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1、英文原文A simple approach to the control of locomotion in self-reconfigurable robotsK. Sty a, W.-M. Shen b, P.M. Will ba The Adaptronics Group, The Maersk Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark b USC Information Sciences Institute and Computer Science Departme

2、nt, 4676 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292, USA AbstractIn this paper we present role-based control which is a general bottom-up approach to the control of locomotion in self-reconfigurable robots. We use role-based control to implement a caterpillar, a sidewinder, and a rolling track gait in

3、the CONRO self-reconfigurable robot consisting of eight modules. Based on our experiments and discussion we con-clude that control systems based on role-based control are minimal, robust to communication errors, and robust to recon-figuration. 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Keywords:

4、 Self-reconfigurable robots; Locomotion; Role-based control1. Introduction Reconfigurable robots are robots made from a pos-sibly large number of independent modules connected to form a robot. If the modules from which the re-configurable robot is built are able to connect and disconnect without hum

5、an intervention the robot is a self-reconfigurable robot. Refer to Fig. 1 for an exam-ple of a module of a self-reconfigurable robot or refer to one of the other physical realized systems described in 7,8,1015,17,21,23 .Several potential advantages of self-reconfigurable robots over traditional robo

6、ts have been pointed out in literature: Versatility. The modules can be combined in differ-ent ways making the same robotic system able to perform a wide range of tasks. Adaptability. While the self-reconfigurable robot performs its task it can change its physical shape to adapt to changes in the en

7、vironment. Robustness. Self-reconfigurable robots consist of many identical modules and therefore if a module fails it can be replaced by another. Cheap production. When the final design for the basic module has been obtained it can be mass pro-duced. Therefore, the cost of the individual module can

8、 be kept relatively low in spite of its complexity. Self-reconfigurable robots can solve the same tasks as traditional robots, but as Yim et al. 23 point out; in applications where the task and environment are given a priori it is often cheaper to build a special purpose robot. Therefore, applicatio

9、ns best suited for self-reconfigurable robots are applications where some leverage can be gained from the special abilities of self-reconfigurable robots. The versatility of theseFig. 1. A CONRO module. The three male connectors are located in the lower right corner. The female connector is partly h

10、idden from view in the upper left corner.robots make them suitable in scenarios where the robots have to handle a range of tasks. The robots can also handle tasks in unknown or dynamic environ-ments, because they are able to adapt to these envi-ronments. In tasks where robustness is of importance it

11、 might be desirable to use self-reconfigurable robots. Even though real applications for self-reconfigurable robots still are to be seen, a number of applications have been envisioned 17,23: fire fighting, search and rescue after an earthquake, battlefield reconnais-sance, planetary exploration, und

12、ersea mining, and space structure building. Other possible applications include entertainment and service robotics.The potential of self-reconfigurable robots can be realized if several challenges in terms of hardware and software can be met. In this work we focus on one of the challenges in softwar

13、e: how do we make a large number of connected modules perform a coor-dinated global behavior? Specifically we address howto design algorithms that will make it possible for self-reconfigurable robots to locomote efficiently. In order for a locomotion algorithm to be useful it has to preserve the spe

14、cial properties of these robots. From the advantages and applications mentioned above we can extract a number of guidelines for the design of such a control algorithm. The algorithm should be dis-tributed to avoid having a single point of failure. Also the performance of the algorithm should scale w

15、ith an increased number of modules. It has to be robust to re-configuration, because reconfiguration is a fundamen-tal capability of self-reconfigurable robots. Finally, it is desirable to have homogeneous software running on all the modules, because it makes it possible for any module to take over

16、if another one fails.It is an open question if a top-down or a bottom-up approach gives the best result. We find that it is diffi-cult to design the system at the global level and then later try to make an implementation at the local level,because often properties of the hardware are ignored and a slow robotic system might be the result. There-



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