外研版九年级英语上册 市优质资源评比精品导学案 m4导学案

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1、 外研社九年级上M4 Home aloneUnit 1I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.乐陵二中 宋伟伟学习目标:1、 掌握文章中的重点单词、词组和句型2、 能够运用文章中的重点单词、词组和句型学习重难点:1、 能听懂文章中的重点单词好词组2、 能理解文章中的大意3、 能运用本模块所学的重点单词和词组口语表达学习过程:1、 listen and fill in the blanks1、Will you be OK at home _?2. Ill _ you too, and Ill call you every

2、day.3. Ill keep it tidy so that youll _ me when you get home.2、 listen and answer the questions1、Why doesnt Betty come with her parents ? 2. What will wake Betty up when they are away?三、Read and complete the sentences. There may be more than one answer.1、Bettys parents are going to _.2. Her parents

3、tell her to _ _.3. Betty can _.4. Bettys parents usually _.5. Bettys mum has not _.4、 课本习题参考答案一on your own,miss,be proud of 二 Because she cant miss two weeks of school.,Her clockM4U2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone学习目标:1、 掌握本单元snack midnigh empty unable bu

4、rn task actually manage unhappy order business等单词。2、掌握本单元 turn off be worried bout on business 等短语。学习重难点:1、掌握并灵活运用重点句子:2、能读懂文章,理解并掌握重点的单词、词组和重要句型,并能理解文中所体现的写作情感。学习过程:一Make a list of thigns to do daily:1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _2、 Talk about someting with your friend.1、Which things do you do alone? 2、Which

5、 things do your parents do for you?三、Read the passage and choose the best summary. a)Zheng Chenyu found his life more difficult without his parents. b) Zheng Chenyu depended on his parents to prepare meals for him. c) Zheng Chenyu had so much homework that he did not have time to look after himself.

6、 d) Zheng Chenyu should learn to cook.4、 Read Para. 1 and use the words in the box to complete the sentences.1、Although my parents loved me, I felt a bit _ with them.2. I became so _ with my parentsorder五、Read Para. 2 and answer the following questions. Make a list about what Zheng Chenyu did on the

7、 first day. 6、 Read Para. 3 and answer the question below. What kind of troubles did he meet the next day?7、 Look through the passage again and complete the sentences about Zheng1 Zheng Chenyu felt _ with his parents because they did everything for him and managed every minute of his life.2 After Zh

8、eng Chenyus parents went away on business, he felt _ because he could _.3 Zheng Chenyu felt _ after the first night.4 Zheng Chenyu felt _ when he found he could not look after himself well.5 Zheng Chenyu realised being home alone _.参考答案:一make bed tidy up sweep the floor go to school clean dishes hav

9、e classes take out the rubbish do the homework cook dinner wash clothes三a 四unhappy bored五He throw his schoolbag on the sofa . He ate lots of snacks. He enjoyed an exciting film on TV. He played computer games until midnight.六1) He woke up late.2) He had to hurry to school without breakfast.3) He was

10、 still late for school.4) He couldnt hand in his homework.5) He was unable to play basketball because of hunger.6) He felt tired and sleepy at school all day long.七a bit unhappy excited have some fun tired and sleepy lonely was not always perfectUnite3Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:1. 掌握although,so.that

11、 引导的从句2. 掌握本单元的重点短语短语。重点及难点:掌握运用although,so.that引导的从句学习过程:1、 呈现本模块关于although,so.that 的重点句子1、 I can wake up on time, although I cannot make breakfast.2、 The camera is so expensive that I cant afford it. 3、 He was so clever that he worked out that math problem quickly.二知识点讲解(一)although1. although较正式,语

12、气强 Although he was tired, he went on working. 2. although引导的从句放在主句前后均可,有时还可放在句中。 Although many difficulties are still ahead, we are determined to make greater achievements. 尽管在前面的道路上还有许多困难,但是,我们决心要取得更大的成就。 He often helps me with my English although he is quite busy. 尽管他相当忙,但是还常常帮我学英语。 3. although引导的

13、从句不能与but, however连用,但可与yet, still连用。不能说:Although he was old, but he worked hard. 应把but去掉。当然,保留but而去Although也可。(二)so.that1)“sothat”结构表示“如此以致”,so后跟形容词或副词,that后引出结果状语从句.例如:I was so busy at that time that I didnt go to sleep for three days.那时我很忙,一连三天都没睡觉.The noise was so loud outside that I could sleep

14、no longer.外面的噪声这样大,我再也睡不着觉了.He was so sad that he began to cry.他悲伤得哭了起来.2)so that意为“以便;以使”,引导目的状语从句.例如:I raised my voice so that I can make myself heard.我提高了声音,以便让大家都能听到我的话.Bob invited world-famous singers to sing for free so that he could collect money for the hungry people.三、Complete the sentences with the words in the box.There may be more than one answer(p30)四、WritingWrite a passage about what you can do and what you canno


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