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1、7B Unit1 复习教学案复习目标:1. 复习并记忆有关国家,首都和家具的词汇;并对不同国家的房屋的特点有所了解,掌握其中一些重点词组,句型2. 复习并使用基数词和序数词,并且能够熟悉数词在生活中的常用的读法,写法3. 能运用所学知识写一篇自己的梦想之家重点词汇:掌握重点词汇的词义和用法。dream, capital, beach, sea, town, sitting room, share, dining room, shower, lamp, bath, thousand, million, bathroom, still, message, own, square, metre, a

2、rea, over, fridge, knife, video, double, machine, field, study, stay, zero, foot, centre, garden, Russia, France, Canada, invite, fork, mile, country, London重点短语:dream homes, live in a palace,live next to a restaurant,the biggest one,the capital of the USA,have fun with sb,in the centre of,share a b

3、edroom with sb, look out at the bench, my own bedroom,after dinner,the best place to chat and watch TV, be different from., have an area of , the first to come to school, be full of, have a bedroom of my own, some day, take a message (for sb.), call from sw.,call me back,on the ground/first/second f

4、loor,at the foot of a hill, more than, football field, invite my friends to watch films重点句型:掌握重点句型用法。The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Your house is really different from the flats here in our town. I live in a flat in the centre of Moscow. I share a bedroom with my sister. My favourite place is the ba

5、lcony. I live in a town 15 miles from London.-May I speak to Daniel , please? - Sorry, hes not at home. - Whos speaking? - This is Simon. -Can I take a message? -Please ask him to call me back. What kind of home do you live in?I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend.语

6、法:序数词和基数词 写作:描述自己的理想家园。复习要点:1. 词汇篇 : 写出下列四会单词;(见导学案)2. 短语篇 : 翻译短语:(见导学案)3句型篇:1. Would you like to live in a _?would like sth./to do sth.“想要某物/做某事” = want to do sth想做某事 would like sb. to do sth.“想要某人做某事”2. Id like to live next to a _.next to固定词组,“相邻,隔壁,在旁边,紧靠”, 3. We sit on the big floor cushions and

7、_ _ _ the beach and the sea.look out at向外看, look out of向外看 look into向里看 4. I also have a bedroom _ _ _.own形容词,“自己的”,在句中作定语,修饰后面的名词。还可以作名词,“自己的东西”,在句中作表语、宾语5. My family and I often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.My family and I,英语中当第一“我”和其它名词并列主语时,通常把“_”放在最后。6. I share a bedroom with my sistershare

8、动词,“分享,合用”,可以固定词组share with“与分享”。7. We often listen to music in our bedroom.listen/hear/soundlisten表示“听”的过程。后面跟宾语时用介词“to”。hear “听”,指听到声音,并不表示注意听,强调“听到”的结果。sound作为动词时表示“听起来”,后面跟表语。How does his idea _? It _ good. _! What can you _? Nothing. The students should _their teachers carefully in class. 8. Ma

9、y I speak to Neil, please? May I speak to ?“我找?”这是打电话的习惯用语。类似的还有:来源:学优高考网gkstkThis is (speaking).“我是。” Is that .? “你是吗?”Who is that(calling)? “你是谁?”4【语法详解】基数词、序数词1. 基数词和序数词数词有两种:表示数目多少的词叫做基数词;表示顺序先后的数词叫做序数词。112的基数词:1319均由39加后缀-teen构成。注意thirteen, fifteen, eighteen的拼法。20-90等十位数均由29加后缀-ty构成。注意twenty, t

10、hirty, forty, eighty的拼法。来源:学优高考网21-29由十位数20加个位数1-9构成,中间必须有连字符“-”;其他十位数依此类推。百位数由19加hundred构成,如果包含十位数及个位数,中间用and连接;如果只包含个位数,即十位数为零时,必须用and连接。千位数由19加thousand构成,百位数前不加and,其后的十位、个位数构成方法同前。英语中没有“万”这一单位,用thousand表示万。十万的说法。百万的说法 基数词的用法基数词相当于名词,可以有复数形式。hundred, thousand, million, billion等词前有具体数词时,必须用单数形式。hun

11、dred, thousand, million表示不确定数目时,必须用复数形式,后接of短语表示“几十年代”或“几十岁”时,用逢十的基数词的复数。in the 1970s中的1970s读作nineteen seventies,in ones sixties在某人60多岁时序数词的构成112的序数词1319的序数词,直接在基数词后加th。整位数的序数词的构成方法是:先将词尾-ty中的y变为i,然后加后缀-eth。两位数的序数词如果包含19的个位时,十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,中间必须有连字符“-”。 记忆口诀基变序有规律,词尾大多加th。一、二、三特殊记,th从four起,八减t,九去e,f

12、来把ve替;整十y变ie,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。【巩固练习】词汇: A. 根据所给中文解释,及句意,首字母提示完成句子。1. We all want to know different lifestyles in different _(国家)2. Paris is the _(首都) of France.3. Stephens has a _(木制的)bed4. Be _(安静),please. The teacher is coming. 5. Mother is busy cooking in the _(厨房).6. The hospital is _(在隔壁)the boo

13、kshop.7. Childrens Day is on the _ of June.8. That kind boy often s_ his toys with the other children.9. My d_ is to be an English teacher when I grow up.10. Be careful! The basket is f_ of eggs.B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. It is my grandfathers _ (ninety) birthday today2. The park is a good place _ (do) morni

14、ng exercises.3. Studying on our own brings the _ (much) knowledge (知识).4. My brother often (fly) a kite with me in the park on Sundays.5. She looks young, but shes at _ forty. (little)6. This is my _(five) time to see you here.7. He is a _(friend) teacher and always smiles at others.8. Jill always teaches me _ (learn) English.来源:学优高考网gkstk9. Please ask him _ (call) me soon.10. Our teacher is very f_ to us, she often helps us with our lessons



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