2017年秋(牛津译林版)八年级上学期英语练习:unit 6 welcome to the unit

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1、Unit 6 Welcome to the unit单词拼写1. Wang Fang went to the _ (市场) to buy some oranges yesterday.2. The _ (麻雀) are a kind of small birds3. _ (母鸡) are trying their best to protect their children while facing danger.来源:学优高考网4. The eagle broke one of its _ (翅膀) and it couldnt fly.5. We should take good care

2、 of the _ (稀有的) animals.6. Many people like to go _ (观鸟) in Zhalong Nature Reserve.来源:学优高考网gkstk7. My favorite birds are _ (天鹅) because they have white feathers.8. Eagles _ (宽大的) wings can help them fly higher.9. What _ (种类) of birds can we often see in our hometown?翻译词组来源:学优高考网gkstk1.喜欢观鸟_ 2. 去市场观鸟_3. 细长的脖子_ 4. 灰色的羽毛_5. 宽大的翅膀_ 6. 稀有鸟类_7. 15种鹤_ 8. 你最喜欢的鸟_翻译句子1. 下个月,我要去扎龙观鸟。Ill go to Zhalong _ next week.2. 老鹰长着宽阔的翅膀。Eagles have _ .3. 你喜欢住在什么类型的房子里?_ would you like to live in?4. 麻雀看起来什么样子?What do cranes _?5. 鹤有长腿和细长的脖子。来源:学优高考网Cranes have _.6. 世界上有多少种鸟?来源:学优高考网_ are there in the world?


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