2018-2019英语外研版选修7课件:module6 theworld''sculturalheritage6.1

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1、Module 6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage,【文章导语】Known as the “First of the Five Sacred Mountains”and the world cultural and natural heritage,Mt. Taishan ranks third among the Five Famous Mountains in terms of height. 它享有“五岳之首”的称誉, 也以世界文化和自然双重遗产而闻名,从高度来说,泰山在五座山岳中排行第三。,Mt.Taishan Mount Taishan,with its ma

2、in peak rising 1,545 meters above sea level,in central Shandong Province,has,since ancient times,been a mountain held in high esteem by the Chinese people.According to historical records,Mount Taishan became a sacred place haunted by emperors to offer sacrifices and meditate in the Zhou Dynasty over

3、 1,000 years before the Christian era.It was recorded that a total of 72 emperors had visited it.Men of letters also came to acquire inspiration,to compose poems,write essays,paint and take pictures.Therefore,a great many cultural relics were left on the mountain.,Mt.Taishan has a long history,ancie

4、nt geological stratum,graceful scenery,and a wealth of cultural relics and sites.Apart from others,those that have been admired with a name amount to 112 peaks.Mt.Taishan has rich biological resources.All over the mountain are ancient trees and flourishing grass,and the vegetation covers 79.9% of th

5、e area.,Mt.Taishan was always the symbol of power in history.It was a sacred mountain to the kings and emperors,who would all came to offer their Fengshan Sacrifice ceremony, a gratitude worship to the heaven and earth in the year of peace and abundant harvest.Before Qin Dynasty altogether 72 kings

6、or emperors had their Fengshan ceremonies at Mt.Taishan,and from Qin Dynasty to Ming and Qing Dynasty emperors of all times had 27 such worship ceremonies at this mountain.As the only one of the mountains in China that enjoyed this honor from the emperors,Mt.Taishan is naturally rich with historical

7、 and cultural traces.,Mt.Taishan is a microcopy of the thousands years old civilization of China that contains a cultural wealth no other mountain in the world is comparable.Just like the Great Wall,Yellow River,and Yangtze River,Mt.Taishan is the symbol of Chinese people.In December of 1987,UNESCO

8、inscribed Mt Taishan on the World Heritage List as both a natural and a cultural property of the whole world.,译文 泰山 雄峙于山东省中部,主峰岭海拔1,545米的泰山自古以来就受到中国人的景仰。据史料记载,泰山之所以成为一座神圣的山,就是因为在公元1,000多年前的周朝有众多的君王曾来这里献祭朝拜。记载中共有72位君王来过这里。众多文人墨客也来这里寻找灵感吟诗作句,写文作画,摄影创作。因此,泰山上留下了大量的文化遗迹。 泰山历史悠久,地层古老,风光秀丽,文物古迹众多。泰山自古被命名的

9、有山峰112座。泰山有丰富的生物资源,山上古木参天,花草繁茂,植被覆盖率达79.9% 。,历史上泰山是政权的象征,是一座神圣的山。古代帝王逢太平之岁,都要来泰山举行封禅大典,祭告天地,先秦时期有72代君王到泰山封禅; 自秦汉至明清,历代皇帝到泰山封禅也多达27次。这为泰山留下了其他山所不及的丰富历史文化印迹。 泰山是我国几千年古老文明的缩影,它蕴含的文化内涵,在世界范围内没有第二座山可以与之相媲美,它和万里长城、黄河、长江一样,成为中华民族的象征。1987年12月,泰山被联合国教科文组织作为文化和自然双重遗产列入世界遗产名录。 典句欣赏 Mt.Taishan is a microcopy of

10、 the thousands years old civilization of China that contains a cultural wealth no other mountain in the world is comparable.,理解诱思 1.The following descriptions are true except . A.apart from a wealth of cultural relics and sites,Mt.Taishan has a long history,and graceful scenery. B.cultural relics le

11、ft on the mountain have connection with men of letters. C.some kings and emperors often came to Mount Taishan to worship for more wealth. D.Mt.Taishan is the symbol of the Chinese people. 2.Please list some of the poems written about Mt.Taishan.,C,答案:Open.,Section Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary

12、,一,二,三,四,五,一、词义匹配 A B 1.preserve a.to give sth especially money or goods to help sb/sth 2.existence b.to tell sb that sth is good or useful 3.relation c.a person who is in the same family as sb else 4.contribute d.the state or fact of being real or living 5.recommend e.to prevent sb/sth from being h

13、armed 答案:1-e,2-d,3-c,4-a,5-b,一,二,三,四,五,二、猜词拼写 1. the action of asking for sth formally and politely 2. to suggest a plan,an idea,etc.for people to think about and decide on. 3. to make sth eg.a knife sharp 4. to keep sb in a good state 5. in danger of becoming extinct,request,propose,sharpen,maintai

14、n,endangered,一,二,三,四,五,三、词汇拓展 1.agree n. 协议 2.exposure v. 暴露 3.aware n. 意识 4.long n. 长度 5.precious adv.珍贵地 6.assistance v.援助,agreement,expose,awareness,length,preciously,assist,一,二,三,四,五,四、阅读课文,回答下列问题。 1.Which of the following sentences is NOT true about Zhoukoudian? A.Its a small village about 50 k

15、ilometres southwest of Beijing. B.Archaeologists discovered some prehistoric human bones there in 1920. C.It was listed as a world heritage site in December. D.A human species once lived in the area between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago.,B,一,二,三,四,五,2.The life span of Beijing Man was short and . A.a

16、bout 70% of the people probably died before the age of 14 B.fewer than 5% lived to the age of 60 C.most of the people were killed by the fierce animals D.the people couldnt cook their food or protect themselves from wild animals by using fire,A,一,二,三,四,五,3.Zhoukoudian was listed as a world heritage site in December 1987 because . A.six skulls and more than 150 teeth were found there B.it was the earliest evidence of the use of fire anywhere in the wo


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