大学校长该怎 样尊重文化(english)

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《大学校长该怎 样尊重文化(english)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学校长该怎 样尊重文化(english)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、蔡辉:大学校长该怎样尊重文化每个人都有不喜欢开的会,难免搞点小动作,可把对付事务性会议的伎俩拿到学术会议上,自然会遭遇批评。Not every meeting will surely arouse the interest of the attendants so its no coincidence for them to play some tricks. But as to academic forums, this kind of attitude is not preferable and will definitely attract criticism.昨日,一张来自在南京大学举

2、办的“海峡两岸暨港澳地区大学校长论坛”的照片风靡网络,在香港城市大学前校长张信刚演讲时,内地某大学校长竟在用笔记本电脑玩扑克游戏,令人哭笑不得的是,此次论坛的主题为“如何共同弘扬中华文化”。Yesterday, a photo taken in the meeting held in Nanking University shot the heat in the internet. The meeting was entitled as “Forum of University Presidents from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and the Mainland”

3、. The picture presented that while the former President of City University of Hong Kong, Zhang Xin-gang, was delivering his speech, one of the mainland university presidents played poker games on his laptop. Its really ironical that the theme of the forum was “How to Cooperate to Spread the Influenc

4、e of Chinese Culture”.弘扬文化的前提,是要有尊重心,此行为如果属实,实在有失检点。翻看这位“扑克校长”曾经的演讲,内容生动、谈吐不凡,颇有兼济情怀,可为什么言语与行为之间,差距竟如此之大?联想到前几日引发网友争议的另一位大学校长的华丽下跪,不禁惊叹:我们的大学校长们,究竟怎么了?Its common for all that the prerequisite for spreading the influence of culture is to cultivate the conscience of respect. So if what was shown on th

5、e screen is genuine, the misdemeanor of that president is down-to-earthly ridiculous. Quite contrary to his deeds, the speeches made by him ever before are vivid, thoughtful and instinctive. What he has said is highly responsible and initiative. Yet we cant make ourselves believe that the gap betwee

6、n his words and action is so huge. Now if we relate this event to the “kneel-down solution to a mother” by another president, we may undoubtedly inquire: What the hell is going on with all presidents in the mainland? 首先,这是传统崩溃的产物:在相当一段时期,我们片面强调了理性、科学的作用,将人文规范一概斥为腐朽、做作、封建与保守,导致几代人行为率性,疏于自我约束,即使是一些很有思

7、想的长者,也动辄脏话连篇、举止无措,显得教养不足。在他们看来,总觉得这样才真诚坦率,完全忽视他人感受,造成言传与身教的极度分裂。The reasons are obvious and disappointing. First of all, these events are the by-products of bankruptcy of cultural heritage. Over several decades, we have emphasized overly on the importance of reason and science and denounced moral no

8、rms as decadence, feudalism, hypocrisy and conservatism. Therefore, its no wonder that the individuals living in this period conduct reckless acts and ignore necessary self-discipline. Maybe we may feel puzzled that even those so-called thoughtful and learned old people utter harsh words and behave

9、harshly and its undoubted for them to leave others the impression that they have been poorly cultivated. Whats worse, with no consideration of the negative influence on others, they themselves deem their deeds as frankness and straightforwardness. As teachers, what they do lags far behind what they

10、teach and there is a sharp split between the two. 第二,这是教育管理的死角:修养是无法量化的,不如论文、成果那么直接,在大学校长的遴选中,我们过多看重了专业能力,而忽略了对综合素质的评估。The second reason is that there are dead-end lanes in our educational management system. As to ones morality, not similar to thesis or academic accomplishment, it can not be measure

11、d with numbers. But in the election of university presidents, we give preference to their professional capability rather than to the evaluation to their comprehensive personalities. 因为在自上而下的测评体系中,只能使用单一的考量方式,不可能既保证公平又兼顾多元,这是被现代数学已经证明的命题。The bottom-to-top test and evaluation system is only one-scenar

12、io complex and it certainly can not ensure the survival of justice and tolerance to diversity simultaneously. This presumption has been probed into by modern mathematics already.所以,要想选出综合素质更高的人才,只能改变现有选拔机制,让知识共同体更多发声,否则无法解决。To safeguard the possibility of promotion of high-qualified superior intelle

13、ctuals, the prevailing promotion mechanism should enclose more voices of intellectual community and be away from the existing tradition, or else it doesnt make any sense. 第三,这是角色错位的遗憾:大学校长的天空本属于大学,应专注在教育、学术、文化等领域,但现实是,他们又承担着官员的身份,从而成为公众关注的焦点,一举一动都面临着被过度解读的风险。The third reason is due to the regrets br

14、ought about by misplacement of parts: The space in which university presidents fly and surf should be nothing more than universities, what they focus on should be no less than education, academic fields and culture. But what about the reality? Our presidents, besides their educational status, are in

15、 the same time appointed officials by government authorities. So its no wonder that they often draw the attention of the public and media and what they do or say is usually in the danger of misreading or misunderstanding. 麻烦的是,他们缺乏相应的培训,在前呼后拥面前,应对能力不足,在权力使用上,有时也显得过于随意。其实,每个人都有不喜欢开的会,难免搞点小动作,可把对付事务性会

16、议的伎俩拿到学术会议上,自然会遭遇批评。To make matters worse, due to the lack of relevant training, they are not efficient in coping with complex situation and tackling with flattering crowds and they are too easy-going in decision-making accordingly. Not every meeting will surely arouse the interest of the attendants so its no coincidence for them to play some tricks. But as to academic forums, this kind of attitude is not preferable and will definitely attract



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