小学英语优秀教学设计展示 module 5 unit 2 it`s too big for you !

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小学英语优秀教学设计展示 module 5 unit 2 it`s too big for you !_第1页
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《小学英语优秀教学设计展示 module 5 unit 2 it`s too big for you !》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语优秀教学设计展示 module 5 unit 2 it`s too big for you !(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小学英语优秀教学设计展示小学英语优秀教学设计展示 ModuleModule 5 5 UnitUnit 2 2 ItsIts tootoo bigbig forfor youyou ! !公开课教案 Module 5 DecisionsUnit 2Its too big for you !那蒙中心小学 农秋凤教学目标:1、学习并能口头运用 Its too big for you.这类语句说明不同意见。2、学习单词:too,lovely识别单词:panda,white,T-shirt书写单词:panda,white3、帮助学生在词语与相应事物之间建立联想;鼓励学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。

2、教学重点:学习运用:Its too big for you.教学难点:学会运用: Ittoo for .表达自己的看法和意见。教学手段:课件、课文光盘、单词卡片、课文图片。教学过程:一、课前热身1.Greeting2.Review课件出示颜色的单词和形容词(看谁最快读出来)二、导入新课(一) 、Part 5.Game : Ask and answer .1.拿出水果(实物)Whats this ?Its fruitDo you want to eat ?Yes , we do .2.问答游戏,通过询问“Is it + 颜色/形容词 ?“来猜是那种水果(二) 、Part 2 :Point and

3、 say .1.出示卡片:What do you want to say about these pictures ?引导学生用 “Its for .”来描述2.Can you write it down ?(三) 、Part 1 :Listen and say .1.课文导入Boys and girls,do you like shopping ?YesToday Lingling and Amy go shopping. Do you want to know what happen about them ?2.自学课文Please underline the words if you d

4、ont know .3.听录音回答问题 What does Lingling want to buy? What color does Lingling like? What color does Lingling buy at last? Why does she change(改变) her mind(主意)to buy another color?分小组讨论(三人一组) ,派代表回答问题4.细读课文 It s nice. Its=it isIts got a panda on it.Its= it has让学生体会文中这两个“its”是否一样。 It s too big for you.

5、“too”的意思是“太” 。 向某人询问你有吗?Have you got ?5.分角色朗读课文三、巩固升华 Aook at this red T-shirt.its (nice,yellow)B:Its (got,had) a monkey on it .A:But its (also,too) small for you!B:Have you got a big one ?C:Try this one is (on,in)pink.A:You can (bring,take)it to Qinzhou. Practice the dialogue in group . Please the

6、students act the dialogue.四、小结What have you learnt this class and what other do you want to say ?五、Homework1.Practice the dialogue with your friend after class .2.在生活中常运用“Ittoo for .”表达自己的看法和意见。六、板书设计Module 5Unit 2Its too big for you !It s nice. Its=it isIts got a panda on it. Its= it hasIt s too big for you. 这对你来说太大了。Have you got ?你有吗?lovely=cute 可爱


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