高中英语 unit 1 new zealand section 3 using language知能达标 新人教版选修

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1、“讲忠诚、严纪律、立政德”三者相互贯通、相互联系。忠诚是共产党人的底色,纪律是不能触碰的底线,政德是必须修炼的素养。永葆底色、不碰底线Unit 1 New Zealand Section 3 Using Language .阅读理解Believe me,improving spoken English is a matter of practice and right guidance(指导)For improving your communication skills,you should first of all be comfortable with grammar.Grammar is

2、 what we studied in our starting school days,and used to think of it as a very boring subject,but this grammar is important to get a good hold of what you speak.So for all those who are weak in grammar,I suggest that you go and get a grammar book.Dont worry if you cant remember everything.No one can

3、 remember everything in grammar.Just get a good hold of it.That should be enough for the basic preparation.Speak in English with people around you.Try to talk as much as possible with your teachers and professors in English.This will help you get selfconfidence.Break all barriers which hold you from

4、 doing so.Make good company(伙伴),and speak with them in English.If it is possible,join an English course.This is often helpful as the teacher will drive you for good communication skills.Moreover,you get to have good company with your classmates,with whom you can converse freely and no feeling of sha

5、me is there,and the learning process is very fast.Reading English also helps as you get used to different English words and your grammar gets improved.Get a proper English book to start reading.A novel in English is also helpful,but many times novels have many slang words (俚语),which might have a bad

6、 influence on your grammar.But anyhow I suggest going for it.In this world there is nothing free,and if you are learning something,then you have to accept the disadvantages of it.1In the second paragraph,the author seems to suggest that we should _.Aremember everything importantBprepare well for Eng

7、lish examsCtry to learn English grammar wellDhave a good command of English words【解析】细节理解题。第二段主要讲了学好英语语法的重要性。学习英语语法有助于提高英语口语能力,使对方更好地理解说话者要表达的意思。因此,作者建议人们学好英语语法。【答案】C2We can try to read an English novel because _.Ait is written in good grammarBwe can learn something useful from itCit is much better

8、than its Chinese versionDthere are a large number of slang words in it【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,作者认为看英文小说对英语学习也有帮助。虽然小说可能会有很多不合语法规则的英语俚语,但我们还是能够从中学到有用的知识,故B项正确。【答案】B3What does the underlined word “converse” in Paragraph 4 mean?ATalk.BMove.CLaugh. DThink.【解析】词义猜测题。第四段主要讲了作者建议人们参加英语课程以提高交流技能。在英语课上,你可以与同学自由交流

9、且不会感到难为情。由此可推知,converse的意思与talk接近。【答案】A4The main purpose of the passage is to tell us _.Ahow important English isBwhy we should learn English grammarChow to communicate with other peopleDwhat to do to improve our spoken English【解析】写作意图题。根据第二段至第五段每一段的第一句可以推知,本文主要介绍了一些提高英语口语能力的有效方法,包括学习语法、多与人用英语交流、参加英

10、语课程学习以及读英文小说等。因此,D项是本文的目的。【答案】DBHow to Learn English PronunciationLearn the sounds of EnglishEnglish uses more different sounds than other languages.For example,the first sound in the word thin and the first sound in the word away are never spoken in many languages.So you have to know all the Englis

11、h sounds.You also have to practise your pronunciationlisten to English words and sentences,and try to repeat the English sounds as well as you can.Learn the pronunciation of English wordsReading an English word does not tell you how it is pronounced.For example,the words no and do both end in the le

12、tter oHowever,no is pronounced like this,and do is pronounced like that.This means that,generally,you have to learn the pronunciation of every word that you use.How can you learn the pronunciation of an English word? You can look it up in a dictionary and read about how it is pronounced.Dictionaries

13、 tell you about pronunciation through a special system called “phonetic transcription(音标)”Phonetic transcription is written in a phonetic alphabet.The most popular phonetic alphabet is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)Antimoon has also created the ASC Phonetic Alphabet,which is suitable for

14、typing on a computer.Antimoons software,Perfect Pronunciation,helps you learn the pronunciations of the most important English words.Because it contains phonetic transcriptions and audio recordings,it can also teach you how to read phonetic transcriptions.Choose American or British pronunciation (or

15、 both)Different kinds of English have different pronunciation.For example,the pronunciation (the accent) in British English is different from the pronunciation in American English.You have a choice between British English and American English,because these are the most important kinds of English in

16、the world.Which one should you choose? Probably the kind that you like the most.5Why does one have to learn all the English sounds?ABecause English is a special language.BBecause some sounds only exist in English.CBecause English has many varieties.DBecause it is easy to master all the sounds.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一部


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