2018秋高中英语人教版选修6同步练习单元检测:unit 2 poems word版含解析

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1、Unit 2 Poems话题诵读 日积月累导语再别康桥是徐志摩脍炙人口的诗作。1928年秋天,作者最后一次重访英国剑桥(旧译康桥),乘船返回中国,途经中国南海时,把剑桥的景色和缅怀之情融入诗中,表达了告别剑桥的淡淡哀愁。Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Againby Xu ZhimoVery quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;Quietly I wave goodbye,To the rosy clouds in the western sky.The golden willows by the rive

2、rside,Are young brides in the setting sun;Their reflections on the shimmering waves,Always linger in the depth of my heart.The floating heart growing in the sludge,Sways leisurely under the water;In the gentle waves of Cambridge,I would be a water plant!That pool under the shade of elm trees,Holds n

3、ot water but the rainbow from the sky;Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds,Is the sediment of a rainbowlike dream.To seek a dream?Just to pole a boat upstream,To where the green grass is more verdant;Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight,And sing aloud in the splendor of starlight.But I

4、 cannot sing aloud,Quietness is my farewell music;Even summer insects heap silence for me,Silent is Cambridge tonight!Very quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;Gently I flick my sleeves,Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away.词海拾贝1shimmer vi.闪烁2linger vi.继续存留;逗留3shatter vi.破碎;碎裂4verd

5、ant adj.嫩绿的问题思考1Who was Xu Zhimo?_2Was Xu Zhimo familiar with Cambridge?_答案:1.He was a great Chinese poet.2Yes,he was.自主预习 步步提高词汇识记.将单词与其正确释义连线1tickA韵;押韵2rhyme B引起矛盾的3contradictory C含盐的;咸的4diamond D钻石;菱形5salty E枝条;支流;部门6branch F交换;交流;互换7sorrow G暖和;温暖8exchange H负担;负荷物9warmth I给标记号10load J悲伤;悲痛答案:1I2A

6、3B4D5C6E7J8F9G10H.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ adj.无穷的;无止境的2_ n最低限度;最少量3_ n翻译;译文4_ adj.赤裸的;光秃的;稀少的5_ adv.永远6_ adj.适当的;正当的答案:1.endless2.minimum3.translation4.bare5.forever6.appropriate.根据英语释义写出单词1_: place where young children are cared for, usually while their parents are at work, etc.2_:strong feeling of any kind

7、3_:take sb/sth; transmit sb/sth; make ideas, feelings, etc. known to another person4_:make fun of sb in an unkind way5_:small simple house, esp. in the country6_:that can bend easily without breaking7_:existing in material form; that can be touched, felt, etc8_:the regular way in which sth happens o

8、r is done9_:to change the form of sth10_:at the end of a period of time or a series of events答案:1.nursery2.emotion3.convey4.tease5cottage6.flexible7.concrete8.pattern9transform10.eventually.选用短语的适当形式完成句子make sense;either.or.;take it easy;pay attention to;run out of;in particular;make up1Mr Smith, I

9、have an ache on my leg._Let me have a look.2If we _ water, we will die.3This funny book _ ten units.4. Look at the picture,_ its colour and then paint another one just like it.5. Among all English poems, I enjoy those written by Shakespeare _答案:1.Take it easy2.run out of3.is made up of4pay attention

10、 to5.in particular.领会句子所用句型并译成汉语1The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory,but they_are_easy_to_learn_and_recite_2Some rhyme (like B) while others do not (like C)_3Though_strange they all were true._4Should the traveller return,this stone would utter speech._5With so many different fo

11、rms of poetry to_choose_from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own._答案:1.这些诗可能没有什么意义,甚至(有些)看起来自相矛盾,但是它们容易学,也容易背。2有些(清单)诗押韵(如B),有些不押韵(如C)。3虽然奇怪,但它们都是真的。4行人归来石应语。5有了这么多可供选择的诗歌类型,学生们最终也许想自己作诗了。语篇理解课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1There isnt any reason why people write poetry.()2Not all poems tell a

12、 story or describe an emotion.()3Haiku,a Japanese form of poetry creates a special feeling using the minimum of words.()4Tang poems are easy to write than the other forms of poetry.()答案:1.F2.T3.T4.F.读课文回答问题1. What kind of feeling is conveyed in Poem G? (1 word)_2What does the word “flexible” (Line 15, Page 10) most likely mean? (no more than 2 words)_3In Poem E, what subject is the speaker writing about? Does the speaker like the subject? Give a reason for your answer.(no more than 30 words)_



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