牛津译林版英语高一上册module 1《unit 2 growing pains》ppt课件

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1、American English vs British English Colloquialisms,Unit 2 Word power,American English VS British English Despite such differences, all English speakers, Americans or Englishmen, can understand each other. Besides language, can you name any other differences between the cultures of the USA and the UK

2、?,Brain-storm: How much do you know? 1) Thanksgiving is observed only in _. 2) People usually walk on the _ side in the USA while in the UK people usually walk on the _ side. 3) _ behave in a more casual way while in _ people are a bit more formal or traditional.,America,right,left,Americans,Britain

3、,Brain-storm: How much do you know? 4) Americans select _ as the top leader of the country, while in the UK, the _ or _ is always the representative of the country. 5) Football has its origin in _, but in America, where it is called _, it is not so popular as American football。,president,King,Queen,

4、Britain,soccer,Who can be American? Who can be British? How do you know?,Sam: Hi David .How are you? David: Fine, have you just gone back from New York? Sam: yeah, I went back here last Monday . David: How is your summer holiday, Sam? Sam: Excellent, during my summer vacation I joined a soccer ball

5、club and I can play it better now. David: Good! I also practised playing football this summer too. Sam: Ok. Please call me at 33543165 if the students union organize a soccer ball match. David: Good idea! You may call me on 25682275. Sam: See you! David: Goodbye!,Read the dialogue and find out “ Is

6、it in American English or British English?”.,What is a colloquialism(口语体,会话体)?,Guess the meaning of the underlined: He just cant do anything right. He is all thumbs.,to be unable to do something in which you have to make small careful movements with your fingers 笨手笨脚,Guess the meaning of the underli

7、ned: A: I will have a exam tomorrow. B: Break a leg,wish you good luck 祝你好运,Guess the meaning of the underlined: Dont make a mountain out of a molehill. Its not that serious.,to treat a problem as if it was very serious when in fact it is not 小题大做,Guess the meaning of the underlined: I will have a t

8、est tomorrow, so Id better hit the book.,read the book and work hard,Guess the meaning of the underlined: If we dont win the basketball game by at least twenty points, I will eat my hat.,You are 100% sure that something will not happen,Homework,1.Try your best to keep the examples of American English and British English in their mind. 2. To find more colloquialisms if they like 3.Finish the exercises,


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