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1、了解考试,回归教学 - NMET分析&高中英语教学反思 Aug. 2004, Beijing,*Bottleneck? Backwash! 高考改革与教学改革的关系 *Test Score & Performance 考试分数的背后 *Tests & Tests 高考的定位与定性 *Testing & Teaching 了解考试,反思教学,The Climate for language testing: Language testing almost never takes place in isolation. advances in language testing do not tak

2、e place in a vacuum; they are stimulated by advances in our understanding of the processes of language acquisition and language teaching. Procedure, or part of it, of test is mysterious or secret; yet it doesnt mean the testing is frozen in a vacuum. - Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing,

3、高考改革与教学改革孰先孰后 - 是高考制约了教学改革吗? 考试应该保密但不会也不该太神秘。 - 关于高考我们应该知道些什么? 保密性与公平性的考虑 - 分省命题意味着什么?,Bottleneck?,Backwash!,了解高考考试分数的背后:,难度(P)- 通过率(答对率)/得分率(平均分) 区分度(Discrimination)- G1 - G5: D = Hi - Lo n 效度/有效性(Validity) 信度/可靠性(Reliability),2003年高考全国抽样英语人均分为79.12, 其难度为 2002年难度为0.50,说明: 2003年比上年,0.53,容易,从理论上说,区分度

4、可能出现负值吗? 会为零吗? 高考命题对于区分度的要求: 0.3 以上可以接受;0.4 以上为很好 得分率低,区分度不理想的题说明了什么?,效度:测量的有效性(考试是否考到了它所需要 考查的内容/达到测试目的的有效程度); 影响效度:所用题型;试卷难度 信度:考试结果的可靠性(测量结果的一致性程度。 影响信度: 试卷题量;评卷准确性,讨论:“短文改错”的去留,数据分析-相关概念,NMET试题的有关数据分析 2000-03 数据对照(全国抽样武汉市全样)理科,人均分 难度 有效分(单科/总分) 2000高考全国 74.15 0.49 武汉全样* 83.5 0.56 85/480 95/519 1

5、06/559 2001高考全国 78.0 0.52 武汉全样* 88.5 0.59 87/455 97/501 111/555 2002高考全国 74.97 0.50 武汉全样 81.1 0.54 90/502 96/525 104/555 2003高考全国 79.12 0.527 武汉全样 83.93 0.56 92/436 99/468 107/502 2004 各省 ? ? (各地不一) 武汉(湖北卷) 89.82 0.60 116/561 105/510 85/420,Tests & Tests 测试的分类,* 按测试目的分类 - 成绩测试 Achievement Test: 毕业会考

6、 水平测试 Proficiency Test: NMET, TOEFL 学能测试 Aptitude Test: Scholastic Aptitude Test 诊断性测试 Diagnostic Test: 随堂练习/测验 编班测试 Placement Test * 按对测试分数的解释方式分类 - 目标参照性测试 Criterion-referenced Test 常模参照性测试 Norm-referenced Test,NR-testing: interest in seeing how candidates perform by comparison with each other,讨论:

7、分省命题以降低难度 来追求“稳定”合理吗?,认识高考:NMET的定位与定性 总体风格 + 选材特征 + 命题思路,Q: NEMT的定位如何? 突出风格是什么? 重在考 语义内容还是考形式? 何谓“三维模式”? 分省命 题应以何为准? Q: 一份高考英语试卷有多长?词汇覆盖面有多大? 高考词汇范围与课本三会四会有何关系?,语言交际能力测试 Language communicative competence test 突出语篇 强调应用 注重实际,Discourse: recordings of naturally occurring samples of language within thei

8、r communicative context - David Nunan: SECOND LANGUAGE TEACING & LEARNING,Q: 单项填空也是语篇吗?,分省命题:形似已不易,神似何其难,Form How is the grammar structure formed?,Meaning What does the grammar structure mean?,Use When or why is the grammar structure used?,pie chart,Grammar Dimensions Larsen-Freeman(1995),题形特征: 听力 选

9、材+语速+设题,Q: 2002 听力难在哪里?语速?训练? Texts 1-5: Who/What/Why/Where/When 20031-5: What x 5 Q: 1-5题解题思路如何把握? Native speaker & Normal speed 大纲:120 wpm 语速统计 音节/重读音节计时?,背景: Manchester Leeds Dorset/ Somerset/Harrow; Michael Owen - 20 goals this season 2003 Text 10: training program learning from adventure - publ

10、ic relationship - paid holiday,Matching!,wps: 2000: 146 2001: 156 2002: 165 2003: 140 2004 ?,听力选材特征: 1. 口语特征 2. 语境明确 3. 相对完整 4. 身份明确 5. 信息量足 6. 不含生词 7. 三个“贴近” 8. 长短适宜,考查要求: 1.理解主旨要义。 2.获取具体事实信息(与话题中心相关)。 3.推断说话背景、说话者之间关系。 4.理解说话者意图、观点或态度。,命题原则: 1.均匀分布,考虑先后 2.首句无题 3.问答形式 4.设题简明 5.不涉及与听力无关内容 6.答案唯一 7.

11、干扰有效 8.选项平行,不相包容。,典型试题分析:2001-1 (2001大题难度:0.58) WHERE did the conversation most probably take place? concert/flower shop/restaurant? M: The music and flowers are lovely. W: Yes. I hope the food is good, too. 难度0.18 区分度 . 169 B: 56.5%,2002-1: Who is Chris Paine? (大题难度:0.54) computer engineer / book s

12、eller / writer W: I like to read Chris Paine. M: So do I. I hear he writes on his computer. And his new book will come out next week. W: Great. Ive got to get one as soon as its out. 难度0.32 区分度.324 A:52.1%,背景? Writers write on computer,2004卷1 听力选材涉及话题(cf.2003): 1- 5: 商务旅行 约看球赛 生日礼物 业余安排 往事回忆 2003:开关

13、窗户电话留言母子谈球考试时间 核对地址 6-10:住店预约 超市论价 同事相助 售后服务 贫困失学 2003:迟到辩解电话指路公交调查老友邂逅探险训练,2003大题难度 0.64 抽样人均分 19.33,题型特征:单项填空,“覆盖面 + 综合性 + 语境化” 题干加长 考点转移 最佳答案 微型语篇,Q: “单项填空”考查内容是什么?叫它“语法填空”合适吗?为何称之为过渡题型?,2004全国卷1、2 单项填空中 30小题 无一为简单句 卷3中仅两题为 复杂结构的简单句,2003“单项填空”考点分布,为2004年各省命题依据之一,2003“单项填空”,27. All morning as she

14、waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _. has grown / is growing / grew / had grown 24.4% 22.0% 26.3% 27.2%,基本时态掌握如何?不可冷落语法!,24. - Sorry, Joe. I didnt mean to - Dont call me “Joe”. Im Mr Parker to you, and _ you forget it! (0.48 -.005) A. do B. didnt C. did *D. dont D: G1-G5

15、463 465 418 438 447,dont you forget it! = dont forget it! 表示强烈不满(strong irritation)或坚持(insistence): You show me what to do. You be quiet! You mind your own business, and leave this to me! A COMPREHENSIVE GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE Dont you speak to me like that! Dont get too used to it! Dont you say anything! LONGMAN ENGLISH GRAMMAR (Reference and Practice),Form+Meaning+Use:语义文化,Tarzan of The Apes of Cartoons: Ill be there. Dont you cry!r,35. I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. - _. It was her fault. (.284) No way / Not possible


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