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1、内部轮训,固定资产计提折旧案例分析,支持支持部,定位问题发生在哪个数据表 找出问题的根本原因 找出问题的解决方法,分析问题总体思路和步骤,内容提纲,10.1固定资产折旧:客户在6月份变动了一下厂家,之后7月份累计折旧一下子大了四万多块钱,经查发现1-6月份有部分固定资产没有计提折旧,帐套(fatest20050908.rar),案例一,问题定位,这种问题很明确,只需要比较数据,具体找一张卡片如999-228,在参与折旧用到的表进行数据比较,关键比较折旧方法,预计使用期间,已使用期间,原值,原值(累计折旧)科目等折旧要素,select fdeprmethodid, flifeperiods,*

2、from t_facard where fassetnumber=999-228-424,968 select fdeprmethodid,flifeperiods,* from t_fabalcard where fassetnumber=999-228-424,968 select * from t_faalter where falterid in (424,968)-424 select * from t_fabalance where fassetid=424,案例一,找出问题的根本原因,案例一,出现这种情况的卡片多,单张更新很麻烦,反到处世化修改,找出问题的解决方法,总原则:保证折

3、旧方法,预计使用期间数据一致,select * into t_fabal_hetemp from t_fabalance where fyear0 delete from t_FABalCardItem where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABalCard where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABaldevice where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_faba

4、l_hetemp ) delete from t_FABalorgfor where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABaldept where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABalexpense where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_fabalance where fbalid in (select fbali

5、d from t_fabal_hetemp ) update t_systemprofile set fvalue=0 where fcategory=fa and fkey=closed初始化 update t_systemprofile set fvalue=1 where fcategory=fa and fkey=currentperiod-初始化,案例一,帐套:fatest0907.rar,案例二,10.2版本提示:固定资产在计提折旧时出现“科目没有权限,5(5H)的错误代码”提示 只要是科目没有权限,或核算项目无权限,则一定是t_fabalexpense,或t_faexpense中

6、的facctid(fdetailid)对应的科目(核算项目)在科目表(t_itemdetail)不存在或已禁用,或不是最明细,问题定位,案例二,找出问题的根本原因,求证问题,select * from t_faexpense where facctid=1070-无记录 select * from t_fabalexpense where facctid=1070-643 select * from t_account where faccountid=1070-无记录 是否还有其它不存在的科目 select distinct facctid from t_fabalexpense where

7、 facctid not in (select faccountid from t_account),案例二,找出问题的解决方法,一种方法:替代,一种方法:新增,案例二,帐套:seafood2004.rar,案例三,1.卡片计算折旧过程已成功,t_fabalance的fdepr已生成数据 2.t_fabalexpense的famount数据与t_fabalance的fdepr不符 一般是t_fabalexpense数据有问题,或缺少(多)记录,或同一卡片,折旧额不等(根本原因:frate错误),问题定位,案例三,求证问题: 差6分钱 select sum(famount) from t_fab

8、alexpense where fbalid in ( select fbalid from t_fabalance where fperiod=8 and fyear=2005) -362850.4100 select sum(fdepr)from t_fabalance where fperiod=8 and fyear=2005-362850.4700 错误原因:丢记录吗? select distinct falterid from t_facard-468 select distinct falterid from t_faexpense-468 select * from t_faa

9、lter where fnew=1-402 select * from t_faalter where fcleared=1-17 8月必须有385余额记录 select fbalid from t_fabalance where fperiod=8 and fyear=2005-385 select distinct fbalid from t_fabalexpense where fbalid in ( select fbalid from t_fabalance where fperiod=8 and fyear=2005)385 记录没有丢失,找出问题的根本原因,案例三,8月有卡片折旧

10、额与费用分配不符 select e.fbalid,e.famount,b.fdepr from (select fbalid,sum(famount) as famount from t_fabalexpense where fbalid in ( select fbalid from t_fabalance where fperiod=8 and fyear=2005) group by fbalid ) e,t_fabalance b where e.fbalid=b.fbalid and b.fperiod=8 and b.fyear=2005 and e.famountb.fdepr,

11、找出问题的根本原因,案例三,找出问题的根本原因,找出具体卡片,案例三,找出问题的解决方法,1.折旧管理中手工修改卡片折旧额,以t_fabalexpense为准,然后重新计提折旧,选择保留修改后的折旧额,案例三,账套:卡片的入账折旧要素丢失.rar,案例四,问题定位,select * from t_facard where fassetnumber=102002-falterid=2 select * from t_faalter where falterid=2-fassetid=2 select * from t_fabalance where fassetid=2 Select * fro

12、m t_faalter,以卡片102002为切入点,查看卡片数据情况,案例四,案例四,修改卡片日期及启用期间 update t_systemprofile set fvalue=2005 where fcategory=fa and fkey=StartYear update t_systemprofile set fvalue=2005-01-01 where fcategory=fa and fkey=StartDate-2005-06-23 update t_faalter set fdate=2005-07-05 where fperiod=7 update t_faalter set

13、 fdate=2004-12-31 where fperiod=0 update t_fabalance set fdate=2004-12-31,faltdate=2004-12-31 where faltdate2005-07-05 update t_fabalance set fdate=2005-07-05,faltdate=2005-07-05 where fassetid=1239 update t_faalter set fnew=1-fnew,fcleaned,fotheralter必须有唯一值,案例四,卡片是从别的帐套引入进来,卡片数据不完整,经过前面处理,还是解决不了问题,

14、对引入的卡片,出现问题,最好的解决方法是,回到初始化期间,在初始化进行数据调整,案例四,select * from t_faalter -1239 select * from t_facard-1239 select * from t_fadept-259 select * from t_faexpense-270 select * from t_facarditem1239,查找丢失记录的表,然后补回数据,找出问题的根本原因,案例四,delete from t_fadept insert into t_fadept select distinct a.falterid,d.fitemclsi

15、d,d.fitemid,d.frate from t_fabalance b inner join t_fabaldept d on b.fbalid=d.fbalid inner join t_faalter a on a.fassetid= b.fassetid order by falterid delete from t_faexpense insert into t_faexpense select distinct a.falterid,d.facctid,d.fdetailid,d.frate,d.fdeptid from t_fabalance b inner join t_f

16、abalexpense d on b.fbalid=d.fbalid inner join t_faalter a on a.fassetid= b.fassetid,找出问题的根本原因,案例四,select * into t_fabal_hetemp from t_fabalance where fyear0 delete from t_FABalCardItem where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABalCard where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_

17、fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABaldevice where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABalorgfor where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABaldept where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_FABalexpense where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) delete from t_fabalance where fbalid in (select fbalid from t_fabal_hetemp ) update t_systemprofile set fvalue=0 where fcategory=fa and fkey=closed初始化 update t_systemprofile set fvalue=1 where fcategory=fa and fkey=currentperiod-初始化,


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