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1、Unit 1,构词法,构词法:,合成(Compounding),派生法(Derivation),转化法(Conversion),合成: 有两个或更多的词合成一个词。合成次的构成大致有以下几种情况。,1.合成名词:,someone,reading-room,spaceship,working-people,madman,blackboard,2.合成动词:,safe-guard,half-understand,white-wash,捍卫,一知半解,粉刷,3.合成形容词,long-hair first-class snow-white hand-made five-year-old life-lo

2、ng dark-blue good-looking,长发的,一流的,雪白的,手工的,五岁的,终身的,深蓝的,好看的,4.合成副词,sometimes alongside beforehand nearby,有时地,并排地,事先地,附近地,派生法(Derivation)-词缀法,1.加前缀的构词法:,Pre-(前),Pre-reading, Preflight, Pre-liberation,Re-(重新),Rewrite, reconsider, reuse,dis-(不),disagree,Un-(不),untie, unfair, unlimited,in-,non-, un-, dis-

3、,常表示否定,discover,disappear,2.后缀:,adj.-ness,Happiness, illness, selfishness,V-ment,Equipment, entertainment, amusement,名词性的词缀: -er, -ist, -or, -ship, -hood,n-ist,Scientist, socialist,-ship,Leadership, friendship,-hood,Childhood, brotherhood,形容词词性的词缀:-able, -cal, -ish, -like, -ful, -ous, -al,Acceptable

4、, physical, childish, girlish, manlike, mouthful, hopeful, delicious, dangerous national, natural, arrival,副词性的词缀:-ly,-wards,quickly, softly, yearly, backwards, forwards,转化法(Conversion),It has a good taste.,It taste very good.,book,n.书籍,v.记载,record,n.记录,v. 记录,This book is very good.,He is booking th

5、e history.,He broke the record.,He lies to record something while reading a book.,clean,adj. 干净,v.清扫,Please keep tidy and clean.,You have to clean the blackboard after class.,aero- -sickness anthro contra -ness Hydro-,Administrate administration Manage management Bush administration 布什政府 Administrat

6、ion building 行政大楼 under sb.s administration 在某人的管理下 during the administration of sb. 在某人的任期内,She has been looking after the ,day-to-day administration. 她一直在照管日常的行政工作,Aero Aeroplane Aerospace Aeronautics,Aeronautical accomplishment,Change-1 lunar probe; Change-1 lunar satellite circumlunar satellite

7、moon exploration project; moon probe project Manned (space) mission project Shenzhou 5 spaceship, Project Apollo,Chant a prayer. 唱赞美诗 The crowds chant was More Jobs! More Money! 人群不断重复呼喊的是增加就业!提高工资,Contra Contract contraflow contradict,Well, I declare! 嘿! 怪了! declare against sth. 声明反对某事 declare in f

8、avor of sth. 声明赞成某事 declare off 宣布作废, 毁约, 宣布退出 declared war宣战 declare peace 宣布和平 declare sb. (to be) innocent 宣布某人无罪,Declare -announce,都含“明确地声明或宣布的意思”。 declare 经常用于正式场合,指“清楚, 有力地, 公开让人知道”, 如: He declared his intention to run for office. 他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法。 announce 指“把人们关心或感兴趣的事正式公布于众”, 如: announce a sal

9、e 公布减价。 I now declare this meeting open. 我现在宣布会议开幕,The customs asked me if I had anything to declare. 海关人员问我是否有要报税的东西,dread,in dread of ones life 害怕遭到杀害 in dread of sb/sth. 害怕某人某事 I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the truth The Jews lived in dread of being caught,duck,mandarin duck

10、鸳鸯 a lazy duck 懒家伙 make a duck 得零分 She is a duck. 她是一个引人注目的人 a dead duck (注定要)完蛋的人,a fine day for young ducks 雨天 be out for a duck 吃鸭蛋(得零分); 退场 swim like a duck 识水性 Will a duck swim? 口当然愿意喽! 那还用问吗?,to duck under water 潜入水中 Duck into He ducks many parties. 他逃避许多聚会。,applaud sth/sb to the echo 对某人某事物大声

11、喝采, 掌声雷动 cheer sb./sth to the echo 对某人某事物大声喝采, 掌声雷动 find an echo in ones heart 在某人心中引起共鸣 屋内音乐之声回荡 The room echoed with the sound of music Her performance was cheered to the echo. 她的表演获得长时间的喝采,Hydro- Hydro-electric Hydrogen bomb,Over- Over-burden Over-charge Overcome overdo,page,The tournament added

12、a brilliant page to the history of world table-tennis Paging Grey Wood, would you go to reception please? 格林伍德先生,请到服务台去一下 Mr. Black is being paged. 有人在叫布莱克先生的名字要找他,prone,She is prone to colds. 她易患感冒。 Children of poor health are very prone to colds in winter. 体弱的孩子在冬天易患感冒 People are more prone to mak

13、e mistakes when they are tired. 人们疲劳时更容易出差错,have the Indian sign on 用魔法迷住.; 对.施以魅力 make a sign to 对.作暗号打手势 show a sign of 现出.的样子或形迹, 有.的征兆 sign and countersign 口令的问答; 暗语, 暗号 bear the sign of the times 带有时代的特征,Its a serious crime to smuggle an animal into Britain. 走私动物到英国是严重的违法行为 They smuggled Swiss

14、watches into China. 他们走私瑞士表进中国,I am tempted (ie feel inclined) to take the day off. 我打算休一天假 He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness. 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生 He was tempted into making a false step. 他被引诱做了一件傻事,Many children start their education at the age of three or four at a nursery s

15、chool or in the nursery class at a primary school. Education in the UK is compulsory for every child between the ages of five and sixteen. Both Pre-school and compulsory educations are provided by two kinds of schools: free state-funded schools and fee-charging independent schools. Significant numbe

16、rs of international students,attend independent boarding schools. Independent schools supply reparatory education for children aged five to thirteen. State schools supply primary education for children aged five to eleven. After the reparatory/primary education, students aged eleven to thirteen start their secondary education stage. Both state and independent UK secondary schools teach pupils and prepare them for GC


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