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1、Revision,Oxford English 7B,Unit 1 Dream homes,Practise oral English,Ask students to say something about housing according to Chinese .,住房( Housing) 例一: 1、我与父母一起住在一个小城镇。 2、我们的公寓在四楼,有三个卧室,一个客厅,一个厨房 和一个浴室, 我在卧室有一扇大的窗户,在我们的楼 附近有一个花园,所以我从卧室的窗户可以看到花园 里的鲜花和树木。 3、我们家离我的学校不远,我每天步行上学。,例二: 1.我和父母一起住在繁华街道的一座公寓里

2、;公寓在城市的南部 2.在我们的公寓里有一个大的客厅; 晚上,我们在那里看电视; 3.我喜欢烹饪,经常在厨房帮妈妈做饭; 4.我的卧室有一个阳台,我喜欢坐在那儿听音乐,Revise some phrases of this unit,Translate the following phrases into English.,1.中国的首都,the capital of china,2. 至少,at least,3. 与朋友聊天,chat with friends,4. 同时,5. 向外看着海滩,6.在河上,7.我自己的卧室,8.在一条繁华的街上,at the same time,look ou

3、t at the beach,over the river,my own bedroom,on a busy street,9.与分享,10.在的中间,11.没有其他的房间,12.迫不及待做某事,13. 在门的对面,14.下大雨,15.在我和你之间,16.在底楼,share with,in the center of,no other rooms,cant wait to do sth,opposite the door,rain heavily / hard,between you and me,on the ground floor,Language Points,1. arrive ,g

4、et and reach,(1) arrive 是不及物动词,后面跟介词in 或at 才可接宾语。到达大城市或国家等大地方,常用介词in, 到达小地方时用介词at ,后面不接地方时,常用arrive ;,(2) get 是不及物动词,后接宾语时,用介词to ,与地点副词连用时,to 则省略;,(3)reach 是及物动词,后面直接跟具体地点。 如:arrive in Beijing = get to Beijing = reach Beijing arrive home = get home = reach home,2. I cant wait to see you .,我迫不及待的想见到你

5、。,考点:cant wait to do sth / cant wait for sth,(1) 他迫不及待地打开电视,He cant wait to turn on TV .,(2) 我们迫不及待地盼着即将到来的假期,We cant wait for the coming holiday .,3. above ,over and on,考点: 三个词都表示“在上,但用法不同。”,(1) above 意为“在.之,高于.” 表示“在的上方” 或高于某物,但不一定在正上方, 两者不接触,其反义词是below;,(2) over 意为“在之上,”指在谋物的正上方,不接触,反义词是under ;,(

6、3) on 意为“在之上”指一物在另一物的上面,两物表面相接触。,a. 在我桌子的上方有一盏灯。,There is a light above my desk .,b. 在河的上方有座桥。,There is a bridge over the river .,c. 桌子上有本英语书。,There is an English book on the desk .,4.listen, hear, sound,listen表示“听”的过程。后面跟宾语时用介词“to”。 hear强调“听到”的结果。 sound作为动词时表示“听起来”,后面跟表语。,How does his idea _? It _

7、good. 2. _! What can you _? Nothing. 3. The students should _their teachers carefully in class.,sound,sounds,Listen,hear,listen to,Grammar,地点介词的用法,我们用地点介词来表示事物所在的位置,通常用疑问词 “Where”提问。如:in front of, between, next to, opposite, on, behind, beside,Where is the pen ?,Its on the box.,Its_the box.,in,Where

8、s the pen?,Its _ the box.,under,Its _ the box.,behind,The blue box is next to/beside the orange box.,The blue box is opposite the orange one.,The wooden house is over the river.,The man is in front of the bus.,The driver is in the front of the bus.,米莉坐在我前面。Sandy sits _ me. 2. 桌子在双人床盒衣橱之间。 The table

9、is _ the bunk beds and the wardrobe. 3. 窗户在门的对面。The window is _ the door. 4. 我住在桑迪隔壁。 I live _ Sandy. 5. 书包不在门背后。 The bag isnt _ the door.,用地点介词填空;,in front of,between,opposite,next to,behind,2.Cardinal numbers 基数词(写法,读法),1. 0-12,zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve,2.

10、 13-19,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,3. 20-29,twenty-one /two / three / four / five /six /,4. 20-90,twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety,5. 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000,one hundred,one thousand,ten thousand,one hundred thousand,one million,6.百和十

11、之间用and连接,4,056 34,912 457,126 6,436,210,four thousand and fifty-six,thirty-four thousand,nine hundred and twelve,four hundred and fifty-seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-six,six million, four hundred and thirty-six thousand, two hundred and ten,Can you spell these ordinal numbers,1st: 2nd: 3rd:

12、 5th: 12th:,first,second,third,fifth,twelfth,8th: 9th: 20th: 29th: 31st,eighth,ninth,twentieth,twenty-ninth,thirty-first,4. 20-100,twenty thirty forty fifty sixty,twentieth,thirtieth,fortieth,fiftieth,sixtieth,seventy eighty ninety hundred,seventieth,eightieth,ninetieth,hundredth,注意:我们用序数词来表示事情或事件的顺

13、序,用它们来谈论日期,楼层,结果等。 序数词修饰名词时要用定冠词 “the”。,一般来说在基数词后加 -th 构成序数词。 注意一下特殊变化: 特殊变化 e.g. one first two second three third 2) 以 ve 结尾的词,把 ve 变成f加 th e.g. five fifth twelve twelfth 3) 以 e 结尾的词,去 e 加 th e.g. nine ninth 4) 以 y 结尾的词,把 y 变成 ie 加 th e.g. twenty twentieth,Consolidation:,1. 饭店在九楼。 The restaurant is

14、 on the _ floor. 2. 杰克是第一个到校的学生。 Jack is the _ student to get to school. 3. 他们将会在六月十二日到达南京. They will arrive in Nanjing on the _ of June. 4. 我们正在学第二十课。 We are learning Lesson _. We are learning _ _ Lesson. 5. 米莉在英语考试中得了一百零七分,获得了第五名。 Mille got _ points in the English exam. She came _.,ninth,first,twe

15、lfth,Twenty,the twentieth,one hundred and seven,fifth,II. 根据中文完成句子,1. 要我给他带个口信吗? 好的,请叫他晚上8:00给我回电话。 Can I for him? Yes, please ask him at 8:00. 2. 我的梦想家园有一个五十米长的游泳池。 There is a swimming pool which is in my dream home. 3. 他上课时总是看着外面的操场。 He always _ the playground. 4. 他经常与他的朋友分享快乐和悲伤。 He often _ happiness and sadness _ his friends.,take a message,to call me back,fifty meters long,looks out at,shares,wi


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