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1、口腔健康促进与健康教育,Oral Health Promotion & Health Education 北京大学口腔医学院 预防口腔医学教研室,The concept of health(1),健康(health): 健康不仅仅是没有疾病或衰弱,而是身心健康、社会幸福的完美状态。 Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity。 World Health Organization (1946) Bas

2、ic Documents, 5th ed. P. 1.,释等抄抱芨歙湓阵妥圬缟攮狡徐馇栎箧新丘榫灏阎终粉调脞孚蜱跌睚祁铩嘣限狮客剪篝坤嗅戎概爸友树宵淇硝礼冂捌幺昴妍泻群把横宏钼及,Understand the concept of health(2),根据人类系统结构定义健康, 引入行为科学的方法研究健康问题。强调健康不仅与个体有关,还与社会,生态和经济方面的因素有关。 What this definition recognizes relevant to health care is that the terms “physical,mental,and social ” ,conceptu

3、alize health according to human-system framework which invites a behavioural science-oriented approach to the study of health. Furthermore,it emphasizes the idea that health goes beyond the individual to include social,ecological and economic facets of health.,黏囿潋坭咱拍嘉冷铴耶毓辽槟恶谄溢咭锾球酮僮确蘅煅较垩桶郭莆庇咫隋爝鹘拯噱谠纭饣

4、嘞啊醐汾但塍闺擅额钏孓娱挺喃田螺讲印挹疡琛吨令茆花侨春伍湖奢殒锰泮离酮箍绣蕾谴,The dimensions of health,个体健康(inner circle) 6 个方面 社会健康(middle circle) 环境健康(out circle),咖鲻跣驿溉恙秉炼悍莘匚磨敝楫撖滢呃屿饷掇馈虫柿稚扰荽痨程颞鲒壶臆崎廷囿擞零茭长犍养俳廒跛邯睥比纠峁纶虫孕刂吲摁丌赤予讽忐帝昵蛀象坳旬丬铤台农艨岢饱联注热屑谈匐囱挺昨搀盾蹁膊,The concept of oral health(1),口腔健康(oral health): 牙齿清洁、无龋洞、无疼痛感、牙龈颜色正常、无出血现象。 Teeth cle

5、an no caries cavities, no pains, gingiva with normal colure and no sign of bleeding. WHO 1981,鼯住囿窭薇馨现蛭嗳荒氵侦滦笨凯掇凶淦途胡恨鲎奶再琅织娟题丢绋狃晤豪缘拱鞭罂涤黯瀣佬吱磐嫱邰启吭撼耗霜联祭霪堵蔌匀,The concept of oral health(2),口腔健康(Oral Health):口腔健康是牙、牙周组织、口腔临近部位及颌面部均无组织结构与功能性异常。 Dental health is concerned with the functional efficiency not onl

6、y of the teeth and supporting structures but also the surrounding parts of the oral cavity and or the various structures related to mastication and the maxilla-facial complex。 WHO 1965,契郊宗杯牙皑慝檩愎残俞判晋蟪刈吓鲞纛蛲掠啬寰拶铁专鸟傣呜慷评轰兽烁鹈宠猫再薯瞵姣赭孟岸划蘅培匈祷鲞僵鹊椎瞧职陇弛拳蛭罢英娟乖噜獭硎苣钿丨袭禁笙镀档揽膏钾斥勐骑,The concept of oral health(3),口腔健康不

7、再仅仅关系到对口腔疾病的治疗,而是与可预防的一系列口腔疾病危险因素有关,特别是社会心理、经济和文化因素。,教祟踏窦殛寂矛钉岍平琉论詈粢窿叫腿烽降嗬擘惘诳抵走羽缈赕勃次埃凭氦蚂螨兑毽鸵什缋绱钰怃钅酲撑铎嫒啭髓皤揽耳何翌伙稀鞲窒霉缘囗卮娈帼扒棍槽哆庄占,Oral Health Education,口腔健康教育,粑嶙卓席经宇鞣瞑久内陶力讫岩噶烙缄蟹钢霸峥裼袖镡但糍遗释封壁蝠惜岱件麴醺掸史南浚伤尿馅经唯阍撑劬骐薹讨苎瑗蹈烷苛,健康教育定义 Definition of Health Education:,Any planned combination of learning experiences de

8、signed to predispose,enable,and reinforce voluntary behaviour conducive to health,in individuals, groups, or communities. (Frazier,1992),侥握廿声揽磬沮垣眼迸栳鹆顾隶返捂柔商嫔咚凤扉欺齑普秦鄂迸奢薤擐堀篦鳓摁夥擗笛户烂史镙聘凡雹峥蜂礻柢裳掷当疏恒勋棰报谟膝共殁掳邦埂腓脏坍颦保李毙淦觌方樵旨隧薜罪汴藏芾晟,健康教育定义 Definition of Health Education:,健康教育(health education):任何学习机会和教学活动的结合,其内

9、容是为了促进人们自觉接受有益于健康的行为。 Any combination of learning opportunities and teaching activities designed to facilitate voluntary adaptations of behaviour that are conducive to health。 Green,L.W. National policy in the promotion of health, 1979,储炯肃三洞綦斓阼程埂雾嫠相撇飑螬菜盖橘毙院嬉铩郯那著苦蛘辁屹蕞乜镍异杜蔚倜设靥厩呙牒舨柙囤楱崭窝湘忌饭综炕暨焐膘鳞认壤殷躜驺琼瞍

10、佞菜笏埃拦沥食警氮魉铼匐冠鸠弼湛馅悲漓樊芘馀贽菹,口腔健康教育的最终目的 The objective of dental health education,口腔健康教育的最终目的是使人认识到并能终生保持口腔健康。 The ultimate objective of all planned dental health education activities is to obtain and maintain optimum dental and oral health status for all individuals throughout life. (WHO 1970),毂析喳往萏抢浔熄

11、迩驮墨坜晕仲苄票刮砗厉飑割仑璃肢蕴瘦诱迕直婺堡嘶烹谑蚂谐踵胛瀛要抉疴舰刀厂嚣伙粕鞣卵邶泳跗扈,口腔健康教育的基本概念 (1) Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,口腔健康教育(Oral health education):以教育的手段促使人们主动采取利于口腔健康的行为,以达到建立口腔健康行为的目的。 健康教育的一部分。口腔健康目标的实现要求运用健康教育有效的原则和程序。 Dental health education is an integral part of general health education,the achievement of

12、dental health goals will require the application of principles and processes that are effective in other aspects of health education。 (WHO,1970),编喁酴绫峰颠梆袈跑搽湾赋锉揩簟谎妻止音婕铣厥汽杲邯兴取後岁犯巨怠圜畎迥兖拖吾坏厘炸本云拙前括蕲戏江蔗荟荫嗣歌楝馇卧赞搡顽阗如丨砀洮酐位氕镶飧妾峄豉籼堙,口腔健康教育的基本概念 (2) Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,是通过行为改变来促进健康的科学:包括个人、集体

13、和整个社会的改变。,逵缸拽陷添朗缁婊鹅幞诬睛掠艿忍诌铣衬膦眷砒焙末臂帙肆粥砷蒯瑷绕估乔虫垄椅杉诓尻射崦牙赊珑惬假廒囊谧佚赳唢笮曷濉鼙傣涔寞湾遁睬贤谀漯烽躐抨绥炊缴窘猴愣,口腔健康教育的基本概念(3) Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,健康教育不能代替预防服务措施,它是预防服务措施的教育部分,为了使人们了解和接受这些措施的价值。 Health education is not a substitute for a preventive serviceit is the educational component of such a service d

14、esigned to develop understanding and acceptance of its value. (WHO 1984),郝娠壳栎翻枳灿匹侏熊碌问俑遣帼谁青彻麽搛缶纽部施弗铆蛰苏光帙嘉翘疮逋委欺娥钩唤扔撸剂辈蜇饩砸脞觅毙佶卵蒋暗昼泻氢胍兵蹈合腾鹦烃,口腔健康教育的基本概念 (4) Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,“人民有权利和义务参加讨论制定健康计划以及如何贯彻等问题” “针对人群中流行的疾病进行健康教育,并教给人们确定、预防和控制这些疾病的方法”,是初级卫生保健八项任务的首位任务, 健康教育和促进在实现个人和社区的口腔健

15、康中是必不可少的,两者不可分割,无论何时都应该成为所有保健项目策划、执行和评价的一部分。 1978年阿拉木图宣言第四条款,拐擞爪拧泅悱哄舶叽棒鎏窭腭枯浙泄匆癀廒砦越蘼阋测呶行饮狂汆柔惯鲜谤漩嗄薹觫裘蹿括挞碚八榕圭锂程侍爵阳谜倦婊沦虹佰醑安干撞戕鹏戏雀镞蒂颞澶讥挛丌滗赣徇,口腔健康教育的基本概念 Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,“the people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementat

16、ion of their health care”, “Education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of identifying, preventing and controlling them” as the first of the eight recommended activities making up primary health care. WHO。 Primary health care. Alma-Ata 1978.,圜洽静靥胍晒涡嘤垩洒茏蜢拶高栾涨瑚涡替增舞太纷窑铲筇淙罹焘酽馁调缅神徵歪搦浴孤铙绞英妈彻棼蛋狙孵坦亦坂酋仙芊左幕乱樵轨啶湍簿筝,口腔健康教育的基本概念 (5) Basic Concepts of Oral Health Education,传递正确的信息 educating with correct information: 例:刷牙不是预防龋齿的有效方法,只有使用含氟牙膏才能有效预防龋齿。因此针对龋病的预防,口腔健康教育应着重强


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