外研版高中英语选修9《module 6 why do we need dictionaries)ppt课件之五

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1、Module 6 Why do we need dictionaries,Language points,1Dictionaries are like watches:the worst is better than none,and the best cannot be expected to go quite true 词典就如手表:再差也比没有强,而最好的也不能指望完全正确。,2 Samuel Johnson(1709-1784)was one of Britains greatest literary figures of all time 搴缪尔约翰逊(17091784)是英国有史以

2、来最伟大的文人之一。 of all time 一直,永远,3He signed a contract in June 1746 but the dictionary did not appear until 1755 1746年6月他签署了一份合同,但直到1755年词典才得以出版。,4What happened to the other 8,000 words? Johnson said that Baileys book contained too many foreign words,so he omitted them! 其余的那8,000个词汇昵? 约翰逊说贝利的书里包含了太多的外来词

3、,他就把它们给删掉了!,5JohnsonS dictionary was the first to illustrate the meanings of words by using literary quotations,usually from works by the playwright and poet William Shakespeare (15641616) and the English poets John Milton(1608-1674)and John Dryden (1631-1700) 约翰逊的词典是第一本引用文学作品来解释词意的,通常这些引语来自剧作家、诗人威廉

4、莎士比亚(1564-1616),英国诗人约翰米尔顿(1608-1674)和约翰德莱顿(1631-1700)的作品。,6Samuel Johnsons dictionary had many faults:it was old-fashioned,he gave no help with pronunciation and he used older spellings rather than the newer simplified spellings that most writers were using 塞缪尔约翰逊的词典有很多瑕疵:守旧,对语音无所助益,采用的是旧式拼写而不是大多数作家

5、使用着的较新式的简化拼写。,7.The three men,Richard Chenevix Trench,Herbert Coleridge and Frederick Furnivall, were all members of the London Philological Society and they were all unhappy with existing dictionaries,including Samuel Johnsons 这三个人,理查德切尼威克斯特伦奇、赫伯特柯尔律治和弗雷德里克弗尼瓦尔都是伦敦语文学会的成员,他们对现行的词典都不甚满意,其中包括塞缪尔约翰逊的词

6、典。 be unhappy with 对不满: Anyone who is unhappy with his/her results can take the exam again 任何人对成绩不满意都可以重考。,8. Trench suggested writing a new dictionary based on contributions from a large number of volunteers 特伦奇建议编写一部基于大批志愿者投稿的新词典。,9Things improved when a man called James Murray became the editor 在

7、一位叫詹姆斯默里的人当上编辑之后情况得到了改善。,10 The project was clearly too big for one person to edit, so Murray enlarged the editing team 虽然,这项工作由一个人编辑任务太重,因此默里扩大了编辑队伍。,11Now,150 years after the first idea,the OED is available at the touch of a computer key。 时至今日,离最初的想法150年后,只要手指在电脑上轻点一个键就可以使用牛津英语词典。,12.He sent thous

8、ands of quotation slips to the editor James Murray,and Murray was extremely grateful for the work he did 他给编辑詹姆斯-默里寄送了数以千计的引言条,默里对他所做的工作感激万分。 be grateful to sb for sth因为某事感谢某人: She was extremely grateful to her parents for their support她对父母的支持特别感激。,13At the railway station,a polished landau and a co

9、achman were waiting, and with James Murray aboard,they clipclopped back through the lanes of rural Berkshire 在火车站,一辆擦得锃亮的四轮马车和一名车夫等在那里,待詹姆斯默里上车之后,他们穿过伯克郡郊外的乡间小道一路马蹄嘚嘚往回赶。 clipclop 发出嘚嘚声,14After 20 minutes or so,the carriage turned into a long drive lined with tall poplarsdrawing up eventually outsid

10、e a huge and rather forbidding redbrick mansion。 大约二十分钟后,马车拐进一条长长的车道,两边是高高的白杨,最后马车缓缓地停在一座庞大并且 令人望而却步的红砖大楼前。 draw up 车辆到达后停下: The taxi drew up at the school gate 出租车停在了学校门口。,15.Murray bowed and launched into the brief speech of greeting he had so long rehearsed 默里鞠了一躬,就开始说他好久前就排演好的简短致意。 launch into 开

11、始、着手,16It is an honour and a pleasure to at long last make your acquaintancefor you must be Dr WCMinor? 很荣幸、很高兴终于认识您了,您一定就是W.C,迈纳医生吧? at long last 终于: At long last I have my own good dictionary! 我终于有了自己的一部好词典了! make your acquaintance 认识,结识,17There was a brief pause,an air of momentary mutual embarrassment 停顿了有那么一小会儿,气氛让双方片刻间都感到尴尬。,18 And then the man behind the desk cleared his throat,and he spoke 后来坐在写字台后面的那个人清了清喉咙,开了腔。,


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