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1、第 1 页 共 5 页201209201209 学期学期民航英语民航英语 22复习纲要一复习纲要一一、短语翻译一、短语翻译 1. 奠定现代飞行的基础2. 确保稳定上升 3. 发出短促的无线电波4. 旅客拥挤的航线 5. 万一遇到不测的顶风6. 长期经营空运业务二、单选题二、单选题 1. Just before taking off, the pilot once more _ about weather conditions. A. inquired B. required C. request D. demanded 2. After several days discussion, the

2、 committee _ a plan to encourage the export of industrial product. A. extended B. enlarged C. conceived D. realized 3. Ann _ sobbing(哭泣) at last, and dried her eyes with her handkerchief.A. stopped B. went away C. continued D. started 4. She dieted(节食) constantly to_ her youthful figure.A. reserve B

3、. keep C. trim D. restrain 5. Since all the airline tickets were sold out, we _stay in the city for two more days.A. were constrained to B. were happy to C. were grateful to D. were persuaded to 6. A person tends to _ his own shortcomings though he may see others shortcoming easily.A. oversee B. loo

4、k over C. forgive D. overlook 7. It is bad policy for the developing countries to sacrifice environmental protection to_ economic growth.A. reduce B. promote C. discourage D. weaken 8. We are having a party on Saturday, and would love to have you _ us. A. joined B. joins C. join D. to join 9. She ha

5、d a paper _. A. publishes B. publishing C. published D. publish 10. Our country _ people from all over the world. A. is made of B. is made up of C. is consisted of D. is consisted 11. Why dont you come _ and have dinner _me? A. overfor B. onwith C. overat D. overwith第 2 页 共 5 页12. The meat is so rot

6、ten and _. You must have forgotten to put it in fridge. A. smells terribly B. smells terrible C. is smelling terribly D. is smelling terrible13. With a lot of difficult problems _, they decided to take a few days off.A. settling B. to settle C. being settled D. settled 14. The farm as well as its ne

7、ighboring hills we once spent so much time_on a new look. Aon has taken Bhas taken Con having taken Dhaving taken 15. I dont know when he_, but when he _Ill speak to him.A. will come; comes B. comes; comes C. comes, will come D. will come; will come 16. The shopping center in the city was_as a resul

8、t of a cigarette, which shocked the whole country. A. burned down B. turned down C. turned up D. taken in 17. I wonder whats your attitude _ the problem _yesterday.A. in; discussing B. to; to be discussedC. towards; discussed D. with; being discussed 18. Seldom _ him recently, for you see Im prepari

9、ng for the project. A. I meet B. do I meet C. I have met D. have I met 19. The prices of goods kept _. We had to cut the expenses in order to meet our daily needs. A. standing up B. breaking down C. going up D. putting up 20. Im looking for a house. Id like _with a big garden. Yes, madam. We have se

10、veral of this kind. A. that B. it C. this D. one三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 Passage One An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip on a fault (断层). A fault is a fracture in the crust (地壳) of the earth along which rocks on one side have moved relative to those on the other side. Stresses in the earths outer layer pus

11、h the sides of the fault together, build up and the rocks slips suddenly, releasing energy in waves that travel through the rock to cause the shaking that we feel during an earthquake. Earthquakes tend to be concentrated in narrow zones. There are 7 major crustal plates on earth, about 80 km thick,

12、all in constant motion relative to one another. They move at between 10 and 130 mm per year. It is estimated that there are several million earthquakes in the world each year. Many of these earthquakes go undetected(未探查的) because they occur in remote areas or have very small magnitudes (震级). The USG

13、S Earthquake Information Center locates 12,000 to 14,000 第 3 页 共 5 页earthquakes each year (about 35 per day). On average, about 60 earthquakes per year are classified as significant, with 19 classified as major. A significant earthquake is one of magnitude 6.5 or higher or one of lesser magnitude that causes casualties (伤亡) or considerable damage. Major earthquakes have a magnitude larger than 7.0. 1.The main idea of the pa



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