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1、1. in progress,进行中,2. permit doing,允许做,3. take place,发生,举行,4. prepare dinner,准备晚餐,5. take an active part in,积极参加,6. on purpose,故意地,7. point at/ to,指着/指向,8. mobile/cell phone,手机,9. be peculiar to,是。特有的,10. pocket money,零用钱,11. put up with,忍受,12. keep pace with,跟上。的步伐,与。并驾齐驱,13. Practice makes perfect

2、.,熟能生巧,14. be patient with sb.,对某人有耐心,15. a pile of,一堆。,16. no parking,禁止停车,17. it is hard to please all,众口难调,18. put aside,留出(钱、时间);把。搁置一旁,19. pass down/on,把。传给后世,20. keep/break ones promise,信守/违背诺言,21. pay (a high/heavy) price for,为。付出(高昂的/沉重的)代价,22. be puzzled about,对。感到困惑,23. No pains, no gains.

3、,不劳无获,24. in/out of proportion to,与。成/不成比例,25. go for a picnic,去野餐,26. in public,当众,公开地,27. farewell party,欢送会,28. feel pity for,同情。,29. pay off,还清(借款),30. make progress (in),(在方面)取得进步,31. participate in,参与,参加,32. be popular with/ among,受。欢迎,33. prove (to be),结果是,被证明是,34. in particular,特别,尤其,35. put

4、 out,熄灭,扑灭,36. pop song/music,流行歌曲/音乐,37. in person,亲自;本人,38. in the presence of,当着。的面;有某人在场,39. pick up,(用车、船)接某人,给某人搭便车; 捡起;(偶然)获得/学得,40. prefer to do rather than do =would dorather than do =would rather do than do,宁愿做。而不愿做。,41. pen friend/name,笔友/笔名,42. There is a /no possibility that/ of ones do

5、ing,有/没有。的可能性,43. be well/fully prepared for/ to do,为。做好充分准备,44. at a slow/fast pace,以缓慢/快速的步伐、节奏,45. the Young Pioneers,少先队员,46. promise to do,可望。,答应做。,47. oil painting,油画,48. press conference,记者招待会,49. There is no point (in) doing,做。无意义,50. with your permission,如果你准许的话,在你的许可下,51. the Hope Project,

6、希望工程,52. play a part/role in,在。中期作用; 在。中扮演角色,53. put off doing, postpone doing,推迟做。,54. promote oneself/ be promoted to manager,毛遂自荐/被晋升为经理,55. pass away,逝世,56. beyond all praises,赞不绝口,57. take the place of/in place of,代替,58. Wet Paint,(告示)油漆未干,59. be pleased with,对。感到满意,60. be proud of=take pride i

7、n =pride onself on/upon,为。感到骄傲、自豪,61. have a passion for,酷爱。,62. beyond/within ones power,某人力所不及/力所能及,63. pull down,拆毁(建筑物),64. turn pale,脸色发白,65. provide sb with sth =provide sth for sb,为某人提供某物,66. make peace with,与。讲和,67. put forward,提出(建议等);拨快(钟表),68. at the party,在聚会上,69. putinto practice,将。付诸实施

8、,70. protectfrom,保护。免受。,71. the front page,(报纸的)头版,72. into pieces,粉碎地,73. strong/weak point,长处/弱点,74. pay back,偿还,75. post sb sth=post sth to sb,把某物邮寄给某人,76. be particular about,对。挑剔,77. under (great) pressure,在(巨大的)压力下,78. It is a pity that,真遗憾,可惜,79. persuade sb to do,说服某人做,80. carry out/make a p

9、lan,实施/制定计划,81. swimming pool,游泳池,82. pass sb sth=pass sth to sb,把某物递给某人,83. in private,私下里,秘密地,84. persist in, persevere in,坚持。,85. practise doing,练习做,86. prevvent/stop (from) doing/ being done,阻止。做/被做,87. take great pains to do sth,煞费苦心做某事,88. a large/small population,人口多/少,89. on the playground,在

10、操场上,90. answer the phone,接电话,91. do as one pleases,随心所欲,92. push ones way,挤过去,93. parking lot=car park,停车场,94. hold a position/post as,担任。的职位,95. with pleasure,欣然;(应答用语)非常乐意,96. take a photo (of),(给。) 拍照,97. at a low/high price,以便宜/昂贵的价格,98. guest/visiting professor,客座教授,99. take vitamin pills,吃维生素片,100. point out,指出,



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