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1、2018/11/24,英语四级听力 短对话场景总结,大学校园,打电话给父母: A) She contacts her parents occasionally. B) She phones her parents regularly at weekends. C) She visits her parents at weekends when the fares are down. D) She often call her parents regardless of the rates. -2003年1月 M: Do you still keep in touch with your par

2、ents regularly after all these years? W: Yes, of course. I call them at weekends when the rates are down fifty percent. Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation? 答案:B -,作业: A) The assignment looks easy but actually its quite difficult. B) The assignment is too difficult for them to

3、complete on time. C) They cannot finish the assignment until Thursday. D) They have plenty of time to work on the assignment. -2003年1月 M: Wow, thats a big assignment we got for the English class. W: Well, its not as bad as it looks. It isnt due until Thursday morning. Q: What does the woman mean? 答案

4、:D -,文学课: A) Shes learned a lot from the literature class. B) Shes written some books about world classics. C) Shes met some of the worlds best writers. D) Shes just back from a trip round the world. -2003年1月 M: You really seem to enjoy your literature class. W: Youre right. It has opened a new worl

5、d for me. Im exposed to the thoughts of some of the worlds best writers. Ive never read so much in my life. Q: What does the woman mean? 答案:A,考试: 9. A) The exam was easier than the previous one. B) Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam. C) Joe probably failed in the exam. D) The oral p

6、art of the exam was easier than the written part. -2003年1月 W: Listen to me, Joe, the exam is already a thing of the past. Just forget about it. M: Thats easier said than done. Q: What can we infer from the conversation? 答案:C,教授讲座难: A) The professors presentation was not convincing enough. B) The pro

7、fessors lecture notes were too complicated. C) The professor spoke with a strong accent. D) The professor spoke too fast. -2003年6月 W: The presentation made by Professor Jackson was too complicated to understand. M: Well, I think he didnt speak slowly enough for us to take the notes. Q: What did the

8、man complain? 答案:D,6. GRE考试: A) Take the GRE test again in 8 weeks. B) Call to check his scores. C) Be patient and wait. D) Inquire when the test scores are released. -2003年6月 M: I havent got my scores on the GRE test yet. Do you think I should call to make inquiries? W: There is no hurry. The test

9、scores are released at least eight weeks after the test. Q: What does the woman advise the man to do? 答案:C,7. 阅读: A) She read it selectively B) She went over it chapter by chapter C) She read it slowly D) She finished it at a stretch. -2003年6月 M: Have you finished reading the book you bought last mo

10、nth? W: Oh, I didnt read straight through the way you read a novel, I just covered a few chapters which interested me most. Q: How did the woman read the book? 答案:A,10. 选修课难: A) Its not as hard as expected. B) Its too tough for some students. C) Its much more difficult than people think. D) Its beli

11、eved to be the hardest optional course -2003年6月 W: Is that optional course as hard as everybody says? M: Its actually even worse, believe it or not. Q: What did the man say about the course? 答案:C,毕业迷茫: A) The two speakers are at a loss what to do. B) The man is worried about his future. C) The two s

12、peakers are seniors at college. D) The woman regrets spending her time idly. W: I just cant believe this is our last year. College is going by fast. M: Yeah. Well have to face the real world soon. So, have you figured out what youre going to do after you graduate? Q: What do we learn from the conver

13、sation? 大学校园 2004,考试临时抱佛脚 A) The man is usually the last to hand in his test paper. B) The man has made a mess of his midterm exam. C) The man has bad study habits. D) The man is a diligent student. M: I exhausted I stayed up the whole night studying for my middle term exams. W: But why do you alway

14、s wait until the last minute? Q:what does the woman imply?,作业,A) The man will drive the woman to school. B) The man has finished his assignment. C) The man is willing to help the woman. D) The man is losing patience with the woman. M: I really cant afford any more interruptions right now. I got to (

15、设法) finish this assignment. W: Sorry just one more thing, could you give me a ride to school tomorrow? Q: What can be informed from the conversation?,毕业深造: 3. A) She has been longing to attend Harvard University. B) Shell consider the mans suggestion carefully. C) She has finished her project with D

16、r. Garcias help. D) Shell consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school. M: Hi, Melissa, hows your project going? Have you thought about going to graduate school? Perhaps you can get into Harvard. W: Everything is coming along really well. I have been thinking about graduate school. But Ill talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thinks. Q: What do you learn about the woman from the conversation?


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