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1、星期3 Wednesday 3步解题法根据听力会话题的题型特征:考生事先可以看到卷面上的5个试题,正式会话之前录音中会有一段答题指令等,我们将会话题的应对方法分为三个步骤进行。今日讲堂一、听前预测预测是听力应试中一项十分重要的技巧。预测即根据试题的提示语、题干及选项等给出的信息,判断可能听到的内容和答案性质。考生在听到录音前,可迅速浏览出现在考卷上的几个选择项。通过浏览,基本可预测到所听内容的重点。预测的时候可以注意以下几点:1关键词重复预测会话主题将各题所考查的主题内容结合在一起,往往可以得出整篇对话的主题。此外,将所有试题及选项中的关键词摘录,也可以猜测到会话的主题。【例1】(2010年)

2、【试题扫描】1. According to Dr Johnson, diversity meansA merging of different cultural identities.B more emphasis on homogeneity.C embracing of more ethnic differences.D acceptance of more branches of Christianity.2. According to the interview, which of the following statements is CORRECT?A Some places ar

3、e more diverse than others.B Towns are less diverse than large cities.C Diversity can be seen everywhere.D American is a truly diverse country.【预测信息】浏览各题干可知,采访对象是Dr Johnson。根据第1题的diversity以及第2题选项中的关键词diverse可以预测,采访过程中Dr Johnson谈到了多样化或差异的含义。【听音验证】M: Yes, of course. You see today we use the word “dive

4、rsity” to refer to more visible ethnic differences Asian American, African American and Latino, for instance.M: Well, I think, in all this talk of diversity, there is a critical point that may be missed. That is, diversity is not occurring everywhere in the U.S., or at least not to a degree that wou

5、ld alter the demography of every region in the country.2由选项关键词锁定听音重点如果选项中含有think, like, dislike, enjoy, agree, disagree, mind等一类的词语,听力材料或问题很可能是关于对某人或某事物的评价或感受,那么在听音时就应该抓住相应的信息点。选项均以原形动词开头,问题大多是关于建议某人做某事,有时也表示为了某种目的要做某事。问题如果是关于正在进行的动作或者计划打算,听音时就应该锁定表示行动的词。【例2】(05-4)【扫描选项】4. Professor McKay is _ towar

6、ds the tendency of more parents living apart from their children.A negativeB positiveC ambiguousD neutral【预测信息】根据题干信息以及选项中表示态度的用词,锁定教授关于很多父母不和孩子住在一起的态度为听音重点。【听音验证】M: Is this a good thing, do you think?W: I think that its an excellent arrangement. We all like to keep part of our lives private, even f

7、rom those we love dearly. I certainly dont think that its a sign of the increased loneliness of old age.【答案解析】某人的观点态度可通过其所用词语的褒贬来体现。只要捕捉到excellent一词,就可确定教授的肯定态度。很明显,答案为B。3利用选项特征排除干扰预测时还要注意会话试题中很多选项都有比较明显的特点。正确的选项必须是“符合常理的”,“合乎逻辑的”和“积极向上的”;那么干扰项(非正确选项)就难免要“胡说八道”或者“张冠李戴”。我们可以通过对选项的分析,排除一些比较明显的干扰性,缩小听音

8、范围,从而在听音时更有针对性。【例3】(08-3)【扫描选项】3. Freddy has cited the following advantages for a new airport EXCEPTA more job opportunities.B vitality to the local economy.C road construction. D presence of aircrew in the area.【预测信息】本题考查男士认为修建新机场的好处,D明显不符合常理,故有可能为答案。【听音验证】M: But er, airports do bring some local ad

9、vantages. They bring roads, there is obviously extra employment, for instance, new hotels, shops, restaurants will have to be built. This means more jobs for the locals, and it is good for local economy.【答案解析】选D。男士在反驳女士时,指出了修建新机场的可能带来的益处:道路等基础设施的建设、更多的就业机会、促进当地经济的发展,分别与C、A、B的内容相对应,只有D“本地区出现飞机上的全体机组人


11、3)【试题】3. Toastmasters general approach to training can be summarized asA practice plus overall training.B practice plus lectures.C practice plus voice training.D practice plus speech writing.【听力原文】M: Then, how does Toastmasters train people?W: Toastmasters has an approach of learning by doing. These

12、 speeches cater to different purposes, for example, one objective might be to develop vocal variety; another might be to organize your thoughts, or develop your use of humor in speeches.【分析】四个选项都含有共同信息practice plus,但到底是实战加什么样的培训方法呢,很难在听音前预测到,只能在听中注意。当听到男士的提问how does Toastmasters train people,弦马上绷紧,接

13、下来女士的回答就是答案所在。听到learning by doing后,捕捉到选项中后面的关键内容很快就要揭晓。当听到different purposes后,即使for example后举例的内容没有听清,也很容易得出答案为A。三、听后慎答听后要利用瞬时记忆和听时的笔录整理所听到的内容,根据书面的问题适当作答或检查答案。如果有可能,还要根据得到的书面提示,猜想一下没有完全听懂的部分,不能轻易放弃。同时,也要注意,对话题选项干扰性很大,如果确实没有听懂会话内容,任何一个选项都可能是陷阱,一定不要通过听到的不完整信息随便做答。【例5】(09-1)【试题】1. Which of the followi

14、ng statements is CORRECT?A Toastmasters was originally set up to train speaking skills.B Toastmasters only accepts prospective professional speakers.C Toastmasters accepts members from the general public.D Toastmasters is an exclusive club for professional speakers.【听力原文】W: Im delighted to have that

15、 opportunity. Toastmasters is an international organization, designed to develop effective speaking and listening skills.W: Toastmasters is open to the public at large. Any individual who wishes to improve his public speaking is welcomed. And also, those who just want to increase their overall self-confidence are encouraged to attend.【分析】A的干扰性较大,有可能在开始听到develop effective speaking and listening skills后就直接选出答案。但原文中提到该机构既能有效提高人们的说话技能,又能提高听话的技能,故A不正确。女士明确提到Toastmasters对所有公众开放,欢迎任何一个想要提高演讲能力的人加入。因此,C为答案。今日练习


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