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1、2012年中考英语真题 单词拼写(3),1. My book is on the desk. What about _ (你)? 2. At 7 oclock yesterday evening, I heard him _ (唱歌)in the next room. 3. Hurry up, we only have a few _ (分钟)left. 4. We should protect the wild animals which are in _ (危险). 5. My sister often goes to school _ (没有)having breakfast.,【201

2、2四川凉山】,without,yours,singing,minutes,danger,1. The boy _ (花费)three days reading the novels. 2. To our _ (愉快), the actress will come to Xingyi next Sunday. 3. Its not reasonable to _ (浪费)too much time on video games. 4. Qipao is a _ (传统的)dress for Chinese women, and it is becoming popular in the worl

3、d of high fashion. 5. There is going to be a _ (毕业)ceremony next month.,【2012贵州黔西南】,graduation,spent,joy,waste,traditional,1. Dont speak so l_, because the baby is sleeping now. 2. These days low-carbon life is very p_ with people in the world. 3. Although I have listened to the c_ three times, I st

4、ill dont know who are talking. 4. Be blind and deaf, the poor boy cant i_ what his future will be like. 5. There is something wrong with my ipad. I have to have it r_ at once.,【2012湖北黄石】,epaired,oudly,opular,onversation,magine,1. People like traveling in _(春天)because it is neither too hot nor too co

5、ld. 2. Whats your fathers _ (职业)? He is a doctor. 3. The 30th Olympic Games will be held in London, the _ (首都)of England. 4. Lucy is polite and _ (乐于助人的), we all like her. 5. Our maths teacher asked you to go to his office _ (立即). He is waiting for you.,【2012江苏宿迁】,Immediately,spring,occupation/ job,

6、capital,helpful,1. Women in China are usually dressed in _ (红色的) on their wedding day. 2. How _ (容易) you will find it to use the mobile phone if you know the function! 3. The _ (时装) show held by UNICEF last week was a big success. 4. Seeing these old ladies get on the bus, _ (几个) students offered th

7、em their seats.,【2012江苏盐城】,several,red,easy,fashion,5. We need your help to _ (筹集) money for those homeless children. 6. The traffic lights are _ (控制) by a central computer. 7. The ORBIS volunteers were _ (自豪的) to help so many blind people in need. 8. The naughty boy ran into the garden and _ (吓唬) t

8、he little cat away.,frightened,【2012江苏盐城】,raise,controlled,proud,1. Our classroom is _ (大的)and bright. 2. My father was born in a small _ (村庄). 3. Ive lived in Liuzhou for _ (十) years. 4. Speak louder so that I can hear you c_. 5. Time waits for no one. Please t_ every moment you have.,【2012广西柳州】,re

9、asure,big/ large,village,ten,learly,1. He often has some porridge and an _ (鸡蛋) for breakfast. 2. We hope John will _ (赢) first prize in the speech competition. 3. Could you tell me something about your _ (生活) in China? 4. Mothers Day falls on the second _ (星期天) of May. 5. Look at the photo. The boy

10、 standing _ (在后面) my sister is my brother.,【2012广西北海】,behind,egg,win,life,Sunday,【2012广西北海】,6. The smart boy could count from one to _ (五十) when he was 2 years old. 7. I think food that is bad for you can _ (品尝) good. 8. Selina is going to _ (邀请) her pen pal to her hometown this summer vocation. 9.

11、Speak a little louder, please. I cant hear you _ (清楚地). 10. Its _ (危险的) for children to swim alone.,dangerous,fifty,taste,invite,clearly,1. Kids arent _ (允许,准许) to go out at night, because its dangerous for them. 2. The ancient Chinese _ (发明) tea that is now very popular all over the world. 3. _ (千)

12、 of Japanese people lost their lives in the earthquake in 2011. Chinese people try their best to help them. 4. Everyone went to the zoo _ (除了) Wei Ming last Tuesday. Because he had to look after his little brother. 5. Liu Wei is a disabled boy. He learned the piano by _ (他自己).,himself,【2012四川遂宁】,all

13、owed,invented,Thousands,except,1. We shouldnt run away from the problem, but face them _ (勇敢地) and try to solve them. 2. Could you _ (邮寄)the books for me on your way to school, Amy? 3. Though these cars are _ (having a high price), some farmers can afford them. 4. The _ (a place where planes arrive

14、and live) in Nantong is larger than before. 5. Television was invented by John Baird and it is one of the greatest _ in the world.,【2012江苏南通】,inventions,bravely,post/ mail,expensive/ dear,airport,1. You should choose two _ (女老师) to take part in the speech. 2. It _ (似乎是) that they had finished it at the same time. 3. Please pay a_ to your handwriting. 4. I wont be free u_ 8:00 this evening.,【2012甘肃天水】,ntil,women teachers,seemed,ttention,1. Her family was so _ (贫穷的) that she couldnt go to school. 2.


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