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1、CET-4 Translation,By Zhai Xiaoli,Company Logo,,Contents,二、汉英翻译技巧,二、汉英翻译技巧,三 、复习方法,二、汉英翻译技巧,三 、复习方法,三 、复习方法,Company Logo,,一、英汉语言对比,1.形合与意合 2.主语与话题 3.主动与被动,Company Logo,,1.形合与意合,英语是形合:形式结合 汉语是意合:意思结合,(通过语义衔接) Exception :I love you 我爱你 (coincidence),Company Logo,,1.形合与意合,Eg1:我们饿了,我们要吃东西,吃包子,吃饺子,吃米饭,或者说

2、吃食堂. (动+N )在食堂吃。要对意思解达清楚。 Eg2 :听到这个消息,他满眼都是泪。 When he heard the news, his eyes were filled with tears,Company Logo,,1.形合与意合,Eg3:人不犯我,我不范人(假设,条件) Eg4:我买了六支钢笔,一共三十元。拿回家一看,都是用过的。(短句、流水句,没有显性的逻辑关系) 我买了六支钢笔,(这六支钢笔)一共三十元。(当我)拿回家一看,(我发现钢笔)都是用过的 I bought six pens which cost me thirty yuan. When I took them

3、back home, I found they were second hand.,Company Logo,,2.主语与话题,主语 SV The river runs SVC He looks strong (主系表) SVO He painted a picture SVOO They gave me a handbook SVOC They made him the team leader,Company Logo,,2.主语与话题,话题:(话题评论句) 食堂今天吃饺子(我们今天在食堂吃饺子)汉语字面上的主语不是真正的主语 主语并不一定是我们(他们、老师、学生)因此用被动。 Jiaozi

4、 are served in the canteen today. (tr is not word to word ,)(notion to notion) (汉语里主谓架构的不到50%,大部分是话题加评述),Company Logo,,3主动与被动,汉语多主动,英语有被动 房子我扫干净了 桌子擦完了 中文表述时一定要看清楚是真正意思上主动还是被动,如是被动,英语一定要用被动表达出来。,Company Logo,,二、汉英翻译技巧,1、词汇层面的处理 2 修饰成分的语序 (1)定语的位置 (2)状语的位置 3 被动语态的翻译 4 倒装结构的翻译,Company Logo,,1、词汇层面的处理,

5、选词(一词多意,一意多词) C-E 首先是理解汉语 选词的时候要注意:瞻前顾后,得意忘形 Eg:1问题是到哪儿去找答案 The problem is where to find the answer Eg:2科学家必须知道怎样运用数学以求得问题的答案 It is necessary that a scientist know how to use mathematics to get an answer to his question,Company Logo,,1、词汇层面的处理,Eg:3 你做什么没关系,重要的问题是你怎么做 What you do does not matter, The

6、 important thing is how u do it Eg:4 我阅读了关于那些问题的著作 I have read books about these subjects I have referred to works dealing with those subjects Eg:5 你会听到到处都在讨论这个问题 You will find the topic being discussed everywhere,Company Logo,,1、词汇层面的处理,Eg:6这个机子出问题了 Something is wrong with that machine. Eg:7一路上没出问题

7、 The trip went off without mishap,Company Logo,,2 修饰成分的语序(定语的语序),Eg1:这是目前唯一可行的办法(指时间前置要么后置)能做的 That is the only thing to do now Eg2:这些是我们面对的主要问题 Those are the chief problems facing us Eg3:得到最高分数的学生将会得到奖学金 The students who receive the highest score will be awarded scholarship 英词如个是单个词修饰的要放在名词前面,词组短语,

8、定语从句放在后面。,Company Logo,,2 修饰成分的语序(定语的语序),在汉语中,几个定语连用的时候,习惯上把最能能表明 事物本质的放在最前面,距离中心词较远,英语则相反,越能表明事物基本性质的定语越靠近中心词。 表示物理性质的词距中心词较远,表化学性质的词距中心词较近 Hydrogen is a light and spontaneously combustible gas.(也可短前,长后) 表示产地的较远,表示原材料的较近。 这是特级的,有图案的国产毛毯。 This is a homemade , superfine, patterned woolen blanket,Comp

9、any Logo,,2 修饰成分的语序(定语的语序),表示时间概念的比较远(前置,后置) 一个白发苍苍的老教授 An old and white-haired professor 国际经济新秩序 A new international economic order 数词较远,表性质的词较近 50多名可爱的孩子 50 lovely children,Company Logo,,2 修饰成分的语序(定语的语序),表次要性质的词较远,主要性质的较近 医学上的重大发明 The great / important medical discovery 难分主次的,短单词在前,长的在后 勤劳勇敢的中国人民

10、The brave hard-working people,Company Logo,,2 修饰成分的语序(状语的位置),英汉副词的位置大致一致,但英语中,状语位置十分灵活,有些情况下需要调整。在汉语中表示时间、地点、原因、条件、比较、关涉对象等状语的语序与英语往往一致,通常置于句首。 Eg1我是去年在北京遇见他的 I met him in Beijing last year . Eg2从杭州坐旅游车,向西南走大约3小时左右,可以到达一个叫瑶林的旅游胜地。 There is a tourist attraction called Yaolin which you can reach in ab

11、out 3 hours by going southwest by tourist bus from Hangzhou (镜像对称),Company Logo,,3 被动语态的翻译,汉语形式上是主动语态,意义上被动的句子。隐性的被动语态 Eg:困难克服了,工作完成了,问题也解决了。 The difficulties have been overcome, the work has been done and the problem (has been) solved.(并列结构,省略结构) 是+动词+的判断句。 语言是在实践中逐渐形成的。 Language has been formed in

12、 practice,Company Logo,,3 被动语态的翻译,地基是石头砌成的,墙壁则是砖头垒起的(先简化) The foundation is made of stones and the wall (is made )of bricks. 汉语的无主句,泛指主题句等 据说这个事故跟他有关 It is said he is involved in this accident,Company Logo,,3 被动语态的翻译,Eg:201206 The famous novel is said to(已经被翻译成多种语言)- have been translated into many l

13、anguages. 200706Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life-(用他们能够借到多少来衡量的),, not how much they can earn is measured by how much they can borrow 201006 We look forward to -(被邀请出席开幕式) being invited to attend the opening ceremony,Company Logo,,4 倒装结构的翻译,部分导装的具体用法 句首是否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,常用部分倒装

14、Under no circumstances shall we cancel the party 常用于这一结构的词或短语有 At no /other time , by no means Under no circumstances, hardly, scarcely, seldom, In no way, in vain, little, never, rarely, few, No sooner than, hardly when, nowhere, not until, Not onlybut also, not a single word, not frequently,Compan

15、y Logo,,4 倒装结构的翻译,句首是only 引导的状语时,需要部分倒装。 Only in this way can we solve the problem(引导方式状语,句首) 常用短语还有: Only by chance, only then, only with difficulty, only on a rare occasion等等。 Eg1:201006 The manager never laughed, neither -她也从没发过脾气 had he lost her temper. Eg2:200806 直到他完成使命,did he realize that he was seriously ill. Not until


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