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1、新标准大学英语视听说教程4答案Keys to unit1P3-3True statements are : 2,8P3-51. Joe was a gofer before he became a researcher for Lift Off UK.2. Andy wants Joes job as a producer.P3-61-d 2-d 3-a 4-cP4-71. Its not always very easy working with2. How did he end up in London3. the least experienced person4. Hes good a

2、t his job5. He is confident and very competent6. I get on with him quite wellP4-81-b 2-b 3-a 4-a 5-bP6-21,2,3,4P6-41. She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job.2. She doesnt know how to answer the questions and give answers that might lead her failure in a job interview.

3、3. She doesnt understand what the interviewer is actually looking for.4. That you need to be well prepared for an interview. It boils down to preparation, presentation and understanding what the interviewer is looking for.P7-51. professional job coach2. research on the position and the company3. hav

4、ing not practiced with some of the questions4. how you present yourself5. what the interviewer is actually looking for6. preparation, presentation and understanding7. in relationship to the job8. some examples in your life9. dealing with problemsP7-71, 3,5,7,8,9,10,11P8-31-b 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-cKeys to u

5、nit 2 A good readP14-2Joe: 1 Andy: 2 Janet: 3,4P14-33. It is a feature programme which reviews recently published books.4. None of them have read all of the books.5. Hes annoyed.6. It features new books that may have a London angle, but not necessarily.7. Because Charles Dickens books are always on

6、TV.8. She knows quite a lot about Dickens because she is studying his work at university.9. Its a biography which describes the London locations which are the settings for many ofDickens books.10. Yes.P15-6Place of birth: PortsmouthDates: 19th centuryType of writing: novelsSetting of stories: around

7、 the law courts in the center of LondonOther features of writing: He describes hardship, poverty and crime in London.Most famous novels: Oliver Twist, David CopperfieldP15-61-a 2-b 3-d 4-c 5-cP16-71. He wasnt being at all fair.2. sometimes he really gets on my nerves3. keep his problems away from th

8、e studio4. He was born in Portsmouth5. he set most of his stories in6. Whereabouts in London are his stories set7. some of his stories take place8. Cheer up9. Ill get over itP16-81-b 2-a 3-a 4-b 5-aP18-22&7P19-41. borrow books2. look at an art exhibition3. connect to the Internet4. let you borrow co

9、mputer games5. with books and photographs6. in schools and universitiesP19-510. It is a national library11. You can find books and other printed materials.12. The British Library adds millions of items to its collection every year.13. No, not at all, although some reading may take new forms (like re

10、ading from computerscreens or mobile phones), reading books will remain popular.P19-6Name: The British LibraryLocation: LondonYear the new building opened: 1998Items collected: books, sound recordings, music, maps, newspapers, and magazinesNumber of items added yearly: three millionP20-21. it began

11、over 20 years ago2. about once every four or five weeks3. 104. the host prepares dinner and then a discussion starts5. modern novels, classics, non-fiction like history and travel writingp20-31.-d 2-a 3-c 4-a 5-bP21-71. Im not a professional literary specialist2. their close links with well-known wr

12、iters3. the home of many well-known writers4. the memorial of great British writers5. rich in its literary history6. because of the recent series of films7. because it was the home of the three sisters8. also made into successful films9. around the English-speaking world10. whose work contributesKey

13、s to Unit 3 Fashion statementsP26-12-8-4-3-1-6-7-5P26-2True statements: 1,2,5,6,8.P27-4b, d, a, b, cP27-51. started talking about fashion2. Shes giving out free tickets3. made up your mind4. the London fashion scene5. As far as Im concerned6. The way as I see it7. that will look good8. come and pick

14、 up on their style9. only for a few rich people10. if you ask me11. its getting late P27-6abaaP30-2bbcadP31-3h-c-g-f-d-a-e-bP33-71-6-4-5-2-3P33-8adcbcP33-91. they will not be following; during similar events2. had been told by her model agency; if she lost weight3. taking your weight in kilos; a mor

15、e accurate measurement4. comment on or interfere in; would use their common sense5. who are promoting size zero models; design and promoteKeys to Unit 4 Money talksInside ViewP38-11. Janet: 136 Andy:2457P38-21. What Janet was doing at the market with Joe.2. He is right about Andy being late quite often.3. He says something unexpected has come up.4. So that he can check his schedule.5. at 2.30.6. The City of London.P39-42-5-1-4-3P39-51-d 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-


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