高中英语 unit 21 human biology section warmup lesson 1prereading 课时作业 北师大版选修

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1、在学生就要走出校门的时候,班级工作仍要坚持德育先行,继续重视对学生进行爱国主义教育、集体主义教育、行为规范等的教育,认真落实学校、学工处的各项工作要求Unit 21 Human Biology Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Pre-reading.完形填空I bought a small boat when my family spent one summer vacation enjoying the beaches of beautiful Gulfshores.Both of my daughters_1_all day in the boat.But the l

2、ittle one got tired and was beginning to look pretty_2_with too much sun._3_,I took her to our spot on the sand as my elder girl continued to play in the boat.I probably became a little too_4_with my younger daughter,not noticing the boat with my elder daughter in it was moving far out from the_5_.I

3、 called to her to come closer to the shore and she_6_ to be frightened.Unfortunately,the thing we hadnt thought to_7_for the boat were any oars.Her little arms were too_8_to reach across the boat and into the water.All she could do was to paddle (划)_9_to one side and the boat was just making small_1

4、0_.I stood as far out in the water as I couldshouting_11_to her.There was a boat of teenagers not far from her.When they_12_what was happening,they started to head her way immediately.Im not a good_13_but I determined to get myself out there.The first attempt of my arms seemed to be slow,and I could

5、nt_14_I was doing this.I continued swimming_15_I no longer knew or could feel that I had legs,but I always kept my_16_on her.Helped by the teenagers,I finally made my way back pulling her and_17_her.We came back to the shore and my life was changed forever by the_18_.I learned that maybe we think we

6、 are not_19_enough sometimes,but if we_20_ourselves enough and take that first attempt we have all the strength we need.语篇解读作者通过在海边度假的一次危险经历告诉我们:只要我们有足够的自信心,我们就一定能成功。1Ahid Bfished Cslept Dplayed解析:通过下文the little one got tired及as my elder girl continued to play in the boat可知,作者的两个女儿一整天都在船上玩(played)。答

7、案:D2Agreen Bblue Cpink Dyellow解析:由本空后的sun可以推断出小女儿在海面上被晒了一天,皮肤变得红红的(pink)。答案:C3ATherefore BStillCHowever DAgain解析:小女儿累了,又被晒得红红的,于是(Therefore)作者就把她带上岸。答案:A4Afamiliar Bbored Cangry Dinvolved解析:根据后半句not noticing可推断,作者太关注(involved)小女儿了。答案:D5Acrowd Bshore Ctrip Dgoal解析:从下文的come closer to the shore可以得到提示。答

8、案:B6Apretended Bseemed Crefused Ddecided解析:看到自己离海岸越来越远,作者的大女儿应该是看起来(seemed)非常害怕。答案:B7Amake Bbuy Cborrow Dchange解析:由文章首句可知,作者是在度假的时候买的船,再由下文他的大女儿用手划船可知,作者买船的时候没有想到买(buy)桨。答案:B8Afat Bpainful Cshort Dweak解析:由little arms可推断,作者大女儿的胳膊太短(short),够不到船两边的水。 答案:C9Ahard BnaturallyCpatiently Dfast答案:A10Awaves Bm

9、istakes Cattempts Dcircles解析:她拼命地(hard)在一边划,结果弄得小船只在原地打转(circles)。答案:D11Aorders BinstructionsCdemands Dopinions解析:作者走进海水中,尽可能离大女儿近点,然后使劲向她喊,告诉她该怎么做(instructions)。答案:B12Aremembered BnoticedCpredicted Dimagined解析:当附近船上的少年注意到(noticed)发生了什么事情后,他们马上向作者大女儿的方向划来。答案:B13Aswimmer Bfather Cfriend Drescuer解析:由本

10、空后的I determined to get myself out there及下句的slow可推断,作者水性不好(not a good swimmer)。答案:A14Aadmit Bbelieve Csay Drecognize解析:作者水性不好,但仍迈出了尝试的第一步,他自己都不相信(believe)自己在游泳。答案:B15Abut Bafter Cuntil Dunless解析:作者拼命往前游,直到(until)手脚都麻木了。答案:C16Ahopes Beyes Chands Dfeelings解析:但是,作者始终注视着(eyes)他的大女儿,拼命往她那儿游。答案:B17Acalming

11、 Bcuring Cpraising Dtraining解析:在那些少年的帮助下,作者一边奋力往回游一边安慰(calming)大女儿。答案:A18Amemory BboatCexperience Dbeach解析:显然,作者对待人生的态度因为这次经历(experience)而改变。答案:C19Asmart Bstrong Cqualified Dmodest解析:根据上文作者水性不好的事实及文末的strength可推断,这里指有时侯我们认为自己可能不够强大(strong)。答案:B20Aremind Bsupport Cbehave Dtrust解析:通过作者的经历可知,如果我们足够相信(tr

12、ust)自己,并迈出尝试的第一步,我们就会得到我们所需的力量。答案:D.阅读理解Last night,on my way home I stopped because of being attracted by some hamburgers at a fast food restaurant.On my way in,a homeless man approached me and asked,“Do you have any bottles lying around?” I knew he would recycle them for a few cents,but I didnt hav

13、e any,so I said no.And again he asked,“Can you spare some change (零钱)?” I smiled,and said no again.He was very respectful;he smiled back and said,“OK,thank you.” Even though he didnt have anything,he was still in good spirits.From the way he spoke I could tell he was smart.Then I bought one hamburge

14、r and enjoyed my meal,but in the back of my mind I wondered whether the homeless man was hungry.After I finished my meal I decided to order another one for him.At this point I didnt know if he was still around,but I tried anyway.At the counter I ordered a hamburger and also a hot chocolate,because i

15、t was cold outside,and I thought it would help warm him up.They delivered (递送) me the hot chocolate first and as I waited for my hamburger,I noticed the homeless man was standing right beside me.I looked at him and smiled,“This hot chocolate is for you.” He replied like a gentleman,“Thank you so much.Thats very kind of you.”I always believe no matter how hard up (缺钱) I am,there a



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