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1、学生的兼职工作Recent years, in the hope of earning both money and social experience, more and more students are inclined to take part-time jobs in their school time. As to whether it is worthwhile drawing much attention to the job from college study, peoples attitudes vary greatly from person to person. 近年

2、来,越来越多的学生带着既能挣钱又可以在社会中得到锻炼的愿望,加入到课余打工者的行列。从大学学习生活中拿出相当的精力去做工是否值得呢?对此,人们的看法各不相同。Some students think that taking up a part-time job may help themselves in many respects-stimulate learning more efficiently, explore the knowledge outside the books and even gain the financial independence. 一些学生认为做兼职可以在许多

3、方面得到益处,比如,能激励自己提高学习效率,探求书本以外的知识,甚至能帮助自己获得经济上的独立。And they hold the belief that the experience of taking the part-time job is a perfect preparation for their future job-hunting competition. “In order to meet the requirements of the job market”, they often explain, “We have to gain enough confidence an

4、d modify our career orientation from our part-time jobs.”他们相信做兼职工作的经历会为自己在将来的求职竞争中赢得优势。他们常解释说:“为了满足就业市场的需求,我们得在兼职中找到自信并修正自己的就业价值取向。”Yet there are still other students who show their objections to undertaking part-time jobs. They think that part-time jobs. They think that part-time jobs will have str

5、ong negative influence on study. And the work, which often makes a student under strong pressure and burden, can only be done at the cost of the time in which to join in various college activities. “I dont think such a thing is worth doing, ”said one student who decided to quit his part-time job, “f

6、or even though I was earning money, it came at great cost. ”然而,也有一些学生对做兼职持反对意见。他们认为做兼职工作有很多的负面影响。兼职工作通常会给学生带来很大的压力和负担,而且是以牺牲参加党校的各种活动为代价的。一个曾参加做兼职又决定放弃的学生说:“我认为这样不值得,因为即便挣到了钱却付出了巨大的代价。”In my opinion, whether it is worthwhile taking a part-time job depends on our ability to deal with the relationship

7、 between study and work properly. There is no denying that part-time jobs are helpful to our sights and experiences. But if we only take it as a must for financial support, I think, we should put a top priority on whether it is a good help to our academic performance. 我觉得,判断做兼职是否值得,关键看自己是否有能力处理好学习与工

8、作的关系。毫无疑问,做兼职工作有益于开阔眼界和增加对自己的锻炼。但如果我们做兼职只是为了获得经济上的支持,我认为,我们应该首先考虑的是这一工作是否有益于自己的学业。With the continuous development of society and the change of people mind, the part-time job hunting came to grow popular. 随着社会的不断发展和人们观念的更新,兼职现象越来越普遍。Part-time jobs enhance a young persons social awareness. 兼职工作能够增强年轻人

9、的社会意识。Part-time jobs help students to use what they have learned in the classroom to the real practice. 兼职工作可以使学生有机会把书本知识运用到实践当中去。Part-time job experience gives students some insights into what work is about and prepares them psychologically for their future jobs. 做兼职工作的经验让学生体验到工作的内涵,从而为将来的就业做好了心理准备

10、。A part-time job offers you a chance to demonstrate your ability. 兼职工作给你一个展示自己能力的机会。A part-time job helps you become more independent of your family. 兼职工作能使你不必过分依赖你的家庭。Many students who have part-time jobs have shown a decline in their studies. 很多做兼职工作的学生出现了学习成绩下降的现象。Many jobs done by the students r

11、equire nothing of the students knowledge. 许多由学生做的工作用不上所学的知识。Learning is the main task for students and social experience can be gained later after they finish their studies. 学习应该是学生的主业,社会经验可以在毕业后逐渐获得。Study is the most important task in our daily life and social activities can only, and should always

12、 be a supplement. 学习是大学生日常生活中的主要任务,而社会活动只能,而且永远只是一种补充。We can learn form the social activities what we cant from our books. 从社会活动中我们可以学到书本上学不到的东西。Social activities can widen our knowledge. 社会活动能拓宽我们的知识面。If we indulge in these activities, we will never be able to learn knowledge well. 如果沉溺于社会活动,我们就绝不能

13、学好知识。Social activities can serve as a bridge between theory and practice. 社会活动是理论联系实际的桥梁。If we can get to know the society well, we can adapt to it more easily when we graduate. 要是我们可以更好地了解社会,那么我们毕业后就更容易适应社会。Too much social activities will cause a lot of problems. 太多的社会活动会引起许多问题。In social activities

14、, we can learn how to put our book knowledge into practice. 在社会活动中,我们可学会如何将书本知识用于实践。We should spend most of our time and energy studying. 我们应将主要的时间和精力用于学习。While it is true that a students most important goal must be to learn and to do well at his studies, it does not need to be the only goal. In fac

15、t, a life which consists of only study is not balanced and may cause the student to miss out on other valuable learning experiences. In addition to bringing more balance to a students life, part-time work can broaden his range of experience. He will have the opportunity to meet people from all walks

16、 of life and will be faced with a wider variety of problems to solve. Furthermore, work helps a student to develop greater independence, and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances. Finally, a part-time job can help a student to develop a greater sense of responsibility, both for his own work and for that of the team he



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