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1、初三英语学案Lesson19 Most English-speaking students learn French in Canada.第二课时学案学习目标:来源:xYzKw.Com1、 通过填写表格,能够获取并筛选文章具体信息,培养学生提取信息的能力。2、通过阅读回答问题,培养学生读图审题、提取分析信息、概括主旨大意的能力。3、掌握不定代词bothand, eitheror, neithernor, any, other, each other, one the other, another, all, none, on one等的意义和用法。一、复习热身完成下列反义疑问句1)There

2、are few people in the room, ?2)She is too young to go to school, ?3)She can hardly hear you, ?4)Tom has never been to Beijing, ?来源:xYzKw.Com5)Everything is ready, ?6)He went to the cinema last night, _?7)There is a tree in front of the building, ?8)Give me a pen , ?中英互译:1) 外语_ 2)互相,彼此_ 3)在网上_4)依靠_ 5

3、)两者都_ 6)或者。或者。_7)culture_ 8)younger sister _ 9)regular _10)offer _ 11) 忘记 _ 12) 困难的 _13) 放弃 _ 14) reply _ 15) look forward to doing _二、阅读课文,完成下列练习(一)快速阅读课文,完成书上表格。(二) 细致阅读文章和表格,完成下列练习1. Were British the first Europeans to arrive in Canada?_2. How many nations were there in Canada?_3. Who won the fig

4、ht, the British or the French?_4. Why does Canada have two official languages? What are they?_5. What percentage of the population speak English as a native language?_三、学习不定代词(一)阅读1.3,然后理解下列例句:1. Well help each other to learn a foreign language.2. Because both English and French are official languag

5、esI have two pen friends. Both of them are from America.3. You can learn other languages, too.4.In my school you can choose either Chinese or French ,or both.来源:学优中考网5. Others start in junior high school.6. I think learning any foreign language is difficult.7. Neither Lucy nor Lily enjoys that movie

6、 because they dislike the main actor.I tried on two shirts, but neither fitted(适合) me.8.Would you like another piece of cake?9. I have two apples. One is green, the other is red.10. Make sure all the students are in the classroom.11. I like none of the books. Lets go to other bookstores.12. I phoned

7、 you yesterday, but no one answered.(二)Finish 1.4(三)中考链接1、 Whats on TV tonight? Is there interesting? (04中考) Im afraid not.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything2、 Theres _ wrong with my chair. Can you mend it? (07中考大纲) No problem. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything来源:xYzkW.Co

8、m3、Look! There are _ pictures on the wall. (07中考课标)A. anyB. some C. much D. both4、Im hungry. I want _ to eat. (08年中考) A. anythingB. something C. everything D. nothing5、My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, _ is black. (09年中考)A. other B. another C. othersD. the other 6、There is wrong with this com

9、puter It doesnt work well (10)Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing7、_ of his parents are teachers. They like their work very much. A. All B. Both C. Neither D. None8、_ of my parents are doctors. A. All B. Both C. Every D. Some9、-I dont like loud music , it is too noisy . - I dont like it ,_.A. too B. either C. neither D. Also



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