人教版七年级英语上册教案:Unit1 My name’s Gina第四课时.doc

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1、武陟县实验中学教育集团群体智慧教学活动案学 科英语年 级七年级设计者贾小艳时 间9.28-29课 题Unit 1 My names Gina.计划学时1重 点数字的中英文对应关系。课 标要 求1复习并熟练掌握数字0-9的英文表述。2掌握一些常用数字(如110,121,119,114,120等)的实际意义。3中国人将姓放在前,名在后,英文中名在前,姓在后。名字的书写。课 时目 标1要求掌握以下句式:(1) Whats her telephone number ? Whats her family name ? Whats her first name ?(2)My name is Tina. N

2、ice to meet you. Im Mary . Nice to meet you too.2要求掌握以下词汇:Unit 1 所有词汇,注意了解它们的词性。引 桥突 破本节课的教学内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引发学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流。在学习活动中,学生通过对话练习,使得课堂更加生动形象,也促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。教 法情景教学,任务型教学法和小组合作法学 法师生互动、生生互动对话,组内交流,突破难点教学内容及过程群体智慧设计个性化批注1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Daily greetings to the

3、 students(日常问候)T:Good morning, everyone.S:Good morning, Claire.T: How is the weather today? 1S: It is (nice / great / fine / good / beautiful / not bad / pretty good / fantastic/ bad / terrible / awful / hot / cool / cold/ windy / rainy ). 2(2)Revision(复习)T: Whats your English name ? S: My English n

4、ame is Mike.T: Whats your family name ? S: My family name is Smith. 3来源:学优高考网T; Whats your desk mates first name ? S; His first name is Green . 4T: Whats his telephone number ? S: His telephone number is 66887799. 52. Work on 3a(完成P5 1a)T: Now look at the pictures on P5. Please Find the last names a

5、nd write them below.(使用教材第5页上图片的挂图,给学生一分钟时间独立或和同桌讨论来完成此项任务。在此基础上组织下面操练)6xk|b|1Eg: T: (教师诱发S1说出“Whats Gina Greens first name ? Im the boy in the purple pants.”,然后问) Where did you go?S1:Her name is Gina. T: (诱发S2) What is her family name ?S2: Her family name is Green.Drill: S1: Whats Nick Hands family

6、 name /first name ?S2: Whats Jim Smiths family name /first name ?S3: Whats Linda Browns family name /first name ? 73Work on 1b(完成P53b)T: Now Look at the ID cards and answer the questions. E.g.: T: Now lets check the answers. Her telephone number is 535-2375,her family name is Brown, her first name i

7、s Jenny. S: His telephone number is 868-7889, his family name is Smith, his first name is Jenny. 84Work on 3c(完成P53c)x k b 1 . c o m5Work on 4c ( 完成P54c )T: Now write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bag. Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner. 106Follow up(进一步扩展)T: N

8、ow its your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions about his friend . E.g.:A: Whats your friends first name and last name ?B: His first name is Mike and last name is Jordan. A: Whats your friends telephone number ?B:

9、His telephone number is 84693218.A: Whats his address ?B; No.58 Pingan Street.来源:学优高考网gkstk7. Work on Page 6 in our workbook.8. Work on Page 6 in our workbook.来源:gkstk.ComT: Now write five or more words in your Vocab-Builder. 139Homework (1) Finish workbook P.4. (2) Bring some of your family photos

10、to school and get ready to introduce to the classmates. 复习数字:用抢答形式,让学生竞猜记忆单词。2b部分:Read the passage and match them with the pictures,circle the first names and underline the last names.(A ,B图片辨析点:3中:My friend is in China .Her name is Zhang Mingming .让学生自己制作ID card。Notes: Please work with your group (

11、four students in one group) and ask each other questions about his/her friend . Playing games:来源:学优高考网1) look at the screen and say out the numbersAs soon as possible.2) ask and answer what is your telephone number/qq number ? change the numbers with your parters.then you can be friends each other. 教学反思学生制作自己的学生证,并且向自己的同学介绍自己,学生即兴的表现非常棒,不仅完整地进行了表达,还插入了I amyears old.I like等句型。学生积极性值得提倡,但同时我也注意到有些英语学困生在这样的情境下变得更加不敢发言,他们唯恐自己出错。这种现象我也有所察觉,长此以往这类学生必然会丧失学英语兴趣和信心,怎样引导和激励这类学生课堂也积极起来,并且发言错误也不必顾虑这点我真得好好琢磨一下了。


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