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1、Table of Key Performance IndicatorsTable of Key Performance IndicatorsContentsContentsTable of Key Performance Indicators2Customers2Sales4Innovation & Growth5Marketing6Employees7Financial9Turnover11Revenue11Expense11Productivity and Efficiency14Quality17New Product Development19Cash Management21Risk

2、 Management21Capital Investments21Safety and Environment22Credit /Collections22Purchasing and Accounts Payable23Sales Operations24Accounting24Information Technology25Suppliers25Community25 McKessar TielemanPutting “WOW” in Your Business!25Table of Key Performance IndicatorsTable of Key Performance I

3、ndicatorsCustomersCustomer SatisfactionAverage survey scores in each area of concernCustomer satisfaction ratings from surveys, which may include questions addressing any or all of the following matters:Brand valueCustomer intent to repurchaseCustomer perception of aestheticsCustomer perception of a

4、vailabilityCustomer perception of ease to work withCustomer perception of financingCustomer perception of hidden or indirect costsCustomer perception of quality of outputsCustomer perception of reliabilityCustomer perception of serviceabilityCustomer perception of warrantiesCustomer ratingPriceProdu

5、ct qualitySatisfied customer index #Service attributes such as timeliness, responsiveness, understanding of needs of customer/customers business, quality of relationship, knowledgeable staff, customer focus, and proactivityService qualityMarket perceived valuePartnering indexRating by customer relat

6、ionship with organization, including such things as involvement in planning, involvement in projects, investment in product and services (e.g., information technology)Percent of survey respondents giving each grade (for example, on a 15 scale)Referral customersSeparate analysis of the survey scores

7、of the most important, valuable, or profitable customersProfitability of each customer (sales and cost of sales for each customer)Percent of unprofitable customersCustomers satisfaction with products/services as compared to satisfaction with those of competitorsShare of purchases made by customers (

8、that is, the portion of the customers purchases that go to the organization versus their purchases from competitors, sometimes called share of wallet)Quality Claims Customer complaints Customer perception of quality of outputs per survey Customer perception of reliability per survey Errors in order

9、fulfillment, such as wrong items shipped, shipments not made, incorrect billings (total number or as a percent of orders taken) Number of customer complaints Product return rates Returns Returns as a percentage of sales Total product returns (dollars or units) Warranty claims Warranty claims as a pe

10、rcentage of sales or shipmentsService Average number of customers per week with unsolved problems Average response time per customer request Average response time to solve customer problem Customer complaints resolved Customer perception of ease to work with per survey Number of customer complaints

11、resolved on the first contact Number of potential orders that had to be declined Percent of delivery deadlines met (compared to either the date requested or promised) Percentage of customer problems solved within stated time frame (say, 48 hours) Rate of responses exceeding specified time frame (for

12、 example, 24 hours) Sales versus first request date Service attributes such as timeliness, responsiveness, understanding of needs of customer/customers business, quality of relationship, knowledgeable staff, customer focus, and proactivity per survey Service quality rating per surveyPrice Direct pri

13、ce Price relative to competition Total cost to customer (relative to competition)Customer Retention Average customer duration with company (months) Average duration of customer relationship Customer retention rates Customer turnover rates Customers lost (# or %) Lost business revenues compared to ma

14、rket average Net customer gains Number of dormant customers (for example, those who have not purchased anything in six months) Percent of customers who are repeat customers Percent of new business done with repeat customers Percent of revenue from existing customers Ratio of customers with no sales

15、activity in last six months to total customers Repeat customersSalesSales Volume Annual sale per customer Average sale amount (per transaction) Average sales per customer Average sales price per unit Customer revenue list Frequency (number of sales transactions) Growth rate, for each significant product or product line Order backlog Profitability of each product/service or product/service line Sales orders taken ($) Sales p


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