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1、 六年级英语第二学期单项知识竞赛题(2009年春)Class_ Name_ No. _ Marks_一、选择正确的答案,将编号写在括号内。(50分,每小题1分)( )1) Are there _ fruit trees on the farm?A. some B. any C. many( )2) Whats on the desk? There _ two pairs of glasses .A. is B. was C. are( )3) Jim and I _ in the teachers office a moment ago.A. were B. was C. are( )4) I

2、 _ in the classroom a moment ago.A. is B. was C. were( )5) _ your sister at home yesterday?A. Is B. was C. were( )6) Mikes family _in his grandparents house last night. A. was B. are C. were( )7) Where _ his football just now? A. was B. is C. are( )8) I _ a student some years ago but I _ a teacher n

3、ow. A. was, is B.was, am C. am, am( )9) Where _you yesterday? I _ at home. A. was, was B. were, were C. were, was( )10) We shouldnt _ here and there. A. littering B. littered C.litter( )11) The park keeper _the man. A. comes up to B.come up to C. come to up( )12) Her son_ a lot _public signs. A. kno

4、ws, with B. know, to C. knows, about( )13) They are talking about _birthdays. A. our B. their C. theirs( )14) Aladdin is _ his costume. It is Mike. A. taking off B. takes off C. take off( )15) Heres a present _ you. Its _ Helen. A. for, from B. to, with C. by, to( )16) The sixth month of a year is _

5、. A. July B. June C. March( )17) I like_. So Id like a pair of earphones. A. listen to music B, listening to music C. reading magazine ( )18) People usually dress up in costumes and go to parties at _. A. Halloween B. May Day C. Mid- Autumn Festival( )19) Id like to_ Aladdin. Would you like to join_

6、? A. watches, I B. watching, me C. watch, me( )20) Ben _ out(吹灭)the candle on the cake. A. blows B. blowed C. blowing( )21) Su Hai _ to watchTV. A.wanted B. to want C. wants( )22) My father _ basketball every afternoon. A. is playing B. played C. plays( )23) She usually _ her homework at 7:30. A doi

7、ng B. do C. does( )24) What _Nancy have? She_a nice mirror. A. does, has B. does, have C. do, has( )25) _ you _the moon last Mid- Autumn Festival? A. Do, watch B. Did, watched C. Did, watch( )26) Did they visit the farm _ afternoon? A. now B. tomorrow C. yesterday( )27) Ben _(正吹灭)out the candle on t

8、he cake now. A. blows B. blows C. is blowing( )28) Listen, Helen _ a piano lesson in the classroom. She often _ a piano lesson every Friday. A. has, has B. is having , has C. had, has( )29) Su Yang likes_ flowers. Look, she is _the flowers. A. watering, watering B. waters, watering C. watering, wate

9、r( )30) Jims grandma _ tea. A. like drinking B. likes drinking C. likes drink( )31) Does that sign mean No _? A. litter B. litterded C. littering( )32) Is your daughters birthday _ August? No, its _ the fourth of September. A. on, in B. on,on C. in, on( )33) Did you have a party _New Years Day / _ H

10、alloween? A. on, at B. at, at C. at, on( )34) _ is it today? Its Friday. A. What date B. What day C. What holiday( )35) Id like a big cake _ lots of grapes _ my birthday party.A. as, with B. on, as C. with, as( )36) _ you usually have a birthday party? No, I _. A. Do, do. B. Does, dont C. Do, dont ( )37) Its time _ some cakes. Its time _ have some cakes. A. to, for B. for, to C. to, to( )38) Every body (每个人)is getting very _.The boys are running. Its very _.A. excited, exciting B. exciting, excited C. excited, excited( )39) Su Hai and Su Yang _to parties and _ last Childrens Day.



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