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1、 1.组织名称2.日常用词3.近期热词一.常见词汇二.热点议题1.博鳌亚洲论坛2.供给侧结构性改革3.十三五规划4.互联网金融常见词汇1.组织名称世界银行 World Bank 东南亚联盟 South-east Asian nations 欧洲经济共同体 European Common Market 世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization 国际货币基金组织 International Monetary Found 北美自由贸易区 North American Free Trade Agreement 亚太经济合作组织 Asia-Pacific Economic Coop

2、eration 非洲开发银行 African Development Bank常见词汇 2.日常用词实体经济 the real economy 贸易障碍 trade barrier 商标注册 trademark registration 外汇市场 foreign exchange market 低碳经济 low-carbon economy 地方保护主义 regional protectionism 需求/供应定律 the law of demand/supply 经济萎缩 an economic depression (slump, recession) 第一/第二/第三产业 the pri

3、mary/secondary/tertiary industry (the service sector) 超前消费 excessive consumption 知识经济 knowledge economy 不良贷款 non-performing loan 规模经济 economy of scale 经济起飞 an economic takeoff 外汇市场 foreign exchange market 经济指标 economic indicators 跨国并购 cross-border takeover 经济总量 economic aggregate 经济效益 economic effic

4、iency 经济增长点 economic growth point 经济手段 economic measure 新兴市场经济 emerging market economy 专利证书 letters patent/certificate of patent常见词汇3.近期热词 建设共享平台 create sharing platforms “一带一路” Chinas Belt and Road 博鳌亚洲论坛 The Boao Forum for Asia G20杭州峰会 G20 Hangzhou Summit 十三五规划 The Thirteenth Five-year plan 经济新常态

5、new normal 亚投行Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 供给侧结构性改革 supply-side structural reform 去产能 cut excessive industrial capacity 去杠杆 de-leveraging 降成本 lower corporate补短板 improve weak links 云计算 cloud computing 大数据 Big Date 实体经济 real economic 淘宝店 Online-spinning Taobao 粉丝经济 Fan economy 网红经济 Internet ce

6、lebrity economy/Wanghong economy 跨境经济 cross-border economic cooperation 澜沧江-湄公河合作机制 Lancang-Mekong cooperation mechanism 长江经济带发展“三大战略” Yangtze Economic Belt initiative 非公有制经济活力 the non-public sector 上市型开放式基金 Listed Open-Ended Fund (LOF) 税收法定 statutory taxation 阳光财政transparency of public finance 互联网金

7、融Internet banking 隐性收入 hidden income 吸引外商投资 attract foreign investment 热点议题1. 1.博鳌经济论坛博鳌经济论坛Next博鳌亚洲博鳌亚洲 论坛是什论坛是什 么么2016博鳌博鳌 亚洲论坛亚洲论坛5 个热词个热词总理金句总理金句 摘录摘录热点议题热点议题 1.博鳌亚洲论坛 Boao Forum For AsiaBoao Forum For Asia博鳌亚洲论坛博鳌亚洲论坛(英文名称为(英文名称为Boao Forum For AsiaBoao Forum For Asia,缩写,缩写BFABFA)是一个非政府、非营)是一个非政

8、府、非营利性、定期、定址的国际组织。利性、定期、定址的国际组织。论坛由菲律宾前总统拉莫斯、澳大利亚前总理霍克及日本前首相细川护熙于论坛由菲律宾前总统拉莫斯、澳大利亚前总理霍克及日本前首相细川护熙于19981998年年倡议,并于倡议,并于20012001年年2 2月月2727日正式宣告成立。中国海南博鳌为论坛总部的永久地所在,从日正式宣告成立。中国海南博鳌为论坛总部的永久地所在,从20022002年开始,论坛每年定期在博鳌召开年会。年开始,论坛每年定期在博鳌召开年会。论坛的宗旨是论坛的宗旨是立足亚洲,促进和深化本地区内和本地区与世界其他地区间的经济交立足亚洲,促进和深化本地区内和本地区与世界其他

9、地区间的经济交流、协调与合作。流、协调与合作。为政府、企业及专家学者等提供一个共商经济、社会、环境及其他为政府、企业及专家学者等提供一个共商经济、社会、环境及其他相关问题的高层对话平台。通过论坛与政界、商界及学术界建立的工作网络为会员与相关问题的高层对话平台。通过论坛与政界、商界及学术界建立的工作网络为会员与会员之间、会员与非会员之间日益扩大的会员之间、会员与非会员之间日益扩大的经济合作提供服务经济合作提供服务。人工智能人工智能 Artificial intelligence请在此输入您的文 本。众筹众筹 Crowd funding互联网金融互联网金融 Online financing共享经济

10、共享经济 Sharing Economy供给侧结构性改革供给侧结构性改革 Supply-side structural reform2016博鳌亚洲论坛博鳌亚洲论坛5个热词个热词Crowd funding refers to that funding a project by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people.Sharing Economyis an economic system in which assets or services are shared between private individu

11、als, either for free or for a fee, typically by means of the Internet.Online financing helps small businesses and startups that do not have access to bank lending and traditional financing resources in a good way.Supply-side structural reform means to strive to raise the competitiveness to advance e

12、conomic development through unleashing the productive forces on both sides of supply and production.Artificial intelligenceis the simulation of the information process of human consciousness and thinking.总理金句摘录总理金句摘录1.1.思想越辩越新,朋友也就会越交越真。思想越辩越新,朋友也就会越交越真。Exchange of views will create new vision, and

13、more interactions bring friends closer.2.众人拾柴火焰高众人拾柴火焰高。When everybody puts firewood in the fire, the flame rises high.3.3.单丝难成线,独木不成林单丝难成线,独木不成林A single thread cannot be spun into a cord. And a single tree cannot create a forest.4.4.凡事预则立凡事预则立Preparedness ensures success.5.5.远亲不如近邻,近邻可成友邻远亲不如近邻,近邻可

14、成友邻. .A close neighbor is better than a kinsman afar, and close neighbors can become best friends.热点议题2.2.供给侧结构性改革供给侧结构性改革NEXTWhat is What is it?it?Important Important contents contents Positive Positive influenceinfluence2.2.供给侧改革供给侧改革 Supply-side structural reform就是从供给、生产端入手,通过解放生产力,提升竞争力促进经济发就是从供给、生产端入手,通过解放生产力,提升竞争力促进经济发 展。具体而言,就是要求清理僵尸企业,淘汰落后产能,将发展方向锁展。具体而言,就是要求清理僵尸企业,淘汰落后产能,将发展方向锁 定新兴领域、创新领域,创造新的经济增长点。定新兴领域、创新领域,创造新的经济增长点。It means to strive to raise the competitiveness to advance economic development through unleashin


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