新职业英语旅游英语unit 2

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1、,新职业英语,旅游英语,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 2 Receiving Tourists,Warming-up,Reading A,Listening,Speaking,4,1,2,3,Reading B,5,Writing,6,Project,7,Vocabulary and Structure,8,Self-evaluation,Grammar,10,9,Warming-up,Task 1,Task 2,Warming-up,Task 1 Being a tour guide, you should be familiar with the logos of di

2、fferent travel agencies. Match each logo with its agencys English name.A_ B_ C_ D_China Travel Service 2. China International Travel Service 3. China Comfort Travel 4. China Youth Travel Service,3,4,2,1,Task 2,Please explain the main duties of a tour leader, local guide and scenic spots guide.,Sugge

3、sted Answers A tour leader leads a group overseas. His job entails ensuring the tourists get what they paid for, facilitating the flight, protecting the safety of tourists, solving problems and making sure they have a good time. A local guide should carry out the travel plan and offer the activities

4、 arrangement, explanation and interpretation services to the tour tourists in certain local area. A scenic spots guide arrange the tour activities at a scenic spot. His job entails providing commentary, routing the tour and seeing that people have a good time at the scenic spot.,Reading A,Text,Task

5、1,Task 2,Task 3,Task 4,Background Information,Task 1 Before reading the passage, briefly discuss the procedure of receiving tourists at the airport in English.,翻译,声音,Reading A,Receiving Tourists at the Airport,On the day a tour group arrives, there are many jobs for a tour guide to do to ensure that

6、 everything goes _.Before the arrival of a tour group, a tour guide has a number of duties to_. Firstly, you should call the reception desk at the airport to confirm the exact time of arrival of the flight. Then contact the bus driver to pick you up and travel on the bus to the airport.,smoothly,att

7、end to,On the way to the airport, it is best to remind the driver what is on the tour itinerary and ensure that he has a copy. Please make sure that you arrive at the airport at least 30 minutes before the arrival time of the flight.Secondly, when arriving at the airport, make sure that the driver c

8、hooses a convenient parking space so that the tourists will be able to get on the bus easily and safely.,Thirdly, go to the airport lobby and reconfirm the arrival time. Then contact a porter and tell him where the bus is so that he knows where to take the luggage.Fourthly, go and stand by the exit

9、barrier with the tour flag or a sign. Make sure you will be easily seen so that the tourists can recognize you as soon as they .,parked,exit,International groups often have a tour leader with them, so make contact as soon as you can. You can ask questions like this: “Excuse me, are you the UC Tour G

10、roup?” or “Are you Mr. Smith from the MRB Travel Agency of Australia?” Then you should tell him your name and your travel agency. Check the names and number of tourists with him or her. Next, check that all the luggage has been claimed and collected by the porter for to the bus.,transfer,When everyb

11、ody is ready, guide the tour group to the bus and ask the driver to help the tourists store their luggage. Stand by the door of the bus, smiling and silently _ to make sure everyone is on board.,counting,机场接团,在旅游团到达的当天,导游要做很多工作以确保接团工作一切顺利。在旅游团到来之前,导游有很多事项需要处理。首先,给机场接待处打电话,确认航班抵达的 确切时间,然后联系巴士司机来接你,并一

12、起前往机场。,在去机场的路上,最好提醒司机旅游行程安排,并确认司机也有一份行程表。确保在航班抵达前30分钟到达机场。其次,到达机场时,确保让司机找到一个方便的位置停车,这样能够让游客们快捷、安全地上车。,第三,去机场大厅重新确认航班抵达时间,然后联系行李员并告知停车位置,让他知道要把行 李搬运到哪里。第四,带好导游旗和标志牌站到出口处。确保你很容易被看到,这样游客一出来就能找到你。,国际旅游团往往有一个领队,所以应尽快与其取得联系。你可以像这样询问:“打扰一下,请问你们是UC旅游团的吗?”或“您是来自澳大利亚MRB旅行社的史密斯先生吗?”然后,你应该告诉他你的名字和旅行社名称,和他/她一起核查

13、游客名单和人数。接下来,核实所有的行李已被认领,并由行李员送到巴士上。,当所有人都到齐后,带领旅游团去乘车,并请司机帮助游客存放他们的行李。你应站在车门边,面带微笑,默数游客人数,确保每个人都已登车。,ad. without difficulty, problems, or delays,Reading A,e.g. Our arrangement ran smoothly. Once installed, the network performed smoothly.,smoothly,attend to,e.g. I must attend to this matter. You have

14、 some important business to attend to.,Reading A,to deal with business or personal matters,park,e.g. Let me park the car near the stadium. Where did you park your car yesterday?,v. to put a car or other vehicle in a particular place for a period of time,Reading A,exit,e.g. We exited into a back alle

15、y via the fire door. Your passport will be checked when you enter and exit the port; get it ready soon.,Reading A,v. to leave a place,transfer,e.g. The software is a good transfer of data. The next stop is the transfer point for the trolley.,n. the act of moving something from one place to another,R

16、eading A,count,e.g. I can count to ten in Japanese. Lets count the people who are going for the spring outing.,Reading A,v. to calculate the total number of things or people in a group,Reading A,Complete the following table according to the passage.,Task 2,Keys: 1. confirm the exact time of arrival

17、of the flight 2. pick you up 3. what is on the tour itinerary; he has a copy 4. the driver chooses a convenient parking space 5. reconfirm the arrival time 6. to take the luggage 7. Go and stand by the exit barrier with the tour flag or a sign 8. the names and number of tourists 9. has been claimed and collected by the porter 10. everyone is on board,



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