人教版英语七年级上册英语教案 starter unit2第4课时教案

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1、单元题目 Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English? 听说课 (2b,3a3d)Learning Goals1 Go over to write the letters I-R correctly.2 Learn how to identify things in English.Review 1 Sing the ABC English song and recite the letters together.2 Show the letter cards and get the students to speak loudly.3 Get some stud

2、ents to write on the blackboard and correct them.Preview一1 Greet the students. T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: Nice to see you again! S: Nice to see you again, too! T: How are you? Ss: Im fine, thanks. How are you?T: Im fine, too. Have a good day. Ss: You, too. 2 Get the student

3、s to ask and answer in pairs. Act it out in class.二 Put the following into Chinese.1P _ 2.NBA _ 3 UFO_ 4 UN _ 5.WC _ 6.kg _ 引导学生在真实的交际中运用Starter Unit 1中学到的日常用语,让学生体会学英语的乐趣和成功的快乐。Step1 Warming up and leading inGame: Magical box 1 Get one student to choose one picture or real object in the box, he onl

4、y can use his body language, let the others guess what it is. Using :A: Whats this in English? B: Its a/an-.A: Spell it, please. B: -2 P7 Talk about the students bedroom. Ask and answer in pairs. Encourage them to introduce new words.在游戏中复习:Whats this? Its a / an . Spell it, please.学生们在充满趣味性的情境中一遍遍加

5、深对所学字母的记忆。用学生的图片或实物来展示,让学生展现自信,热爱生活,观察生活。Step2 Listening for the general idea1 2b Listen and number the letters you hear【1-10】.2 3a Listen and number the pictures you hear【1-8】.Step3 Listening for the specific ideas1 3b Listen again and complete the words under the pictures in 3a.2 3c Listen again a

6、nd fill in the blanks. 1. A: Whats this in English? B: Its a . 2. A: it, please. B: Q-U-I-L-T. 3. A: Whats this in ? B: Its pen.3. 3d Listen again and number the words you hear【1-4】. 在训练学生听的能力的同时,复习单词和字母,自然的过渡到下个环节。Step4 Post-listening activities: Practice the conversations with your partner.1. A: W

7、hats this in English? B: Its a key.A: Spell it, please. B: K-E-Y. 2. Repeat the conversation with quilt/ruler/pen in the same way.学生们在充满趣味性的情境中一遍遍加深对所学知识的记忆。让学生展现自信,热爱生活,观察生活。Step5 Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一观察并翻译,体会语法1一个茶杯_ 2一把尺子_ 3一把钥匙_ 4一床被子_5一个橘子_ 6一本英语书_结论1a用于 前2an用于 前练习:翻译句子1一件短上衣

8、2.一支钢笔 3 一张英国地图 4 一个苹果 学生通过做题观察,自己总结语法现象,然后用于练习实践中,达到学以致用的目的。同时也提高了他们学习英语的兴趣。The end-of-class test一、写出下列字母左邻右舍(10 分)1. _I_ 2. _j _ 3. _l_ 4. _n_ 5. _P _二、单项选择(5)( )1. Whats this in English?- . AThis is a pen B. Its an pen C. Its a pen D. Im OK ( ) 2. . M-A P. A. Whats this in English? B. Whats that

9、in English? C. Spell it, please. D. A和B ( )3. 当你早上在校门口遇到你的老师Miss Wang , 你应该对她说 。 A. Good morning , Miss Wang . B. I am sorry , Miss Wang . C. How are you? ( ) 4. -Hi , Helen ! How are you ? - A. Thanks B. Sorry C. Im fine ,thanks D. Hello !( )5. This is map. Its English map.Aa, a Ba, an Can, a D an,

10、 an 三、翻译句子。1.这个用英语怎么说?它是个橘子。 2.请拼写茶杯。 3. 那个用英语怎么说?它是把尺子。 .亮点:练习全面,难易适中,适合不同层次的学生学习巩固,当堂达标。不足之处:翻译句子题对于部分基础较差的学生来说,完成效果不一定理想。使用建议:可以根据自己班级学生的实际情况对整个教案进行增减。 答案:一、1. H, J 2. i, k 3. k, m 4. m, o 5. O, Q二、1. C 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.B 三、1. Whats this in English? Its an orange. 2. Spell cup, please. 3. Whats that in English? Its a ruler.课后反思:本课时主要是简单复习所学字母和句型,重点是听力练习。让学生在通过泛读,精度,听后模仿对话的层层深入练习达到融会贯通,运用自如。一部分学生小学基础较好,可以熟练完成各项任务。但也有一小部分学生基础较差,字母书写不规范,甚至记不住,对话练习时反应稍慢。本课的对话任务较为简单,学生的口头表达要好于书写,应该在书写单词上重点训练,反复示范强化。



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