《专业英语》 建筑翻译题

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《《专业英语》 建筑翻译题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《专业英语》 建筑翻译题(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings. A wider definition would include within its scope the design of the total built environment, from the macro level of town planning, urban design and landscape to the microlevel of furniture and product design. Architecture, equally importan

2、tly, also refers to the product of such a design.建筑学(或建筑设计)是设计建筑的艺术和科学。一个更广泛的定义是包括建筑范围内的总体环境设计,宏观上包括城市规划,城市和景观设计,微观上包括家具和产品设计。建筑也是指像这样设计而成的产品.Architecture is a multi-disciplinary field, including within its fold mathematics, science, art, technology, social sciences, politics, history, philosophy, a

3、nd so on. In Vitruvius words, Architecture is a science, arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning: by the help of which a judgment is formed of those works which are the result of other arts.建筑是一个多学科领域,包括在其倍数学,科学,艺术,技术,社会科学,政治,历史,哲学,等等。维特鲁威认为建筑学是产生于多种学科的一门科学,充满了深

4、邃且丰富的学问:建筑学是人们借助于多学科融合而成的知识体系而形成的一种判断体系,是其他艺术成果发展的结晶。Theory is the result of that reasoning which demonstrates and explains that the material wrought has been so converted as to answer the end proposed.理论是推理的结果,它展示并解释了那些已经加工过的材料再被转变是为了达到最终合理的结果.自己翻译的不是很准仅供参考by:肖莹莹In Europe in the Classical and Medie

5、val periods, buildings were not attributed to specific individual architects who remained anonymous. Guilds were formed by craftsmen to organise their trade.古典和中世纪时期在欧洲,建筑不会由那些特定的不知名的个体建筑师设计。建筑都是由工匠门所组成的公会去设计建造.by肖莹莹With the Renaissance and its emphasis on the individual and humanity rather than rel

6、igion, and with all its attendant progess and achievements, a new chapter began.随着文艺的复兴越发的强调人本主义,而不是宗教,与此同时也取得了很大的进步和成就,一个新的篇章开始了。At this stage, it was still possible for an artist to design a bridge as the level of structural calculations involved were within the scope of the generalist.在这个阶段,一个艺术家

7、仍有可能参与桥梁的设计,其涉及的结构计算的水平是在通才(所涉及的范围)之内的.by肖莹莹Architecture now required a team of professionals in its making, an architect being one among the many, sometimes the leader, sometimes not. This is the state of the profession today.现在在设计建筑时需要专业的团队,建筑师是其中的一员,有时充当领导者,有时不是。这是该行业的现状。However,most of them are

8、still designed by people themselves or masons as in developing countries,or through standardised production as in developed countries.然而,大多数还是通过发展中国家的人民或是工匠自己设计,或者在发达国家进行标准化的设计。The order of a classical building is like the mode or key of classical music. It is established by certain modules like the

9、 intervals of music, and it raises certain expectations in an audience attuned to its language. The orders are like the grammar or rhetoric of a written composition.古典建筑的柱式就像是古典音乐的韵律或者音调一样。它由确定的构件组成,类似音乐中的音程,它会提高观众的某种期望使之与它的语言相协调。柱式就像一篇作文中的语法或修辞关于音乐方面的术语就请教张子木吧A column is divided into a shaft, its b

10、ase and its capital. In classical buildings the horizontal structure that is supported on the columns like a beam is called an entablature. The entablature is commonly divided into the architrave, the frieze and the cornice. To distinguish between the different Classical orders, the capital is used,

11、 having the most distinct characteristics.一个柱子可以分为柱身,柱基和柱头。在古典建筑的水平结构中,像梁一样起支撑作用的结构叫做柱上楣构。 柱上楣构一般分为楣梁,中楣和檐口。通常用柱头来区分不同古典柱式,因为每个柱头有各自明显的特点。In Roman and post-Renaissance work, the entablature may be carried from column to column in the form of an arch that springs from the column that bears its weight

12、, retaining its divisions and sculptural enrichment, if any.在后来罗马的文艺复兴开始时,柱上楣构是可以从一个柱子搭到另一个柱子上形成拱结构来支撑重量,如果可能的话还可以保留原有的装饰和雕刻。There are three distinct orders in Ancient Greek architecture: Doric, Ionic, and, later, Corinthian. These three were adopted by the Romans, who modified their capitals. The R

13、oman adoption of the Greek orders took place in the 1st century BC.在古希腊建筑中有三种截然不同的柱式:多立克,爱奥尼和后来的科林斯。罗马修改了一下他们的柱头并引为己用。在公元前1世纪罗马采用了希腊的柱式。The Romans adapted all the Greek orders and also developed two orders of their own, basically modification of Greek orders. The Romans also invented the superposed

14、order.罗马采用了希腊所有的柱式,基于希腊的柱式罗马自己还开发了两种新的柱式。此外,罗马人还发明了叠柱。Ancient Chinese architecture styles vary greatly, depending on the social class an individual owner belonged to.古代中国的建筑风格变化很大,因为社会阶级的不同而独具特色。Even the style of the roof shows the power of the sovereign, with the ridges engraved with the immortal o

15、r beasts symbolizing stateliness.即使是屋顶的风格也通过在屋脊上雕刻不朽的神兽来象征最高统治者的权利。One obvious difference lies in the fact that there were no ornaments around the door symbolic of official position in ancient Chinese hierarchical society.在中国古代封建社会、一个明显的不同之处在于,(商人)的大门上没有象征官职的特殊装饰。Numbers can be divided into odds and

16、 evens, which fall into the categories of Yang and Yin respectively according to the Yin-Yang principle (concerning opposing elements). Within the less than 10, 9 is the largest one and 5 ranks in the middle. Accordingly, both 9 and 5 connoted the supreme imperial power in ancient China.数字可以分为奇数和偶数,根据阴阳法则可以归纳为阴和阳(关于对立的元素)。在小于10的奇数中,9是最大的,而5是处于中间的。因



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