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1、译林英语5B Unit6 In the kitchen (P3),单课教学目标 第三课时,行为主体,学生,行为条件,行为表现,行为程度,借助视频,图片,借助卡通故事,正确,正确、流畅,基本,能理解并表演动画,了解中西就餐文化,借助视频、图片,能听懂、会说会读qu组合的发音,Unit,6,In the kitchen,(Sound time,Culture time & Cartoon time),我会理解并表演动画。,我能了解不同国家的就餐文化。,我知道qu 在单词中的发音。,Learning aims学习目标,Quick respond (Yes- yeah yeah yeah No - N

2、o no no ),1. Are we learning “helping our parents“ now?,4. Does Bobby have a nice grape garden?,3. Is Miss Zhang very nice?,5. Does Cinderella live with the prince sadly?,2. Do you think English is interesting?,qu,What is she doing?,What is she wearing?,Wearing her golden crown.,Quick! The queen is

3、coming,Through our little town.,Quick! The queen is coming,kw,Sound time,(a female king)女性的,The queen,golden crown 金色皇冠,kw,Do you have any other words with the letters,qu kw,question quack quiet quit quite (问题) (呱呱叫) (安静) (放弃) (相当,很),1.The ducks , .2.When you meet , just try,dont .3.My English is go

4、od .4.The queen is ready for dinner ,be .,quack,quit,questions,quack,Sound time,Can you make a sentence with these words? 你能用这些单词造句吗?,quite,quiet,Lets learn some table manners first! 先学些不同的餐桌礼仪吧!,Dinner is ready!,A,B,chopsticks,a knife and fork刀 叉,a pair of chopsticks一双筷子,How to eat Chinese food and

5、 Western food?如何吃中餐和西餐?,Culture time,I eat with chopsticks,I eat with a knife and fork .,Chinese Korean Japanese .,English American Australian .,Check time 说一说,Chinese eat with .,Indian印度人,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。,Bobby wants to take nice grapes for the queen !,Do you remember what ha

6、ppened in his garden? 你还记得他的花园发生过什么事吗?,前情回顾,Who can help Bobby?,They will eat all the grapes!,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,1.Who can help Bobby?,Sam and the good ladybirds.,Why can Sams ladybirds help Bobby?,你能找到不同吗?,ten spots,seven spots,bad,good,七星瓢虫,Tip:益虫:二星瓢虫、六星瓢虫、七星瓢虫、十三星瓢虫、大红瓢虫、赤星瓢虫等 害虫:十星瓢虫、十一星

7、瓢虫、二十八星瓢虫等,Q3: What do Sams ladybirds do?,They drive the bad ladybirds and pests away.,driveaway A.开走 B.赶走,Drive them away!,happy,Read and order,a. happy,b. surprised,c. sad,d. angry,你能根据故事情节给Bobby的感受排序吗?,First, he isNext,Then, Finally,Read and imitate,模仿语音语调,体会人物心情,First,Bobby is sad.,Next,Bobby is

8、 angry.,模仿语音语调,体会人物心情,Read and imitate,Then,Bobby is surprised.,模仿语音语调,体会人物心情,Read and imitate,Finally,Bobby is happy.,模仿语音语调,体会人物心情,Read and imitate,Bobby is taking nice grapes for the queen !,Bobbys present!,What will the queen say to Bobby ?,选取本课所学的内容进行表演,注意人物的语音语调哦。,Act the cartoon time. (表演动画部分

9、),Act the cartoon time and add the ending. (表演动画部分并自主创编结尾),acting time,create your own story. (根据所学内容创编自己的故事),Show time,你能给卡通片编一个合适的名字么?试一试!,Named the cartoon,Bobbys grapes,Sam helps Bobby,Different ladybirds Save the grapes.,queen为了表示感谢邀请Sam和Bobby一起吃晚餐。,Magic eyes,我会理解并表演动画。,我能了解不同国家的就餐文化。,我知道qu 在单词中的发音。,Learning aims学习目标,


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