译林牛津版八年级英语上册课件 unit6 bird watching comic strip

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1、,Unit 6 Birdwatching,Welcome to the unit & comic strip,Unit 6 Birdwatching,Comic strip &Welcome to the unit,What do you know about birds? Lets see some pictures.,small,brown and grey /grei/ (羽毛)feathers,sparrow,tall,long legs,a long thin neck,crane,15 kinds/types of,rare,swan,white feathers,long thi

2、n neck,an eagle,brown feathers,broad wing,Can you match the birds with the descriptions?,1 Crane tall, long legs long thin neck 2 Sparrow small brown and grey feathers 3 Swan long thin neck white feathers 4 Eagle broad wings brown feathers,a,c,d,b,a,c,d,b,A,Guessing game !,It has white feathers.,It

3、has broad wings and brown feathers.,It has brown and grey feathers.,It has many long things like long legs and a long neck.,TALK,Weve talked about many different kinds of birds. Annie and Simon are talking about birds too. Lets listen to their conversation(对话) and answer these questions.,a,c,d,b,Lis

4、ten and find out which kind of bird they are talking about.,1. What bird does Simon like best? 2.What do cranes look like? 3. How many types of cranes are there in the world?,Read and answer:,They are tall. They have long legs and a long thin neck.,There are only 15 types of cranes.,He likes cranes

5、best .,Reading time Part B(P69):Read Annie and Simons conversation loudly .,A: What is your favourite bird,? B: I like. A: What do look like ? B: They are tall/small. They have A:How many types ofare there ? B:Sorry,I dont know.Ill search the Internet later.,Make a similar dialogue,Eddie loves birds

6、, too. Listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions:,Listen and answer:,He likes hens and ducks.,Which birds do you think Eddie likes?,Why does Eddie often go to the market? 2. Does he really like watching the birds?,Read and answer:,He often goes to the market to watch the bir

7、ds.,No, he doesnt.,He likes eating them.,Eddie likes _very much . He often goes to the _to watch the birds because he does not really like birds . He really likes _delicious hens and ducks. After Hobo knows it ,he is very s_ and s_.,birdwatching,market,eating,urprised,sad,Can you retell the conversa

8、tion?,1.,2.,3.,4.,Work in pairs and act the conversation out with the pictures.,Helpless birds,Dicussion,danger,action,Discussion,How can we protect wild birds?,1.Make bird reserves bigger. 2.Build more nature reserves. 3.Help the birds have more babies. 4.Plant more trees and forests for wild birds

9、 to live in . 5.Encourage (鼓励)people not to hunt birds. 6.Dont eat endangered(濒危的) birds. 7.Encourage our government(政府) to make laws to punish (严惩)bird hunters.,ADV I C E,We can .,1. cut down all the trees 2. kill birds for their meat or feathers 3. keep birds as pets 4. sell or buy birds,We cant .

10、,Theyre terrific!,Birds are our friends. Loving birds is loving nature. Loving nature is loving the earth. Loving the earth is loving ourselves!,Exercises,like birdwatching go to the market at the market brown feathers rare birds broad wings a long thin neck 15 types of cranes,喜欢观鸟 去市场 在市场上 棕色的羽毛 珍稀

11、鸟类 宽大的翅膀 细长的脖子 15种鹤,Important phrases and expressions,根据首字母,中文提示或英文释义,写出所缺单词.,1.Simon often goes _(观鸟)because he likes birds very much. 2.This eagle has _ (宽大的) wings. 3.The swan has white f_. It looks very beautiful. 4.There are 15 types of (very unusual)_ birds in the world. 5.A _(麻雀) may be small

12、 but it has all the vital organs(内脏).,birdwatching,broad,feathers,rare,sparrow,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1. I hope to go _(birdwach) someday. 2. Among all the birds, I like cranes _(good). 3. How many _(type) of tigers are there in the world? 4.The other _(wing) of the bird was hurt.,birdwatching,best,types,win

13、g,选择填空,1.Which animal do you like _of all? Snakes. They are very dangerous. A. better B. best C. less D. least 2. What do you want to buy_ the market? A. to B. by C. at D. on 3. Birds can find food_ now than before. A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily 4. How long will it _ to get to the market by bike? A. spend B. pay C. cost D. take,D,C,D,D,Thank you for listening!,1.Search more information about birds on the Internet . 2. Preview Reading part.,Homework,



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