人教版英语七年级上册英语教案 unit3 第二课时sectiona

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1、 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A P13-15 Learning goals:Learn new words about studying things. Learn to identify ownership:1. Is this/that?Yes, it is./No, it isnt. Its 2.Are these/those? Yes, they are./No, they arent. They areEncourage the students to learn from each other, and increase their co

2、nfidence.Learning procedures:Step1 Preview 预习检测一、 Do you know the studying things in our study? Now lets say them together (教师说出汉语,学生齐用英语回答) 1.pencil 2. pen 3. books 4. eraser 5.ruler 6. pencil box 7. schoolbag 8. dictionary二、 Memory games Give Ss three minutes to remember the studying things .(比一比。

3、看谁记的快)三、 put the following into English 1 那是你的书包么? 2,这些是你的书么? 3,那些是我的橡皮。 4那支蓝色钢笔是他的。 5那些是他的钥匙么?不,它们不是.(预习内容涵盖本节课的重要单词和重点句子,为下一步的学习扫清障碍.在预习单词时,采用了比赛的方式,把学生学习的氛围提到了一定的高度)。 Step2 warming up and leading in 热身导入T: hello, Is this your pen?S1: No, it isnt.T: Is this your orange?S2: Yes it is T; Here you ar

4、e .Are these your jackets?S3: No. they arent T: Are these your rulers? S4:Yes ,they are T:Here you are .would you like to learn more things and try to identify their ownership?Ss: Yes .T: OK. Lets come to 1a.1a , match the words with the things in the picture .(check the answers。(热身导入部分拉近了教师和学生的距离,使

5、用实物导入,激发了学生的学习热情,让学生在乐中学,学中乐)。Step 3 pair work (1c) Practice the conversations in pairs and act the dialogue out .ask several pairs to come to the front and act the dialogue out .(让学生自由组合,进行英语会话。对表现好的组合给予表扬和鼓励.)E.gStep 4. listening for the main idea 听取大意The main idea of the conversations is that _.A

6、 .they are looking for the owners of the things B. they have many thingsC. they are introducing their things Step 5 listening for details 听取细节1b . listen and number the conversations1-32a . listen and check the things you hear .2b . listen again .complete the conversation with the words in the box .

7、 erasers. pencil .ruler. pencil box. books Tom: Excuse me ,Grace. Is this your pencil ? Grace: Yes,thank you .And those are my . Tom: And Jane, is this your ? Jane: No, it isnt .Its hers. Tom: OK,and these are my .This is your ,Jane. (听力部分兼顾学生的读和写,读写同练,全面提升学生的英语综合能力)。Step6 post-listening activities

8、听后活动2c 1 .listen to the conversation above and repeat 2 practice the conversation in 2b. then make your own conversation using the things in your classroom. 2d .1 .put the conversation into Chinese and read in pairs .2.role-play the conversation (分角色表演会话是七年级学生比较喜欢的一项教学活动,学生积极性高,表现欲极强).3c Guessing ga

9、me 猜谜游戏 put some things into the teachers box. then take one thing out of the box and find the owner. you only have two guesses.拍拍手,练练口Is this your pencil? Is this your pencil? Yes, yes, it is. Yes, yes, it is. Is that your book? Is that your book?No, no, it isnt. No, no, it isnt.Is this her ruler?

10、Is this her ruler?Yes, yes, it is. Yes, yes, it is.Is that her case? Is that her case? No, no, it isnt. No, no, it isnt. (猜谜游戏和拍拍手练练口的设计,增加了英语学习的趣味性,让学生爱上英语)。Step 7 inquiry into knowledge by translation.翻译探究一. Is this your pencil? Yes ,it is .its mine.Is this /that.?是_.1. this 指_that指_肯定回答都是 ,否定回答都是

11、_2. 要表示放在一起的东西时先说_,再说_.二Excuse me,Grace .Is this your pencil?_Excuse me 用在提出 或 前,表示礼貌,可译成 。如果因为自己做错了事向对方道歉时,用 。1._Are these your erasers?2._.I am late.三thank you for your help.Anna Youre welcome._Thanks for.=_.表示_.介词_表示感谢的原因。Thanks for your book._ (探究本课难点,易错点。通过小组内的合作交流,解决问题,并通过设疑,实现了学生的能力迁移,同时也让学生体

12、会到合作的重要性)。Step 8 the end-of-class test 当堂检测3a complete the questions and answers about each picture Answers: this .these. isnt. they That.those.is .arent3b read the questions and complete the answersAnswers: 1.it is hers 2.it isnt .Its.3.they are .his 4.they arent.Theyre一 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.Is this

13、your (书包)?2E me. Is this your pen?3.These books are ( 她的).4 (是)this your pen? _No. it (不是)5Thanks for your ( 帮助 )。二用所给单词的适当形式填空1Excuse ( I ) ,is this your book?2. Its ( he ) pen.3. Is this (you) ruler?4. Is this your pencil box? No, Its (she) .5. Are (that) your erasers? No .they arent 三 .翻译下列句子1.这是她的红色的铅笔盒么。_2.这些是你的书么?是的。它们是_ 3.那些是他的钥匙么? 不,它们不是_4.那是埃里克的书包么?是的,它是。_5.谢



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