高中英语 module 2 my new teachers课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修1

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《高中英语 module 2 my new teachers课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 module 2 my new teachers课时跟踪练(二)introduction & reading-language points 外研版必修1(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、安全教育学习是提高员工安全防范意识的重要措施。“百日安全活动”开展以来,保卫部从自身着手对本部门所有员工开展集中安全教育培训课时跟踪练(二) Introduction & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1Tu Youyou is respected (尊敬) for winning the Nobel Prize for medicine.2She admitted (承认) that she was too strict with her child.3I would appreciate (感激) it if you can give

2、us an answer immediately.4Strictly (严格地) speaking, the book is not a novel, but a short story.5Do you wake up every morning feeling energetic (精力充沛的) and ready to start a new day?6We should owe our success to hard work rather than intelligence (智力)7Even in his late years of life, the old man is stil

3、l doing scientific (科学的) research.8If you want to catch that train, youd better set off for the station immediately (立即).单句改错1With the help of the teacher, I have made a great progress in English.去掉a2She explains everything so clear that everyone can understand her.clearclearly3There are puzzles and

4、 games to keep the children amusing.amusingamused4Make sure to take the medicine according to the instructions.第一个_to_改为_you_或将_Make_改为_Be5What I said is very important. You should take it serious.seriousseriously6Id appreciate if you could help me with my English.在appreciate后加it7With the girl led t

5、he way, we had no difficulty in walking out of the forest.ledleading8He admitted misunderstood what I had said.misunderstoodmisunderstanding.完成句子1First of all, parents_should_make_sure_(that) their children receive good school education.首先,父母应确保他们的孩子接受良好的学校教育。2They set out early so_that_they_could_a

6、rrive_on_time.他们出发得早,以便能按时到达。3Thanks to my teachers help, I have_made_great_progress in my physics.多亏老师的帮助, 我在物理课上取得了较大的进步。4They are such_interesting_films_that we want to see them a second time.电影那么有趣,我们想再看一遍。5He was very lazy and didnt study. As_a_result,_he failed the exam.他很懒而且不学习,结果考试不及格。6With

7、most_of_the_problems_solved,_I felt a great weight taken off my mind.大部分问题都解决了,我感到如释重负。7He was ill. Thats_because he was caught in a heavy rain.他病了,那是因为他被大雨淋着了。8She avoids_walking_on_dark_streets at night because she is afraid of darkness.因为她怕黑,所以她避免夜间行走在黑暗的街道上。.课文语法填空Ill introduce my three teachers

8、. Mrs Li is my English teacher, 1.who is kind and shy. She explains everything so 2.clearly (clear) that everyone can understand her. She avoids 3.making (make) us feel stupid. We feel we 4.can make progress with her. Mrs Chen is serious and strict. Even students who keep ing (come) to class late ar

9、e always on time for her class. Most of us appreciate her 6.because her teaching is so well organised and clear. We think well do well with her 7.teaching (teach) us. Mr Wu teaches us Chinese literature. He 8.waves (wave) his hand about a lot when he gets excited. He often tells jokes when he thinks

10、 were getting 9.bored (bore). You will never fall asleep 10.in his class.串点成篇微表达我的新英语老师是一位姓郑的非常热心(enthusiastic)、精力充沛的(energetic)女士。在她的课上你不会打瞌睡(fall asleep)。她常常告诉我们犯错误(make mistakes)对于学生来说是正常的,因此,在学习中不断地改正(keep doing sth.)错误,我们就确定 (be sure to do) 能进步(make progress)。我非常同意(agree with)她的话。我比以前学习更加刻苦,所以(

11、as a result),我的功课在进步。我十分感激 (appreciate) 老师的帮助,我相信有郑老师教我(with复合结构),在即将到来的考试中我可以考好(do well in)。My_new_English_teacher_is_an_enthusiastic_and_energetic_lady_called_Ms_Zheng._You_would_fall_asleep_in_her_class._She_often_tells_us_that_making_mistakes_is_common_for_students,_so_keep_correcting_them_again

12、_and_again_while_studying,_and_we_are_sure_to_make_progress._I_quite_agree_with_what_she_said._I_study_harder_than_before_and_as_a_result,_my_work_is_improving._I_appreciate_her_help_very_much._I_believe_that_I_can_do_well_in_the_coming_exam_with_Ms_Zheng_teaching_me.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空When Miss Hu

13、ghes entered the classroom, the children stopped playing and talking. In a body, they stood up and _1_ the teacher in a loud voice, “Good morning!” Miss Hughes smiled and told the class to sit down. She _2_ at a glance that there seemed to be thirtyfive pupils in the class, _3_. They were all watchi

14、ng her with fixed eyes, _4_ no doubt to find what sort of person she was.“ I _5_ you want to know my name,” she said. But before she could tell, a student _6_ out, “Its Miss Hughes.” Miss Hughes laughed. “_7_ travels fast,” she said. “ Im _8_it will take me longer to learn all your names.”Miss Hughe

15、s _9_ a list and began to call the pupils names in _10_. When she came to the last one, John, she _11_ that he had been absent for over a month. “ Whats the matter with John?” she asked, _12_ puzzled. “Hes in hospital. He had his leg broken.” said a girl in the front _13_. “He slipped while skating,”_14_ a boy. “Has anyone _15_ to see him?” Miss Hughes asked. No one _16_.It was _17_ to start the lesson. The pupils _18_ Miss Hughes to tell them a story. “Very well,” she said, “but first of all Id like you to write a letter to John: Well _19_ the best ones to him and cheer him up in


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