on students’ participation in english classes 英语专业毕业论文

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1、On Students Participation in English ClassesPractical Project DesignAcknowledgmentsIm mostly grateful to my supervisor Miss Li Ningqin without whose support and patience,this project would not even have got off the ground.I am also grateful to my colleagues Zheng Na and Yan Yadong for their time spe

2、nt on brainstorming and panel discussions with me.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not least, big thanks go to my husband and my family who have shared with me my worries .f

3、rustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.AbstractThis presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that some of my students dont like participating in English classes .Its hypothesized that students interest in participating

4、in English classes will be greatly motivated by better-designed activities .This hypothesis is verified by a four-week classroom teaching of the newly designed activities .Methodologically, four methods are used, and theyre analytic method, caused analysis, questionnaire survey and brainstorming act

5、ivation.Key words: interest, participation, project Main Headings of the Project Report1. Introduction2. Problem3. Problem analysis4. Project objective5. Project hypothesis6. Project rationale7. Pair work design8. Control and target groups9. Project implementation10. Data analysis11. Project evaluat

6、ion12. ConclusionReferences:Appendix:A. The timetable of the projectB. The questionnaire (the pre-questionnaire and post-trial questionnaire)C. The methods of problem analysisD. Teaching notesE. Students handoutF. Teachers diariesG. Audio tapes of students performance in class (Unit 7 How do you mak

7、e a banana milk shake?)I. Students name lists1. IntroductionAs is commonly accepted, motivation is the key to success, and interest is the best teacher .What the teacher should do in class is to provide good conditions for learning to take place .I have been teaching English for 6 years , and now I

8、am teaching students who are in their second year of a junior middle school . I teach two classes and each class has more than 40 students. In my teaching , I have found the problem that some of my students dont like participating in English classes. The classroom atmosphere was getting less and les

9、s active .Almost 30 of them idle in class . Based on some approaches that I have learned from “English Language Teaching Methodology”, I decided to work on this problem and try to find some better way to solve it. 2. ProblemThe problem I have in my teaching is that some of my students dont like part

10、icipating in English classes.3. Problem analysisI use four methods to finish my project : The analytic method is a close examination of the way the problem is stated. Through careful analysis, I was led to explore its consequences and implications .I also use cause analysis to look for the factors t

11、hat cause the problem. The third method is questionnaire survey, I made a pilot investigation to know more about the situation. And the fourth method is brainstorming , after consulting my thesis supervisor Miss Li and talking to my classmates about all the problem I met ,I pondered my problem more

12、deeply and carefully. 4. Project objectiveMy objective is to motivate students interest in participating in English classes . 5. Project hypothesisIts hypothesized that students interest can be motivated to participate in English classes by better-designed activities.6. The project rationale (1) The

13、 role of motivating interest in English class and its purpose. Interest is one of the most important factors in learning a foreign language. As Darwin said “Just as eating without liking does harm to ones health, learning without liking harms memory and retains nothing it takes in.” According to Wil

14、liams and Robert Burden, motivation refers to “a state of longitude and emotional arousal which leads to a conscious decision to act, and which gives rise to a period of sustained intellectual and physical effort in order to attain a previously set goal.”(2).The role of the students: I would like th

15、e students to feel that English classes are interesting and not boring. The students shouldnt sit and listen to the teacher .They should participate into the class activity. Students have multiple roles. Their roles may change to participant, investigator, negotiator, and actor and so on.(3)The role

16、 of the teacher: We shouldnt take it for granted as a teacher who only teaches students in class. Students should realized that the teacher has many roles in the classroom, not just that of evaluator.“ You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink.” Motivating students is a little like that. It involves not only leading them to Engl



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