the dog is big B.the dog is not clean C.the dog has no ticket D.the dog isnt mine( )4.Why do the woman and the dog get on the bus? A.It is a rainy day B.No one is on the the bus C.The dog can sitD.The woman is a conductor( )5.The meaning (意思)of the conductors words is _. A.the dogs feet are like the other people B.the dog nust be like a man C.the dog must not sit on the chair D.the dog can sit here七、句子翻译1午饭我经常吃鱼和鸡肉。 _2许多小孩喜欢吃汉堡。 _3我表妹不喜欢吃胡萝卜。 _


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