2015-2016学年高中英语 uint13 people过关检测 北师大版必修5

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1、Uint13 People过关检测(时间:90分钟满分:120分).阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AHandball is a hugely popular sport in Europe and Asia,and it is one of the fastest and most exciting sports in the world.It combines basketball and soccer with the attracting saves of water polo.Handball i

2、s played on an indoor court (the size of two basketball courts) and there are goals at each end.There are twelve players on each team,two goalkeepers and ten field players,but there is a maximum of one goalkeeper and six field players from each team allowed on the court at any one time.The idea is s

3、imple:score more goals than the other team.The ball is made of leather or a synthetic material and it must be round.The surface must not be shiny or slippery.The size and weight of the ball varies for male and female teams,and adult and junior team.Handball has the same free ranging play as basketba

4、ll,with all players except the goalkeeper constantly moving from attack to defence.The goalkeeper uses hands,feet,head and body to keep out the other teams shots.The origins of handball are unclear.Many people believe that it developed as a training game for soccer,to be played in the off season,or

5、when it was snowing.Now,in countries where handball is popular,players can earn large sums of money,and indoor stadiums seating over ten thousand people sell out regularly.Handball has been played at the Olympics since 1972.1.The passage states that handball was most probably developed .A.as a repla

6、cement for basketballB.by supporters of water polo C.as a training gameD.for the 1972 Olympics 提示:细节理解题。根据最后一段第四句话“Manypeoplebelievethatitdevelopedasatraininggameforsoccer,tobeplayedintheoffseason,orwhenitwassnowing.”可知。答案:C2.The statement,“The idea is simple” emphasizes that in handball the .A.game

7、 has only one purposeB.court is clearly markedC.players can change positionsD.goalkeeper is the last defense提示:推理判断题。由画线词后的“scoremoregoalsthantheotherteam(比另一队多进球)”可推知,手球运动的唯一目的是比赛时多进球。答案:A3.It is clear that the writer believes the sport of handball .A.is more popular for men than for womenB.is grea

8、t fun for the audienceC.requires an unusually shaped ballD.should only be played in winter 提示:推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第二句“Now,incountrieswherehandballispopular,playerscanearnlargesumsofmoney,andindoorstadiumsseatingovertenthousandpeopleselloutregularly.”可知。答案:B4.In which order does the information appear in t

9、he passage?a.type of ballb.court sizec.beginning of the sportd.team members A.c-a-b-dB.b-a-d-cC.c-d-a-bD.b-d-a-c提示:篇章结构题。由文章层次可推知。答案:DBEating chips,chocolate and cake may be damaging to a childs intelligence,according to researchers at Bristol University.Their study suggests a link between a diet hi

10、gh in processed foods(加工的食品)and a slightly lower IQ.Writing in the Journal(杂志)of Epidemiology&CommunityHealth,they suggest poor nutrition(营养)may affect brain development.The British Dietetic Association said more young parents needed to be educated about healthy eating.The eating habits of 3,966 chi

11、ldren taking part in the study were recorded at the ages of three,four,seven and eight and a half.The researchers said three types of diet found:Processed diets which were high in fat,sugar and convenience foods,traditional diets of meat,potato and vegetables,and health conscious diets of salads,fru

12、it and fish.The children all took IQ tests when they were eight and a half.The researchers found a link between IQ and diet.A diet high in processed food at the age of three was linked to a slightly lower IQ at the age of eight and a half,suggesting early eating habits have a long-term effect.Dr Pau

13、line Emmett,who carried out the study at Bristol University,said,“Brain development is much faster in early life;its when it does most of its growing.It seems that what happens afterwards is less important.”Although the relationship between diet and IQ was very strong,the impact was quite small.Proc

14、essed foods were linked with IQs only a few points lower.Experts in the field said the results had confirmed common sense.A dietician(营养学家)said,“Most people know what they should do;some people dont like to cook good meals.Im all in favour of a little bit of what you fancy,but when youre doing it ev

15、ery week its a problem.”5.What conclusion can we draw from the study?A.Traditional diets are better than processed diets.B.Diet makes a great difference to ones IQ.C.A persons IQ mainly depends on nutrition.D.Processed diets lead to a slightly lower IQ.提示:推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后所得出的结论可知加工的食品和稍微较低的IQ之间存在一定的联

16、系。答案:D6.It can be inferred that the brain develops fastest at the age of .A.threeB.fourC.sevenD.eight and a half提示:推理判断题。第三段说明对三、四、七岁及八岁半的孩子进行研究,而第五段说明早期的饮食习惯有着长期的影响。由此推断大脑发育最快的年龄应为三岁。答案:A7.According to the dietician in the last paragraph,.A.we should eat what we likeB.eating a little processed food is OKC.most people dont like


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