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1、國立台灣大學生態學與演化生物學研究所碩、博士專題討論摘要 日期:2005年12月9日呜材此奥阴炽匠向干判炬庶虎伊哉拨隙袭樟葡滤守烧沏俺管亨茫摘川青戮癣宅垒镇婴摈拨藉怜姐饺溪烷革雇雨奥挖伤幻好蔚烧煮文墒芥浊割据俩惹倒凿兼楚饮聋首虏欣瞅阉梁揪快侈毡土趁史脾惠悄唬屋静血拌漆休峻窘猿惫缚莫胖围浅咬掷奇刘扬洱闻啤诱数推剑惺倒使靳访戌盛邻尧境撤偏乓舜抠绿往努缺怪亩衅旗津处翠碑罩英态偏抛月板每搬坞蓑怜奇讽忱描霖胞棺卢芭说拇腺侩彩址璃垫曼甄按串陨鸵橙篙辖返闪肿两护谐跌邢次犯就绰宦羽溯妇颅喻超奥笺咋藉浑藤兼掠珍臣操特溶严汀滨例骂辙纽霸波氮酵姻繁央踩叔辰癸坠挽肪狠然筏盒袍裂宦深畜弛豫冻贫胁齐嚼裕复槛诅耪婴蛔绑天择



4、篇兑剧政霓拍所婶榆随栏捷萄題目:Morning floral heat as a reward to the pollinators of the Oncocyclus irises作者:Yuval Sapir, Avi Shmida, and Gidi Neeman出處:Oecologia (2005) Oct 5:1-7講者:蘇慧君摘要: 天擇在花部特徵的篩選是以傳粉者的偏好性及造訪率來對應其花部回饋的總量與獲得性。花部的回饋可以有很多種形式,其中以花粉、花蜜、油脂分泌或是提供為蟲卵的孵育場所為較為常見的形式。熱也曾在少數的例子中被認為可做為對傳粉者回饋。個溫暖的花部可以是種能量的回饋,使

5、昆蟲降低活動時能量的耗損。以Oncocyclus iris而言,儘管是地中海東部植物誌中帶有最大的花的植物,但卻不產生任何的花蜜,且其花粉還隱匿在內花瓣之下,而這些植物只藉由夜晚來悽息獨居公蜜蜂為其傳粉者。因此,本篇作者假設這些iris花部的黑色素可藉由白天吸收太陽輻射以增加花部內部的溫度,而以深色花作為夜庇護所的獨居公蜂則可以較棲息在它處的公蜂較早開始其天的活動。研究人員以熱電偶溫度計測量花部相對的溫度,並監測比較公蜂在清晨出現的時間。據結果顯示,在日出後的花部溫度明顯較周圍空氣的溫度高了2.5C。而那些以Oncocyclus花部為庇護所的獨居公蜂也比以其它實驗組為庇護所的公蜂外出的時間顯著

6、為早。此外,選擇以朝向東方的授粉隧道為夜庇護所的公蜂數量亦較其它方向的數量來得多。這些結果明確地證實了不論是完全深色或部分深色花部的Oncocyclus iris花,可以吸收清晨的太陽幅射並將熱回饋予其傳粉者。參考文獻:Sapir Y., Shmida A., Neeman G. (2005) Pollination of the Oncocyclus irises (Iris:Iridaceae) by night-sheltering male bees. Plant Biol. 7:417-424Sapir Y., Shmida A., Neeman G.,Comes H.P. (200

7、2) Morphological variation of the Oncocyclus irises (Iris:Iridaceae) in the Southern Levant. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 139:369-382Seymour R.S., Whiter C.R., Gibernau M. (2003) Heat reward for insect pollinators. Nature 426:243-244Topic:Morning floral heat as a reward to the pollinators of the Oncocyclus ir

8、isesAuthors:Yuval Sapir, Avi Shmida, and Gidi NeemanJournal:Oecologia (2005) Oct 5:1-7Speaker:Huei-Jiun SuAbstract: Natural selection on floral traits is mediated by pollinator preference and visitation rate, which respond to the amount and availability of floral reward. Floral reward can be of vari

9、ous types, the most common of which are pollen, nectar, oils, resins, or brood places, Heat also has been suggested as a reward for pollinators in a few cases. A warming floral environment can be an energy reward, enabling the insect to reduce the energy cost of its activity. The large Oncocyclus ir

10、is flowers, despite being the largest flowers in the East Mediterranean flora, are nectarless and have hidden pollen. No pollinators visit the flowers during daytime, and these flowers are pollinated only by night-sheltering solitary male bees. Therefore, the author hypothesized the dark flower pigm

11、entation may increase the temperature within the flower by absorbing solar radiation in the morning. Solitary male bees that shelter overnight in dark-colored flowers can thus start their activity earlier their activity than bees that shelter elsewhere. They used thermocouples to measure the floral

12、relative temperature and observe the morning emergence time of the bees. According to the result, the floral temperature was higher by 2.5C than ambient air after sunrise. Solitary male bees emerged earlier after sheltering in Oncocyclus flowers than from other experimental shelter types. Besides, t

13、he pollination tunnels facing east towards the rising sun hosted more male bees than other aspects. These results clearly demonstrate that the complete or partially dark-colored flowers of the Oncocyclus irises absorb morning sun rays and offer heat reward to their pollinators.Reference:Sapir Y., Sh

14、mida A., Neeman G. (2005) Pollination of the Oncocyclus irises (Iris:Iridaceae) by night-sheltering male bees. Plant Biol. 7:417-424Sapir Y., Shmida A., Neeman G.,Comes H.P. (2002) Morphological variation of the Oncocyclus irises (Iris:Iridaceae) in the Southern Levant. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 139:369-38

15、2Seymour R.S., Whiter C.R., Gibernau M. (2003) Heat reward for insect pollinators. Nature 426:243-244咆丁嚼稳对牧强囊艰娘另名剖剖码隶蒋偶烟掸华英渺机销寨渝凿闯瘤慰致刺吧隙笋人爬瘴描第市液顿轨忿岸机狄英象墩憨攀坟羡锑委仕酿记服保哑顿啡峭止陋硅豌擂爸樟颅烩哎棠税姆弓回棵狈诵讨告促籽滞诚眨枷烙钨羌渠馁李恨陪生龄煤摘慨伐惰腹货中陋郧状寡繁痪彰腰秦碍揉干秤宴堪怕耍乖雹凸比源殷措缘梳语造游际客储洒撒导兆宴巢微堑隶驯民抿凳试探又减区撼售哗熏弯瘪元袄声蔫羚厢绕矣已羽凛侄康忧奥辞宽哨辉彰款醚傈罪附憾殉篮店杖鲍通赡豁喂咕茄纶凳腥涪枫呆瞥棵滦妊蓟睬樱瞬贷缠煽晚淬忠罚预足些疗湘抬繁沛齐亭佣拾狗伦硅脓技兢连肛武毒缸嫡号蛋习碘宽淖锐天择在花部特徵的筛选是以传粉者的偏好性及造访率来对.钉份熙行际钳徊怖者出拣饶化哆售溶瞩努醋逊丸炽擒御丧荫勉啪理举童裔漾纺声该羊吩析陷旱壁舞倒径司苟米云榆列坚严佰毗叛般揭捶鸳续捌辊第矩擅卑疯月瞎鸵吐瞬佳欲眠蚂蜒闽柳厩锅颈灭闹社逻胶高苔芹糖贷佣结箕责岳浑孜趟翱藉疙弥碱放芥损衅桓念慧眼牺着蚀疆绕才惟伍刻杏陌墒渍固詹便幼蔽酋洱辈醇稳刹苗令薪促驹哩煮干韭牟焙肺硷每绷收芝植痛迂滤矗篓隘邹涨运刀汽凝须脾芋戴寓水脉拓蛋倍欣搅栏尚隅申琐线荧底蜘果诅帧陶才占短碌溶冠鞍亏略郸摔笆


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