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1、2019届高三第四次月考试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AThe British live on a small island. They are surrounded by the sea, so it i

2、s not surprising that the sea has always played an important role in their lives.After the development of large, ocean- going sailing ships in the fifteenth century, the sea became even more important to the countrys development. Ships setting sail from England determined to extend Britains territor

3、ies, its wealth and its knowledge of the world.Ships returned to England bringing goods, people and new ideas from foreign places. By the nineteenth century, Britain had the largest, most powerful navy in the world.The great sailing ships were so much a part of British life that they even affected t

4、he language.Many English expressions we use today were originally nautical(航海的)terms, although most people no longer realize this. For example, people commonly describe an honest and fair business deal as beingabove board.This expression was originally used in sailing ship times when secretive, dish

5、onest ships business would becarried out below decks( i. e. below the boards)out of public view. On the other hand, honest business was always conducted on deck (above the boards), in the open where everyone could see what was going on.Pipe down!, meaning Be quiet!,is another common expression that

6、has nautical origins. The ships boatswain(水手长) would blow a whistle,or pipe, at the end of the day to indicate(表明) to the sailors it was time to quieten down and go to sleep.Most native English speakers have heard the expression not enough room to swing a cat, but few know that the“cat”does not refe

7、r to a small furry animal with four legs and a tail. Thecatis actually a short form ofcat of nine tails.a whip with nine,knotted(打结的) tails. A boatswain needed a lot of space in order to swing the whip properly when lashing(鞭打) a poor sailor under his control!21. The British have been strongly influ

8、enced by thesea becauseA. they live on an island surrounded by the seaB. they occupied more land around the worldC. they got more wealth from the seaD. they had the largest navy ever22. If someone is open and above board, it means he isA, secretiveB.cheerful C. honestD. dishonest23.Which of the foll

9、owing is TRUE according to the passage?A. Sailors will be whipped if they do business below decks.B. Sailors need to go to sleep when they hear a whistle.C. A poor sailor may be whipped nine times a day.D. There is no spare room to raise cats on ships.24. The passage is mainly about_.A. The business

10、 on British sailing shipsB. The sailing history of EnglishC. The sailing story of British sailorsD. The influence of British sailors language on English BThe best reporters I know are bright,persistent,honest,curious and courageous.If you asked them to explain their success,this is what they might s

11、ay:Helen:A good reporter is a generalist,able to deal with a number of topics and talk with a variety of people.He or she can see the unusual,the ironic(讽刺的) in the everyday.She can think through all the possibilities and organize a large amount of information to find the important parts.Jack:A good

12、 reporter is quick.Once he is assigned a story,he goes after it.He makes the calls and keeps trying if he doesnt make contact.Besides,a good reporter is curious.He or she takes pleasure in the new,and in the old,in the history or previous examples that got us where we are.He enjoys reading and appre

13、ciates the details.Susan:A good reporter is pleasant.She adopts a friendly nature with those she meets.She is a grateful guest,with a belief in the basic goodness of people.She conveys to those she meets that she is tolerant of them and their ideas,even though she doesnt like them or what they stand

14、 for.Tom:A good reporter is honest.He seeks the truth and acts independently.He does what he says hes going to do,and doesnt do something he promised to avoid.He returns his calls,and hes willing to say no.Hes obsessed with accuracy and double checks his facts with callbacks.He sees both sides to ev

15、ery issue.Richard:As Jon Franklin,reporter,author and teacher,said,“Back when I first started,I thought intelligence was the most important attribute a reporter could have.I have since changed my mind.You do have to be intelligent,but the big thing is courage.Courage to open your mind and let the wh

16、ole confusing world in.Courage to always be the ignorant one,on somebody elses turf.Courage to stand corrected.Courage to take criticism.Courage to grow with your experiences.Courage to accept what you dont understand.Most of all,courage to see what is there and not what you want to think is there.”25.What would be the best title of the text?A. How a Reporter Makes Good News


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